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Posts posted by usedtobe

  1. [quote name="85' HUSKER" post="1303661" timestamp="1350588529"]
    Haven't you guys/gals been reading these threads?  WOS WOS WOS WOS WOS WOS. Not only will they whip all of 3A they could manhandle 5A from the Top down -----just ask em.  :o  Well at least in football

    Well, you overlooked track for several years.  And this year you better pay attention to basketball.  As a matter of fact - just pay more attention!
  2. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1303222" timestamp="1350524425"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=104807.msg1303150#msg1303150 date=1350518508]
    [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=104807.msg1303103#msg1303103 date=1350514875]
    [quote author=TradinUp BH link=topic=104807.msg1302697#msg1302697 date=1350490622]
    [b]One positive may be that atleast some of the coaches will keep their jobs by making the playoffs as 4th place team[/b]. Don't know if it will have any bearing on that or if that's usually at the 4a and 5a levels?
    [/quote]not in football crazy towns of 3A schools. Make a 4th place finish several years straight with zero or 1 win in the playoffs each year at a school like Carthage or Abilene Wylie and i bet the coach is fired.

    BG, is Carthage 4A?  I Thought they were in the district with Jasper which is 3A.  Also, is seems that Abilene Wylie is also 3A - with a record of 6 - 0 and 3 - 0 - is also 3A.  In 3A only 3 advance to the play-offs.  I'm not
    understanding your post.????? ???
    [/quote] that bold part of the post went above your head. lol  ;) :D
    I'm disregarding your "went above your head" [i]insult[/i] and repeat my statement:  I'm not understanding your post?  Nor do I understand your reply.  Can you clarify both, please? 
  3. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1303103" timestamp="1350514875"]
    [quote author=TradinUp BH link=topic=104807.msg1302697#msg1302697 date=1350490622]
    [b]One positive may be that atleast some of the coaches will keep their jobs by making the playoffs as 4th place team[/b]. Don't know if it will have any bearing on that or if that's usually at the 4a and 5a levels?
    [/quote]not in football crazy towns of 3A schools. Make a 4th place finish several years straight with zero or 1 win in the playoffs each year at a school like Carthage or Abilene Wylie and i bet the coach is fired.

    BG, is Carthage 4A?  I Thought they were in the district with Jasper which is 3A.  Also, is seems that Abilene Wylie is also 3A - with a record of 6 - 0 and 3 - 0 - is also 3A.  In 3A only 3 advance to the play-offs.  I'm not
    understanding your post.????? ???
  4. [quote name="PAMFAM10" post="1302721" timestamp="1350492185"]
    [quote author=Smoking Baby link=topic=104781.msg1302432#msg1302432 date=1350446981]

    PAM would be about 8 or 9 after these...... ;) ;) ;)
    Sometimes I Wonder If You be Throwing Out Jokes To Entertain ..........Or You Just Honestly Think Like That :o

    Not even SB (as opposed to BS) thinks Hardin is as high as 4th in any district, any ranking, anywhere this year. ::)
  5. [quote name="TradinUp BH" post="1302749" timestamp="1350493627"]
    As of this week
    1. PAM                        Bestest
    2. Dayton                    Bestes
    3. Nederland                Besting
    4. Summer Creek          Bestly
    5. Vidor                        Best

    ;D ;) ::)

    Thanks!  Had not seen that conjugation before. ;D
  6. [quote name="85' HUSKER" post="1302766" timestamp="1350495424"]
    Ned had several thousand pound members strategically placed around the Hamburger Depot neighborhood waiting to attack any incoming tribesman, but they were a no-show. Unfortunately, by the time we realized the tribe wasn't coming, it was too late and the show was off the air. I blame the NDNS.  :D

    Naw!  Clearly it's Bush's fault. ;D
  7. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="1302607" timestamp="1350485293"]
    [quote author=sport1971 link=topic=104643.msg1302581#msg1302581 date=1350483709]
    I think two is enough...it's crazy.

    I totally agree. Two is enough. I can see 3 in an eight team district, but with less than eight only two. Its a joke having three go in a five or six team district.

    What ever the number - 2 or 3 - wouldn't it have to be consistant for that size classification across the state?  Otherwise, the playoff brackets are going to be unworkable. ???
  8. [quote name="Farmer Fran" post="1302512" timestamp="1350478055"]
    [quote author=jkbtjc53 link=topic=104747.msg1302478#msg1302478 date=1350474555]
    First Off is this WOS Defense the best ever? No not yet, they have a lot to prove and must keep improving. Do I belive this defense can do it? Hell yes! Its not their fault the teams they played haven't got things going, they have done what your suppose to do when you play teams weaker then you, and that's take them to the woodshed. Also I still believe if WOS was in 4A they would win the district this year. This 2012 team has. Some talented kids on defense and is without a doubt probably the fastest collection of kids WOS has ever had.

    [b]And yes WOS will shut-out Silsbee[/b]

    ::) ::)

    Well, at least you left yourself time enough to change your mind on the Silsbee "Shut-out" thingy. ::) ;D 8)
  9. [quote name="Newtonjb" post="1302242" timestamp="1350430752"]
    [quote author=ECbucs#1! link=topic=104633.msg1300727#msg1300727 date=1350262769]
    [quote author=Piratesdad4410 link=topic=104633.msg1300088#msg1300088 date=1350183186]
    Newton will win by how ever many they wont in this game but I really dont think they will run the score up on kountze. They ran the score up on EC for A reason!!!!!!!!!!    JMO
    They ran up the score on ec because they know ec is the next best in the district.. and i'm not sure if kountze loses less than 74-7 if that means they have a better defense.. After the 3rd touchdowns you could tell on ec players faces that the game was over. That had some reason for them losing that bad.. When they said Newton by however many they want i didn't believe it til i saw it. Newton wins this. I'm never good at predicting scores but i say Newton by +28
    [/quote][b][/b]Newton didn't run up the score........E.C. ( according to You ) saw that the game was over. Does that mean that they quite? Not all of the E.C. Players laid down, they were just knocked off their game plan and were overwhelmed by the Eagles.

    If any of the team on the field lays down - then the whole team lays down.  Either you do or you don't when it comes to laying down.  And, no, I wasn't at the game.  I'm sorry if you were. 8)
  10. [quote name="GATA" post="1302135" timestamp="1350420257"]
    he said he was staying with his first pick which was EC, but then on the weekly pickem he chose newton lol

    Well shame on him for changing his mind!  Or, was it strategy to get you who don't think for yourselves to follow some mis-information?  We'll probably never know.  He was, however, the only 24 for 25 picker last week. :)
  11. [quote name="rykerx144" post="1301892" timestamp="1350404177"]
    [quote author=usedtobe link=topic=104669.msg1301851#msg1301851 date=1350402635]
    [quote author=Back2swag link=topic=104669.msg1301741#msg1301741 date=1350390466]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=104669.msg1301431#msg1301431 date=1350339908]
    East Chambers      24
    Kirbyville              20
    You also said Newton would lose to EC...  I don't think you really know these teams.

    Are you saying that AggiesAreWe picked EC over Newton last week?  Well, he only missed one game out of 25 in the PickEM for last week and EC / Newton game wasn't it.  Further, his year to date correct choices percentage is 82.9% (That's 145 correct out of 175 picks.)  Now, let's see your record.  Oh, here it is.  Took me awhile to locate it because I had to go to the bottom of the WHOLE listing.  WOW!  48%.  You tried it once, got 12 correct out of 25 for 48%, and didn't come back.  Now, let me ask you a serious question, Back2swag.  Do you really think that you're qualified to make the inane statement about AAW not really knowing the teams?  I think NOT.  Go hide somewhere and leave my man, AAW, alone. ::) 8)

    the only thing I hate more than someone that is smarter than me is the person kissing their butt!!  ;D ;)

    I have no reason to kiss his butt.  But I do have reason to take him under my wing.  You disappoint me with this one ryker. :( 8)
  12. [quote name="NDNation" post="1302140" timestamp="1350420706"]
    [quote author=rykerx144 link=topic=104776.msg1302120#msg1302120 date=1350419101]
    [quote author=NDNation link=topic=104776.msg1302119#msg1302119 date=1350418991]
    I know we adults go overboard with the smack talk....but to the younger kids..its pure fun. PN-G and Nederland kids are what make MCM so rich in tradition...its all for them.
    [/quote]  yall aint got anyone fooled!  Old people enjoy it just as much if not more than the kids

    LOL...Got my boss fooled! I haven't done a lick of work in 2 days.  ;D

    Not nice to fool your boss.  Nor, Mother Nature for that matter. :) 8)
  13. [quote name="dayton" post="1301885" timestamp="1350403820"]
    [quote author=PowerMfootball link=topic=104757.msg1301825#msg1301825 date=1350399463]
    [b]Like I said before the season even started, [/b]Coach Finney will find a way to win...things are falling into place perfectly...got the new offense in place and rolling up some huge yards on the ground, off week to get ready for district and then roll em' up!! The Bobcats will go through district undefeated and make some noise in the playoffs...give him a full off season and next year...LOOK OUT!!! You folks gonna have some fun in HD!!! Good luck to the staff and players, hope to see you play in the playoffs! Run that tunnel sweep Coach!!!

    You said that?.... but this is your first post.... ???

    Good point!  Looks like he got a Kiss from "55" for it anyway. ;D
  14. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="1301879" timestamp="1350403659"]
    [quote author=jwp395 link=topic=104757.msg1301872#msg1301872 date=1350403480]
    here we go with HD talk again i guess after they win district there going to state huh? Iola wins district and whoever at home with HD vs WH will win in a close one.. you can key on HD running game with no passing game..
    [/quote]Feel free to never click on a thread that says "Hull-Daisetta" on it. LOL! Clown!  ;D 8) :-*
    Watch it there, jwp395.  On Hull-Daisetta threads you can't have an opinion that doesn't agree with 55's - he'll load up his 7'8" / 494 pound frame and come "git 'cha." ;D
  15. [quote name="Back2swag" post="1301741" timestamp="1350390466"]
    [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=104669.msg1301431#msg1301431 date=1350339908]
    East Chambers      24
    Kirbyville              20
    You also said Newton would lose to EC...  I don't think you really know these teams.

    Are you saying that AggiesAreWe picked EC over Newton last week?  Well, he only missed one game out of 25 in the PickEM for last week and EC / Newton game wasn't it.  Further, his year to date correct choices percentage is 82.9% (That's 145 correct out of 175 picks.)  Now, let's see your record.  Oh, here it is.  Took me awhile to locate it because I had to go to the bottom of the WHOLE listing.  WOW!  48%.  You tried it once, got 12 correct out of 25 for 48%, and didn't come back.  Now, let me ask you a serious question, Back2swag.  Do you really think that you're qualified to make the inane statement about AAW not really knowing the teams?  I think NOT.  Go hide somewhere and leave my man, AAW, alone. ::) 8)
  16. [quote name="ECbucs#1!" post="1301515" timestamp="1350348562"]
    [quote author=sport1971 link=topic=104643.msg1301080#msg1301080 date=1350317615]
    Newton will win district outright. East Chambers is going to take it's frustrations out on Kirbyville and win that game moving East Chambers to 3-1 and Kirbyville to 1-3 in district. According to the Professionals Newton will give Kountze it's second loss in District moving Kountze to 2-2 in district. Woodville will beat Hardin moving Woodville to 3-1 in district. Now this set up makes the rest of the district very fluid for the 2nd and 3rd. playoff spot. A win by Kirbyville over Woodville by more two points and a win by Kountze over East Chambers and a loss by Anahauc to Newton  puts Kountze and Kirbyville in tie for second via the points  and head to head with Woodville and East Chambers. If Kountze losses to EC but the aforementioned happens between Kirbyville and Woodville than I believe that would put EC in second  and Woodville In third. This would make the game with Kountze and Kirbyville become key and as well as a final weeks victory. If Kountze beats Kirbyville and Woodville takes a loss to Newton and Kountze beats Anahauc the last game of the season than it all goes back to a Forecasted Woodville loss to Kirbyville by more than two points . If that did occur the playoff picture would be Newton, EC, Kountze. If Kountze were to loose to Kirbyville than Woodvilles destiny would be tied to the game with Kirbyville and If Anahuac beats Kountze it releave woodville of any point spread issue with Kountze. There are many situations to play out in this district for the 2nd and 3rd playoff spot...It ain't gonna be over till the last week for Kountze, EC, Kirbyville, Woodville or Even Anahauc on the outside chance unless Kountze drops one to Kirbyville and or Anahauc and Kirbyville drops one to Woodville or looses to Kirbyville by two or less. If that occurred than It will be Newton, EC and Woodville leaving Kountze and Anahauc to battle for a tie for the forth spot or outright fourth in the final week. NOW THIS IS FUN!
    Fun?? That is an understatement! GO BUCS  ;D

    sport1971  -  WHEW!  Superb anlysis.  ^^^^^ Your efforts. 8)
  17. [quote name="uandme08" post="1300476" timestamp="1350240215"]
    [quote author=BmtTopFlight2017 link=topic=104442.msg1300383#msg1300383 date=1350233631]
    PAM played a good game..as far game plan well we'll see if it applies when the SEASON starts...I remind you Ozenn played with some KEY pieces missing...Silsbee game was poorly officiated with the refs allowing Silsbee players to throw elbows and punches....
    Who was missing from Ozen?

    You ACTUALLY saw a Silsbee player throw a punch while he was on the court in the game?
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