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Everything posted by under_where?

  1. All of those people are good but there is a team out there that no one knows about........ Jacobson and Mitchell out of Warren just started playing mixed doubles last week and go first in the EC tournament. I know its one tournament but expect the wins to just keep coming..........
  2. I think it is going to be the same story, but a different chapter. Warriors will come out ready to play and will be ahead........ Then the Warriors will have some errors and let this game slip. So lets play some defense Warriors. Come On!!!
  3. Yeah thats great...... Now everyone for the Astros will hit in the 200's and strike out at least 100 times before the all-star break. >
  4. I hate to say i told you so..... but i told you so.... The following is a list what the Warriors need to improve on. 1.)Defense/Pitching 2.)Defense/Pitching 3.)Defense/Pitching 4.)Defense/Pitching 5.)Defense/Pitching
  5. Yeah, Esway is fast for this district, but dont forget about one of the best athlete in the area....... Kelby Shandy-Kerby. Kelby may have suffered a injury that caused him to showcase his speed in football. By the time district gets here count on him to beat out Esway in the sprinting events. Not only does this kid have talent he as a ton of heart,
  6. I think Warren should win but there defense is shakier than my grandpa's cerabral palsy.... jk... though.... If they fix that they are a contender for sure if they dont they are only a pretender.
  7. If only Warren had a powerlifting team..... I hear they have a kid from Russia named Sean Craus. I hear this boy is a man child. >
  8. allright Deavers is good, but Minick is great. I've seen both play they're both players, just Minick all the way.......
  9. Yeah, there good i guess , but the best overal team has to be Warren. They've got Word and Carnley playing doubles. I dont think anyone in the area can hang with them. Also, know they will have Mitchell and Jacobson playing mixed doubles.
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