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six burg

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Everything posted by six burg

  1. Like to remind myself why i stay off of this political sight. Could use it to teach my kids a thing or two.
  2. I really don't want to get involved in war between you guys and Toby but i saw the president him saying that he would back....well here it is [Hidden Content]
  3. I don't have much time for this political fighting. just curious every now and then. used to throw a few jabs at Nash and Smitty. Can't really involve to much of my life in this type of activity. Good day peeps.
  4. Nappy is pulling your strings dude and from reading some of your post, you don't give a da.....about pamfam.
  5. Maybe nappy should understand that your opinon is way more important than his opinion. Right!
  6. He had already been United States Senator for 2 yrs, does that job not require one
  7. Can't wait to see how much better the world is gonna be.
  8. Trump is a better republican than anyone out there, he just told them what they wanted to hear to get elected.
  9. Nothing will change for the better Mr Mack, doesn't matter what crook is in office!
  10. Big Girl your wasting your time arguing with Mr. 18000 post Nash and all of his cronies! Find something better to do!
  11. Anyone thats not a republican needs to get off of this site and find something better to do with their lives. The sports side maybe, but not this political site. This is a hate filled site, I look in every now and then and its totally crazy.
  12. You would be a better choice this year! No doubt!
  13. Good job Mr. 18,000 post. Keep spreading peace and joy!
  14. Im not either, and your calling out a whole race of people. few people involved in the mess your talking about. I don't call out groups of people because of the antics of some. Your response was dumb and ignorant.
  15. I agree accept i can't vote for either one, will complain either way though.
  16. Its gonna get worse no matter which one of these fools win.
  17. Against a guy that has nothing to do but post on a message board. Yes he is.
  18. Almost 18000 post, why don't you run for office.
  19. You need to take a good look at yourself
  20. Its called The Right to Vote!
  21. Its amazing how on this board people argue and disagree all day for two presidential candidates that are both liars and are both crooked. they have both done very unpresidential things. These two candidates are trash candidates. Neither deserves to occupy the white house. Trump has talked very badly about Ted yet ted supports him, same for the Obama's and Hillary. A lying crook will become president November 8th either way.
  22. Back to the sports forum. The sports forum folks have a little more etiquette.
  23. Tx Hoops and Westend One seem like the only logical folks on this page. New Tobie and Englebert are sick!
  24. kudos sad dog
  25. If it comes down to coaching, Pam is in trouble!
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