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six burg

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Everything posted by six burg

  1. We need to fix a few things with the present healthcare system. starting with politicians being paid off by pharmaseutical companies.
  2. It cost the same as my private insurance. The problem is finding doctors and facilities to participate.
  3. Just sayin, he seems to be a better business man than Trump. And you guys think Trumps business savy makes him a good president choice. Bezos also has no divorces, hasn't gone bankrupt and no lawsuits except when Trump tried to sue him.
  4. [Hidden Content] Thats BS and you know it, many times bad cops have shot unarmed black guys
  5. At least Roof didn't get shot by police!
  6. Is this a new strategy, make fun of your own party?
  7. Doesn't really matter which party affiliation.
  8. They can make ground in 2018, but they better not show up in 2020 with a Hillary or Bernie.
  9. Thanks for your rudeness. Now I will read it!
  10. I am paying for it for a relative, i have private insurance that the cost has been going up on for 20years. My son has great insurance, he works for Jeff Bezos, maybe Bezos should run for prez and show um how its done.
  11. I am not on this board everyday, thats why I am asking full time folks.
  12. Kinda like Mexico will pay for the wall!
  13. Do you have the ACA?
  14. Did Dylan Roof stop for a burger on the way to the police station or was it fake news.
  15. Can you imagine the outrage if Obama would have made the grab um statement. The pubs wouldn't have called it locker room talk.
  16. Obama didn't make a statement about shooting someone and keeping his loyalty , sir.
  17. [Hidden Content] Loyalty from his followers no matter what
  18. They said maybe he didn't act alone or maybe he didn't do it at all.
  19. Just the white liberal males according to you
  20. The last 56 topics , 5 were by tobie, one by hoops, and 50 by one sided conservatives.
  21. Just not quite as much and often
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