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six burg

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Everything posted by six burg

  1. Tobie is in the !st grade and your in the second, you should realte very well
  2. The president said that Hillary has been through enough and that he would not prosecute her! What a piece of work!
  3. The President?
  4. go feed your cats!
  5. Before I leave do you have anything to say that makes sense other than your hatred for liberals.
  6. not a threat , i just don't have 20,000 post here.
  7. I would never run from someone like you
  8. history
  9. Not excusing Maher, but if oreilly was using the word, he would definately be using it towards a black person and would never use it towards himself.
  10. No argument on this board to hard for me. This is just a little message board dude, no one has any power here. Most people on here probably can't say what they want in person. They have to come here to let off steam.
  11. some folks just don't have the time to be on this board everday, all day. I don't, I may type 3 or 4 things and might not log back in for a month
  12. spot on Pam Fam.....this Englebert guy just wants to throw insults towards liberals and praise conservatives no matter what
  13. Make no mistake , I will never run from anyone on this message board.
  14. Many people don't post everyday all day on this site. Life has to be lived you know.
  15. Nothing against you, i just think political statements like the republican and democratic congressman can be common ground and it doesn't get discussed much.
  16. I care more about some of the folks thats been in congress for 40 years than i do Trump. Meaning i want term limits.
  17. Im not going to get into this much with you. do most of my debating in person! Really like the sports part of this board during football season. Now that they put the topics on the right hand side, like to see whats being said over here every now and then. most of it is hilarious.
  18. Obama didn't make America Great Again for me. Looks like trump probably won't succeed at this either. But I'm doing a pretty damn good job of it myself.
  19. I wouldn't respond. But if you have the time, thats your business.
  20. was just comparing some of his key words to some of the key words from others on this board that play the game of stupidity also.
  21. Some of your stuff is entertaining also! Especialy when you are responding to Tobie!
  22. Obama black man
  23. grab um thug president
  24. Seems to me that tobie may just be trying to agitate, why would he take the role of agitator? Well maybe he shouldn't participate on this site. The site is mostly conservative and it is conservative good/liberal bad. The conservative and liberal politicians are taking all of us for a ride. Keep defending these leaders and taking up for them and keep getting screwed.
  25. Was waiting just to see what his response would be. Comedy!
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