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Posts posted by usedtobe

  1. [quote name="MrUmp1" post="1332959" timestamp="1353107948"]
    [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=106228.msg1332927#msg1332927 date=1353106454]
    [quote author=prepballfan link=topic=106228.msg1332923#msg1332923 date=1353106334]
    Still working on these?????

    YES, I AM!!!! I got a lot more important tasks to complete than to how close you can associate yourself to Jimmy the Greek!

    One more word about those stupid pickems and THEY WON'T GO UP!
    Only thing I have in common with Jimmy the Greek is maybe waist size!!!

    Oooooooooooo!  Lay off, Guys. :-X
  2. [quote name="cougar2011" post="1337452" timestamp="1353369490"]
    [quote author=venom33 link=topic=106415.msg1334861#msg1334861 date=1353175442]
    [quote author=skipper link=topic=106415.msg1334819#msg1334819 date=1353172460]
    IMO i do belive west orange stark will have there handsfull this comming friday west columbia has a outstanding running game one of the best in 3a can the mustangs stop them

    IMO I do believe West Columbia will have THEIR hands full this coming Friday. WOS has an outstanding defense, THE BEST in 3a. Will West Columbia even score?  ;) ;) ;)

    I wouldnt say the best defense in 3a....

    C'mon, Man!  Go ahead and say it. :) 8)
  3. [quote name="Stevenash" post="1323629" timestamp="1352401463"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=105428.msg1323607#msg1323607 date=1352400350]
    [quote author=Stevenash link=topic=105428.msg1323569#msg1323569 date=1352398625]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=105428.msg1323562#msg1323562 date=1352398244]
    [quote author=Stevenash link=topic=105428.msg1323529#msg1323529 date=1352397243]
    [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105428.msg1323517#msg1323517 date=1352396685]
    Wil Silsbee ever host a tourney?

    Why dont you offer to establish a tourney for Silsbee and foot the bill?
    Nash, you "Master" baiter, you!  You know that he would hype it off the charts but when it comes to execution, he's a tad short on "Git 'er done." ;D

    I fully understand that "tad short" comment.  I was thinking, though, that he could ask AAW to forgive the $1000 he owes AAW  in exchange for putting up 10 grand to run the tourney.  He makes lots of money and really doesnt need it like the rest of us do.
    Now that the 2012 election has been settled, I understand that AAW is taking his case to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder.  Oh, hold a sec - - -  just read the thicker tape and it seems like Holder is considering resigning to avoid impeachment.  Well, another delay for AAW's collection effort.  I hope that our RE-ELECTED President does a better job of vetting his cabinet this time around (Msg. to file:  appoint a Czar of "Vetting") cause he probably will need a Secy of State along with Atty General and I'm betting there will be other cabinet vacancies to fill.  The nation would have been more stable if we had elected that dynamic ticket "BadSanta/BlueDove."  Maybe they could get Dickie V to come back to be Atty. General.  Geeeez!

    Surely you arent suggesting that there are those who dont want to be associated with the results of the upcoming term?  Or possibly dont want to be around when the results of Benghazi are finally known?
    All of the above, my Friend - and "Fast & Furious results also.
  4. [quote name="Stangpride" post="1323640" timestamp="1352402207"]
    [quote author=#1stangfan link=topic=105649.msg1323623#msg1323623 date=1352401104]
    I wouldn't be so bold to predict a shutout.  That is being a bit disrespectful to a very good Silsbee offense.  I think/hope we do win, but it will be a good game.
    Really your mustang fan? So its not disrepectul for Silsbee to think there gonna beat us? Ha, I know each & everyone of these boys & they have worked really hard to get here & they are not about to give up!
    You have missed the whole point of his/her post, haven't you?  Can you explain how it is disrepectful for the Silsbee team to go into this game with THE EXACT SAME FEELINGS THAT YOU EXPRESS THAT THE MUSTANGS HAVE and Silsbee's is disrepectful but WO-S's is good ole hard work and a never give up attitude.  No, you can't explain it because you don't even understand what I said.  Geeeeez.
  5. [quote name="LB76" post="1323584" timestamp="1352399353"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=105933.msg1323576#msg1323576 date=1352398970]
    [quote author=LB76 link=topic=105933.msg1323519#msg1323519 date=1352396717]
    Word on the street is Montana and Moore are setting out Friday night to be ready for the playoffs.... ;D ;D ;D ;D
    I think that the Vidor City Manager (at the request of Coach Mattherws) just cordoned off and closed that street. Wouldn't wager a lot on that word! ;D

    Good one, usedtobe. Since the street has been closed, I guess there is not much truth in it, but, hey a guy can hope!! Looking forward to seeing Vidor this Friday, maybe the Bears can hang in and make it a game. I guess Coach Mathews just has too much clout around here, lol.
    He da' Man in Vidor.  And, what's not to love.  It will be a good game. :)
  6. [quote name="Stevenash" post="1323569" timestamp="1352398625"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=105428.msg1323562#msg1323562 date=1352398244]
    [quote author=Stevenash link=topic=105428.msg1323529#msg1323529 date=1352397243]
    [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105428.msg1323517#msg1323517 date=1352396685]
    Wil Silsbee ever host a tourney?

    Why dont you offer to establish a tourney for Silsbee and foot the bill?
    Nash, you "Master" baiter, you!  You know that he would hype it off the charts but when it comes to execution, he's a tad short on "Git 'er done." ;D

    I fully understand that "tad short" comment.  I was thinking, though, that he could ask AAW to forgive the $1000 he owes AAW  in exchange for putting up 10 grand to run the tourney.  He makes lots of money and really doesnt need it like the rest of us do.
    Now that the 2012 election has been settled, I understand that AAW is taking his case to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder.  Oh, hold a sec - - -  just read the thicker tape and it seems like Holder is considering resigning to avoid impeachment.  Well, another delay for AAW's collection effort.  I hope that our RE-ELECTED President does a better job of vetting his cabinet this time around (Msg. to file:  appoint a Czar of "Vetting") cause he probably will need a Secy of State along with Atty General and I'm betting there will be other cabinet vacancies to fill.  The nation would have been more stable if we had elected that dynamic ticket "BadSanta/BlueDove."  Maybe they could get Dickie V to come back to be Atty. General.  Geeeez!
  7. [quote name="Stevenash" post="1323529" timestamp="1352397243"]
    [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105428.msg1323517#msg1323517 date=1352396685]
    Wil Silsbee ever host a tourney?

    Why dont you offer to establish a tourney for Silsbee and foot the bill?
    Nash, you "Master" baiter, you!  You know that he would hype it off the charts but when it comes to execution, he's a tad short on "Git 'er done." ;D
  8. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1323534" timestamp="1352397477"]
    [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=105428.msg1323525#msg1323525 date=1352397103]
    [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105428.msg1323516#msg1323516 date=1352396587]
    Kountze won't beat Humble
    [/quote]Humble will be decent this year. Better than expected.

    Humble is picked to win district 19-4A by TABC and Texprep Basketball.
    Well, they have a chance since Dave Campbell doesn't do basketball and didn't pick 'em. ;D
  9. [quote name="~Kville_Kats~" post="1323504" timestamp="1352395741"]
    [quote author=skipper link=topic=105649.msg1323469#msg1323469 date=1352393615]
    hold on my friend  yes teams will  score on us but to this point thay  have not found the way to do so  in closeing the mustangs dont walk on water

    DITTO...!!!! ;D ;D
    Well, maybe not, but it seems that the Stangs have at the least been [u]galloping[/u] on water in their district games.  ZERO points scored against them in District so far - get outta town with that stuff.  The only advantage that Silsbee has in this contest (if it is indeed an advantage) is home field.  This is such a mismatch in favor of the Mustangs - if Silsbee were to win this game, WO-S should vacate their playoff spot and let some other team go. :-[ :-X 8)
  10. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="1322709" timestamp="1352306884"]
    [quote author=Smoking Baby link=topic=105898.msg1322695#msg1322695 date=1352306133]
    Bay City has crashed over the years.  That town has really declined.  El Campo is always good, not sure why either.  Not any real growth out that far.  Just corn fed football players. 

    Brenham, well pft......  ;D ;D ;D  Just kidding green shoes..... ;)
    El Campo athletes are RICE fed! ::)
  11. [quote name="XDOG" post="1318851" timestamp="1351981762"]
    I said it once I'll say it again. I cant believe Silsbee folks are even entertaining the idea of a win. Hell you better hope you can at least score........once. Silsbee is a talented team but make no mistake they are not at WOS level. Honestly very seldom is anyone . I just hope both teams stay injury free thru this game and both do well in the playoffs. I'm not from Silsbee or WOS but have watched both play. Silsbee -good WOS- better. way better. IMO
    XDOG, you jackass!  What you say may, indeed, be correct.  Silsbee may not score and thus, may not win the game - but if THAT doesn't happen will you have the gonads to come back on here and tell the viewers how stupid you are?  No, I bet that you won't. ::)
  12. [quote name="Gsquared" post="1315984" timestamp="1351781243"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=105533.msg1315956#msg1315956 date=1351779671]
    [quote author=Gsquared link=topic=105533.msg1315948#msg1315948 date=1351778660]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=105533.msg1315938#msg1315938 date=1351777774]
    [quote author=Gsquared link=topic=105533.msg1315926#msg1315926 date=1351777438]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=105533.msg1315918#msg1315918 date=1351776990]
    [quote author=Gsquared link=topic=105533.msg1315898#msg1315898 date=1351774114]
    Hope all my SE TX peeps are doing well.  Coming down for some BC/WOS action tomorrow!  Cant wait.
    Grant, you should have waited a week and took in the WO-S at Silsbee game. ;)

    Thats the one I wanted to go to BUT, I ended up getting a free ticket to BAMA/LSU Saturday so I figured I go to WOS game, spend the night in Orange and only have a 2 1/2-3 hour dive to Baton Rouge Saturday morning!~  Gonna be a good weekend my friend!~

    Totally understand. Have a good one.

    Thank you sir!!!!  Cant wait to get a look at that Mustang defense tomorrow.

    How in THIS WORLD did you get a free ticket to Bama/LSU?  I'm sure you know how precious that thing is! ??? :o :'(

    I lucked in to it.  A buddy of mine has LSU season tickets and his wife cant go so im goin with him.  Right place at the right time.  Theres a greater than zero chance I tail gate to hard and not make it to my seat though

    Awwwwwww, Man!  You're hurting me now.  Here's an idea - you go tail gating and I'll meet your GOOD friend for the ticket/game. :D :) 8)
  13. [quote name="GUNHO" post="1315903" timestamp="1351774730"]
    [quote author=BADSANTA link=topic=105336.msg1315751#msg1315751 date=1351731207]
    I think Silsbee's key to beating WOS is not turning the ball over. If Silsbee can keep WOS on it's heels with a nice balance of Spearman and Reed running the ball along with good passing, Silsbee should be ok. I believe that if you can put together solid drives and play defense Silsbee will win. Silsbee really needs Reed and Spearman to have a big game along with Seth Adams. This is a game where big time players make plays! I will be down for this game!

    I agree.If Silsbee has a perfect game they could win. ::)

    I live in Silsbee; I'm a Silsbee fan. I know it was sarcasm on your part, but you are correct, it will take a perfect game by the Tigers to beat WO-S.  But, IT IS on our home turf and maybe that's a 3 to 6 point advantage.  I certainly hope so.  Go Tigers - play well, Badsanta is going to be there. ::)
  14. [quote name="NDNation" post="1315927" timestamp="1351777455"]
    [quote author=octfeb link=topic=105493.msg1315220#msg1315220 date=1351660533]
    Dang I am getting worse. It's a conspiracy..  :D
    HA HA..You took my last place spot...I moved up ;D

    Bless your heart, Octfeb.  PM me - I'll advise you on schools that you don't know - which seems to be ANYTHING outside of 19-4A. ;) :D ;D 8)
  15. [quote name="Gsquared" post="1315948" timestamp="1351778660"]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=105533.msg1315938#msg1315938 date=1351777774]
    [quote author=Gsquared link=topic=105533.msg1315926#msg1315926 date=1351777438]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=105533.msg1315918#msg1315918 date=1351776990]
    [quote author=Gsquared link=topic=105533.msg1315898#msg1315898 date=1351774114]
    Hope all my SE TX peeps are doing well.  Coming down for some BC/WOS action tomorrow!  Cant wait.
    Grant, you should have waited a week and took in the WO-S at Silsbee game. ;)

    Thats the one I wanted to go to BUT, I ended up getting a free ticket to BAMA/LSU Saturday so I figured I go to WOS game, spend the night in Orange and only have a 2 1/2-3 hour dive to Baton Rouge Saturday morning!~  Gonna be a good weekend my friend!~

    Totally understand. Have a good one.

    Thank you sir!!!!  Cant wait to get a look at that Mustang defense tomorrow.

    How in THIS WORLD did you get a free ticket to Bama/LSU?  I'm sure you know how precious that thing is! ??? :o :'(
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