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Everything posted by Donedeel!

  1. Is that a picture of PNG. I don't see any horseshoes!!!!
  2. Game must not start til 7
  3. Any updates yet?
  4. As confident as Bobcatnation was someone out there must have some rooms reserved in Bryan Tx that they don't need anymore. Because I am having a hard time finding rooms up there!!!  It's a Done DEEL!!! I Hope
  5. He should do fine in HD against smaller slower corners.  Maybe the coaches out there can teach him to finish running a route.  That was something that was missing from his game in Liberty.  But man he could sure catch a jump ball over small corners!!!
  6. Liberty Panthers have no discipline, no heart, and no fight.  It is time to bring in  a Coach that will get the most out of the Kids.  Someone line Coach Slack.  Coach Karen Slack that is!! Liberty Girls fight in every sport they play. They are the only positive thing that happens in the Athletic Department in Liberty!!! Maybe the Football Coaches should take lessons form the Girls Athletics!!! It's a Done Deel!!!
  7. Does anyone know of a 7 on 7 District Liberty can try and get in on Friday Nights?  You must not need any HEART to be good at FLAG Football.  Go Panther!!!  IT'S A DONE DEEL!!!!
  8. Huffman 42 Liberty 0 4 minutes left in 2nd qtr IT'S A DONE DEEL!!!!
  9. Liberty!! It's a Done Deel!!!
  10. One win does not make a Season!
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