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Posts posted by usedtobe

  1. [quote name="AnyGivenFriday" post="1350274" timestamp="1354814073"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=106997.msg1350265#msg1350265 date=1354812986]
    [quote author=bronco pride link=topic=106997.msg1350260#msg1350260 date=1354812540]
    [quote author=baddog link=topic=106997.msg1350251#msg1350251 date=1354811740]
    Dawson wasn't a monster? Oh yeah, they were overrated.

    This is what playoff football is all about, otherwise it's BCS  style crapola and Georgetown would not have honorable mention. You beat the team that is there, you bested them.
    [/quote]your right dawson was overrated thats why their home. Your also right you can only beat who is front of you. Im just saying the team in front of ned now is much better than ned. Im not knocking ned heck if you go look at the old post titled dayton and ned who you got I said ned was the better team before we played. I also said dawson was overrated many times throughout the year. If I hadnt seen gt last weekend I wouldnt even make commets on this game. But I have seen gt and ned both play abd will tell you it will take gt making alot of mistakes for ned to win.

    Bronco, you had your season and it's OVER.  Why can't you just go home and shut up - OR - at least be
    supportive of a local area team that is still in the playoffs.
    Is that too much to ask?

    What's with all you crybabies on here?  :'(  We can't even state our opinion without you getting offended. If you were so confident in your puppies, you wouldn't get upset...
    How are you,"AnyGF", related to bronco pride?  Do you
    have his proxy OR are you a Dayton wannabe?
  2. [quote name="bronco pride" post="1350260" timestamp="1354812540"]
    [quote author=baddog link=topic=106997.msg1350251#msg1350251 date=1354811740]
    Dawson wasn't a monster? Oh yeah, they were overrated.

    This is what playoff football is all about, otherwise it's BCS  style crapola and Georgetown would not have honorable mention. You beat the team that is there, you bested them.
    [/quote]your right dawson was overrated thats why their home. Your also right you can only beat who is front of you. Im just saying the team in front of ned now is much better than ned. Im not knocking ned heck if you go look at the old post titled dayton and ned who you got I said ned was the better team before we played. I also said dawson was overrated many times throughout the year. If I hadnt seen gt last weekend I wouldnt even make commets on this game. But I have seen gt and ned both play abd will tell you it will take gt making alot of mistakes for ned to win.

    Bronco, you had your season and it's OVER.  Why can't you just go home and shut up - OR - at least be
    supportive of a local area team that is still in the playoffs.
    Is that too much to ask?
  3. [quote name="sbash1994" post="1350045" timestamp="1354760721"]
    Any thoughts on Spurger this year? I know they got a new coach who is also the new AD.

    Sorry, I very seldom think of Spurger - in any scenario.  I know that I will get some smites for this, but that's just the way it is.  Why should I have any thoughts on Spurger this year, or any other year? ???
  4. [quote name="badndn" post="1349975" timestamp="1354752328"]
    I think the best two 3A teams in the state are playing in this one. Different styles, but great at what they do. Loser here has nothing to hang their head about.
    Keys to winning for WOS:
    1. Pressure on QB. Chain Gang DEs are not big, but are very sound and fast, that and the DBs can cover like no other which gives that line more time to get pressure. Big test for them.
    2. Stang offense needs to grind it out. Keep the D rested and the Rattler O on the side lines. Nothing frustrates a great offense and makes them get outta their game like keepin them on the sidelines for long periods.
    THIS IS MUSTANG FOOTBALL like I saw back in the late 80's.
    Good Luck Mustangs!

    Good stuff, "ndn."
  5. [quote name="Michael" post="1350021" timestamp="1354757735"]
    I Can still see those moments in my head...I can see bay city's fullback chewing up
    Our defense. I Can see Sean yoder trying desperately to score. I can see paddio streaking down the field and driscoll fighting for yards... And I see Joe Ramoin being denied at the goal line... I see Ben Mcphersons first interception in the dome... Cool memories... So many more!!

    C'mon you guys!  Get the hell out of THEN and get into NOW.  We need to kick some Georgetown arse right now!
  6. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1349817" timestamp="1354736049"]
    [quote author=Stephen A Smith link=topic=107145.msg1349811#msg1349811 date=1354735236]
    i personally think this is a Great loss fo Silsbee... to me it shows them that no matter whaT EVEN WITH A TEAM AT 97% full strength they are not invinsiable and [b]the egos and attitudes have to go in order to accomplish the major goal at hand[/b]

    I definitely agree with the part that I put in bold.

    I did not see the game.  But I have confidence in AggiesAreWe to observe and report - without prejudice - what he sees.  So it may be a case of Silsbee "Stars"
    wanting to take over.  But, again, I remind everyone that
    last Friday Silsbee had some key basketball starters
    playing in a football game.  If you haven't done it, then
    I'll tell you that it takes more than 4 days practice to convert from the football field to the hardwood floor. ::)
  7. [quote name="godawggo" post="1349884" timestamp="1354743235"]
    [quote author=BigRed42 link=topic=106997.msg1349881#msg1349881 date=1354743067]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=106997.msg1349875#msg1349875 date=1354742279]
    [quote author=DOGS1988 link=topic=106997.msg1349864#msg1349864 date=1354740599]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=106997.msg1349854#msg1349854 date=1354739682]
    [quote author=DOGS1988 link=topic=106997.msg1349750#msg1349750 date=1354728872]
    AnyGivenFriday, ......I can tell you don't know anything about Nederland.  We have seen posters like you ALL season, and we have put down teams like yours ALL season.  I have heard nothing but good things about your Georgetown team....I look forward to seeing them play my DOGS. I find it a shame that the hardwork your team and coaches have put in to earn the respect, good sportsmanship and discipline that they are known for, to be torn down by a fanbase that is the opposite, showing extreme disrespect to their opponent.  Once you see what our team will do this Saturday, I feel certain you will be a lot more humble in your feeling towards our team and fanbase, and possibly, have some respect.  We want to play the best teams, we welcome that. We want to see what we are made of. So bring it Saturday, the DOGS sure are, just like we did for Dawson.  I expect Georgetown will do the same.  These boys are going to play their hearts out and leave it all on the field.  IF we don't win, you will witness a true champion in the good sportsmanship they will show in congratulating your team.  All we ask, is that Georgetown do the same for us.  Good luck to both of our teams Saturday, and may the best team win!

    GO BULLDOGS....beat the Eagles!!!!!!

    :-* I'm voting you in for sweetest little Boy Scout 2012

    Pay attention...look at my signature line under my posts....smh ::)

    [b]Proud Mother of a US NAVY SAILOR[/b]

    Sorry about that. I normally try not to pay too much attention to Nederland fans, because of all the nonsense that spews out of their big mouths.

    Wow. I hope we win this week so I don't ever have to listen to your crap again. The only reason you came on here and made an account is to talk trash. If you can't admit that it is going to be a close game, you are drinking waaaaaay too much of your team's kool-aid. There are rarely blow outs at this stage in the playoffs and these 2 teams match up really well against each other. If Nederland loses, you'll be all over this board saying I told you so. I will accept and eat my crow. If Georgetown loses, I bet you will never type in setxsports.com into your url again. Here's to a injury free game, and may the better team win on Saturday.
    There are a few other people on here that are doing the same thing, Georgetown???

    I'm hoping and thinking that "Anygiven" is going to have a short career with us. 8)
  8. [quote name="j_dog" post="1349888" timestamp="1354743689"]
    [quote author=scatright link=topic=107016.msg1347518#msg1347518 date=1354430582]
    there is always "someone"

    Maybe NOT this year.  It's been awhile; is this the year the Eagles fly all the way to the top?  Let's hope so, Southeast Texas! 8)
  9. [quote name="AnyGivenFriday" post="1349887" timestamp="1354743640"]
    [quote author=SteelerCzy link=topic=107016.msg1349879#msg1349879 date=1354742730]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=107016.msg1349876#msg1349876 date=1354742509]
    [quote author=SteelerCzy link=topic=107016.msg1349758#msg1349758 date=1354729497]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=107016.msg1349729#msg1349729 date=1354727301]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=107016.msg1349694#msg1349694 date=1354724276]
    [quote author=DatBoyLenny link=topic=107016.msg1349663#msg1349663 date=1354722510]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=107016.msg1349634#msg1349634 date=1354719688]
    Not only would Deweyville strum Newton, but they would go on to eat WOS for a midnight snack right after that just for the fun of it!

    I know for sure now he jokin, funny guy

    He's not jokin' - he's just the newest IDIOT among us.  Every community has one; seems like Deweyville and Kirbyville have more than their share. ;D 8)

    Yeah, that's what they'll be saying about Newton if they ever have the misfortune of being redistricted with Deweyville. "They used to be something." Times have changed, boys. This is a new Deweyville. Don't forget it.
    Just another Troll like Falcon trying to start crap, your not even from Deweyville. We support Newton and always have, what a joke you are.

    I support them too, but they just can't compete with Deweyville anymore. This is a well known fact, bud.
    ::) ::) I think you been smoking too much of your "bud" Bud.  ;D ;D

    I get my 'high' from watching them bad to the bone Deweyville Pirates lay the smack down on their opponents.  8)

    Then you should be stone cold SOBER by now. 8)
  10. [quote name="utfan06" post="1349733" timestamp="1354727741"]
    [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=107145.msg1349728#msg1349728 date=1354727248]
    [quote author=ST413 link=topic=107145.msg1349710#msg1349710 date=1354725355]
    I agree, I was not expecting Lee to play as well as they did. Congratulations to them on  win the win. I do feel that if the Tigers would have played better we wouldn't even be having a discussion though.
    [/quote] I to believe the Tigers  get it together.  And They will need to because H-J is a little bit better than Baytown Lee.
    Lol more than a little

    I'm going to assume that the Silsbee "Nay" sayers know that there were some basketball starters playing football last Friday night.  If you didn't know it, I'm glad I could be of service. 8)
  11. [quote name="BmtTopFlight2017" post="1349719" timestamp="1354726261"]
    The officiating in Beaumont has become tainted by some officials dislike for certain players,coaches and or schools. You can pretend like they don't have a personal vendetta against some schools but it's too obvious. The YMBL was a perfect example....maybe they need to be retrained because this is notmthe 80's or 90's...Ask those Houston schools will they come back to the ymbl tournament...Call it by the book not how YOU feel about it...

    If you sincerely believe that, then report it to the local chapter.  They evaluate the performance of the officials in most of their games.  The officials are graded and have a standing in the chapter roster.  If your grade goes south then you get to go do the lesser games of the evening.  I've noticed that since you have come on the site that you have no problem shooting your mouth off.  Here's a chance for you to do something constructive - are you up to it? 8)
  12. [quote name="oldman" post="1349650" timestamp="1354720983"]
    [quote author=5gallonbucket link=topic=107160.msg1349606#msg1349606 date=1354716973]
    book keepers and clock operators please leave your D@%n phones in your vehicle.  I see it too often these people playing/texting/talking on their phones while working books or operating clock......acting like a bunch of kids. [b]I just want slap the _____ out you[/b].

    I heard there was issues at the silsbee/lee game...bookkeeper not even notifying the refs of someone fouling out till after that player played several possessions and that a player possibly had one to many fouls marked down for him.
    not sure if the bookkeeper was distracted by a phone or fans, but it does show lack of focus of the job at hand

    I agree with you on these points.  I will say this however,  some of these people dont get paid to run the cloth or keep the book.  It is assigned.  If they were paid then maybe they would take a better interest in what they are doing.

    Hope you don't slap your kids..... :o :o :o

    I think it's more connected with what is going on at Lee in general.  Not much "Give a d ---" over there anymore.
  13. [quote name="DatBoyLenny" post="1349663" timestamp="1354722510"]
    [quote author=AnyGivenFriday link=topic=107016.msg1349634#msg1349634 date=1354719688]
    Not only would Deweyville strum Newton, but they would go on to eat WOS for a midnight snack right after that just for the fun of it!

    I know for sure now he jokin, funny guy

    He's not jokin' - he's just the newest IDIOT among us.  Every community has one; seems like Deweyville and Kirbyville have more than their share. ;D 8)
  14. [quote name="gdickert" post="1349667" timestamp="1354722878"]
    PORT ARTHUR -- At the onset of the 2012-2013 season, no one knew anything about the Lamar State College-Port Arthur Seahawks.
    Now, the word is getting out.
    The Seahawks, at 9-0 overall and 3-0 in Region XIV play, have moved into the Division I national poll, landing at 19th after this past week’s wins over Trinity Valley Community College and Panola College.
    “We’re honored to be listed among the top teams in the nation,” Lamar State Coach Lance Madison said. “But our focus has to be on our next opponent. We can’t be satisfied with where we are; we have to move on to the next goal.”
    The Seahawks entered this season with Madison taking over not only as the Seahawks’ new coach but as his first season as a head coach anywhere. Add to that the fact that not one player returned from last season’s Region XIV regular-season championship team and most folks weren’t holding out much hope for Lamar State as a basketball power in 2012-13. The preseason polls were indicative of a wait-and-see attitude among prognosticators as the Hawks were picked to finish sixth in the South Zone.
    But as the Seahawks hit the road for Paris Junior College and tonight’s 7 p.m. Region XIV tipoff, they are the only team still undefeated for the season in the region and one of three without a loss in conference play. No surprise that Navarro is 3-0 in conference but new league addition Coastal Bend CC is also untouched through three games. Neither Navarro nor Coastal Bend are listed among the top NJCAA Division I teams in the nation this week.
    Sharing room in the NJCAA Top 20 are Region XIV teams San Jacinto College-Central and Kilgore Junior College, lending credence to the long-held fact that the region is among the most difficult in the country.
    “That says a lot about the tradition and the reputation of the conference we’re in,” Madison said. “So to be ranked along with teams like San Jacinto and Kilgore really is an honor.”
    Paris, which is 6-5 overall and 1-2 in conference play, has lost two straight to Coastal Bend and San Jacinto coming into tonight’s showdown with Lamar State.
    The Dragons bring three players averaging in double-figures, led by sophomore guard Eddie Leal with 14.0 points per game. Another pair of sophomore guards, Anthony Adams and Mike Harmon, are averaging 10.6 and 10.4 ppg. Adams has been the hot hand since conference play began, hitting 12.3 points per game in three outings.
    Freshman guard/forward Ty Allen leads the Seahawks this season with 20.7 points per game, good enough to rank him 18th in the nation in scoring. Sophomore guard/forward Kieran Woods is hitting for 16.4 points per game and Jamal Shabazz is scoring 10.8 per game with a team-high 8.3 rebounds a game this season.
    Also working on the inside for Lamar State is 7-foot-1 center Anthony Allen. His 3.2 blocks per game has him ranked No. 5 in the nation in that category. This past Saturday against Panola College, he knocked down 10 blocked shots, seven coming in the first half alone.
    “Paris is good fundamentally and they will play us man-to-man. We’re going to have to be strong inside and take advantage of our opportunities to score,” Madison said.
    The Hawks will return for one final home game before the holiday break, taking on Bossier Parish Community College on Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Carl Parker Center in Port Arthur.

    Good article, Gary. 8)
  15. [quote name="dogbite" post="1349655" timestamp="1354721914"]
    It will be a battle.  These two teams seem very similar in a lot of ways, but totally different in the game plans.  Both have good athletes... Think it just comes down to who has the best game preparation and planning with fewest mistakes.

    Very GOOD and concise analysis.  I hate the fence riders that start with the cliche' "Depends on which (home) team that shows up."  And then they go on to say that if their team doesn't fumble and if their team doesn't have
    any interceptions and if their team has their best running
    game of the season and if their team has no injuries and if they have the correct pressure in the bus tires - THEN
    their team will win.  Geeeeez. ::)
  16. [quote name="ST413" post="1347472" timestamp="1354425109"]
    Just want to congratulate Carthage on the win last night.  You were definitely the better team last night.  The size difference on the line on both sides of the ball was the big difference.  We had no answer for your running game.  Maybe if we could have connected on a few of those passes in the first half(one of which would have been a td),  we might have been able to establish a little better running game and at least run some time off the clock giving our defense a rest and preventing that last score. Then we might have had some chance to pull it out or at least make it real interesting.  With that offensive line,  we needed to force you into a passing game and hope our secondary could make some plays.  With that said,  I have to say with all that size and the yards the rb s gained,  I was most impressed with your QB,  he was very poised and made good decisions.  He gave the appearance of a good college qb running the offense.  Good luck the rest of the way.

    I would also like to congratulate my Tigers.  You had a great year.  I don't know if many people really expected you to make it anywhere near this far.  To the seniors, thanks for the memories.  To those returning next year,  its time to work even harder to get back here next year and try to go farther.

    Well stated "413."  Please let me second the entire message above and emphasize THANK YOU TIGERS for a great season.
  17. [quote name="klp24" post="1347529" timestamp="1354435947"]
    Have friends at EC that say they will be good but basketball is not as important to them as it used to be.  I will be at there next game to see for myself. Does anyone know why their coach from last year left?

    I'm not for sure, but it could be that he didn't see anymore Vance McDonalds or Tremaine Thomases coming up. 8)
  18. [quote name="shermdog" post="1347530" timestamp="1354436394"]
    Old rice bird here.  Excited for the chance to see them play.  Dad coached there for 15 years.    Liltex, family making the trip.  I need somebody to bring some mikeskas.

    "Rice bird" as in El Campo?  Howdy, Buddy.  I'm an old Eagle as in Eagle Lake - now morphed into Rice Consolidated.  Praying for your safe travel. :)
  19. [quote name="the-riot07" post="1347532" timestamp="1354441593"]
    Let's be honest neither team has played anyone close to as good as our competition will be this week. Lamarque was an athletic team but over rated in my book. [u][i][b]Coldsprings[/b][/i][/u] actually sucked in my book. We shut out LCM. And coldsprings gave up 35 to them so not empressed with navasota or lamarque beating them. And I know wos hasn't faced a team as good as navasota on either side of the ball. But I believe our corners can match up with their receivers man to man and our pass rush will have their qb on the move most of the night. Navasota will turn the ball over in this game believe it or not and the stangs will capitalize like always. Will be a great game!!!!! Like I predicted earlier...

    It's Coldspring!  That's singular, not plural.
  20. [quote name="jkbtjc53" post="1346853" timestamp="1354389804"]
    [quote author=ozensfinest link=topic=106919.msg1346104#msg1346104 date=1354334678]
    Funny thing about this WOS is good like this every year but when it comes down to competing with the big boys they always lose

    Im sorry were you serious?  WOS does more with less then anybody,  year in and year out. And no wos is not this good every year. But they are always better then Ozen every year.

    Also guys the highlight has been updated more games have been added enjoy

    And, Ozensfinest (I hope that's a play on words and not meant to be taken literally), where are you guys playing football this coming weekend?  What was that?  You're not?  Why is that?  Ohhhh, I see - don't want to talk about it.  I understand.  Keep it in the gym. 8)
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