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six burg

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Everything posted by six burg

  1. We have enough video of Trump making a fool of himself. None should be fabricated
  2. Robert E Lee led an army killing other Americans. And we want a statue of this man. Christopher Columbus was prays for lying and saying that he discovered a country where other folks already existed.
  3. American slave owners would beat slaves till they were near death, then pour salt in the wound. and you guys try to act like muslims are the only ones guilty of hideous evil doings.
  4. I wouldn't say that Trump is a racist. A Liar, Bully, Bigot is more fitting, Trump lies when the truth would do fine.
  5. Chump should have inherited what Obama did in 2008, and see where he would be in six months. The jobs report has been good for a while before chump took office. Alrhough it was fake then.
  6. The folks on this board change the narrative every day to fit their beloved trump. Trump calls the white house a dump, his mouth is a dump. What if Kapernick called the white house a dump. Boards like this make conservatives feel better about themselves. Most of them cannot voice the same opinions in public without looking stupid.
  7. I agree with Trump for not showing his taxes, why would he cause trouble for himself.
  8. your a sad sad man! Judge Englebert!
  9. Its Independence Day and I pray that everyone had a great day today! People used to put on some bbq and good music and enjoy each others company. Now with social media and cell phones many times at a get together you find many holding their cell phones and giving their attention to them. While talking with someone having a good conversation, if a cell phone beeps, people tend to divide their attention. Maybe someday people can get back to really enjoying each others company again. Eating some good food and listening to some good music.
  10. Jeff bezos for president. Jeff has become the second richest man on the planet. My son just went to work for amazon. when i looked at his healthcare plan i was amazed, with Obamacare( or the ACA) causing so many health premiums to rise for so many, why does the second richest man on the planet offer medical care to his people for $24 per month. Through Bluecross or Aetna, Low deductables and out of max out of pocket. Way better insurance than the local refinery offers me.
  11. 8 years as president cant be taken away!
  12. You are a confused little man.
  13. Obama won two elections!
  14. Mitt Romney was out of touch with the working man. He closed down companies and screwed the working man time and time again.
  15. i'll answer that one, probably for the same reason you idolize Trump!
  16. Keep believing in the Donald!
  17. How can Jeff Bezos and Amazon offer help insurance to their employees at $12 per month. Screw you Wal Mart! If the ACA cause this to triple it must have been $4 before.
  18. you don't intimidate me at all!
  19. And you patronize Rush Limbaugh
  20. trump started this media fake news crap. i believe he would like to do away with the media and have everyone listen to what he says only. Smart people listen to the news around them and then form their own opinion.
  21. This is the exact problem with this board. I have been accused of being racist on this board because i don't go along with the majority. i say things against trump because thats my belief. I probably have more white friends than the dozen conservatives left on this board have black ones. I don't mind free stuff for the retired, elderly, working poor and children. i need either party to stay the @#$% away from my social security and don't mind the same group of people mentioned before having help with healthcare. Don't care for Trump because i was raised to respect women and all races of people. Trump seems to not care much about this way of living.
  22. do you? (Oops, stupid arse question)
  23. Hillary has been investigated and found innocent, so what evidence do you have.
  24. President Obama is living his life. He's not a setxsports .com expert like you though!
  25. If she is guilty of a crime she shouldn't be let off. Somebody in trumps admin. is guilty of a crime right now. We just don't know which ones yet. jeff sessions has lied to the feds, Michael Flynn is hiding something. Paul ryan is just one crooked bast...d.
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