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  1. Here's my draft edited Neighborhood section.  Let me know your thoughts before I submit it as an update to the review: Neighborhood      2 As previously mentioned, Beaumont is located in the Golden Triangle region (known for high school football and petroleum industry) in southeast Texas about 85 miles east of Houston. Beaumont's population is just short of 120,000 (2011 census). In my opinion, this region is anything but a tourism area, but depending on your interests, you can find some entertaining options in and around Beaumont. My first recommendation will be that you schedule your visit so that you can take advantage of time spent in Houston (if you are coming in from the west) or at a casino in Lake Charles (if you are coming in from the east).  If you are staying the weekend in Beaumont, the locals highly recommend staying at Elegante’ Hotel and partaking in the following attractions/activities: salt water fishing in Lake Sabine, touring through the historical McFaddin-Ward House, hiking in the Big Thicket National Preserve, river fun via Neches River Adventures, a stop at Gladys City Boomtown (museum on the Spindletop Gusher) and a stroll through downtown’s Crockett Street (bar/restaurant options). The interesting aspect of Beaumont is that due to its location near the border of Louisiana and Texas, there is unique blend of Cajun food and Texas BBQ/Tex-Mex. Unfortunately, in my opinion, having lived in both Cajun country and Texas, the quality falls a bit short at many of the area restaurants, but that doesn’t take away from the availability of options in the area.  If you’re looking for quality eats in Beaumont, you really need to plan ahead otherwise you’ll be stuck with chain stores off I-10. If you’re not from Texas, my best restaurant recommendation is a pretty large Texas steakhouse chain, Saltgrass Steak House. If you’ve been there before, give a few of these local recommended options a try: Sugas Deep South Cuisine and Jazz Bar, The Schooner (Nederland, TX), Larry’s French Market and Willy Burger.
  2. I posted the reply below to the BigRedInsiders board and thought I'd share it here, since many of you have the same feedback. Hello everyone, Thanks so much for the feedback.  I've heard from many of you that the restaurant review wasn't fair, and also the attractions section.  I will admit that I haven't tried every restaurant in Beaumont so it's possible my review isn't complete.  In that regards, I'll look into taking some of the suggestions here and editing that portion of the review. I did feel that the rest of the review was pretty accurate and actually very high compared to other stadiums on the site.  Hopefully that point isn't lost here.  Though I do try my best to include things to do in the area, I also try to offer the best options.  Do to the proximity of Beaumont to Lake Charles and Houston, it's my opinion that there are other options that may offer a better time for visiting fans, especially if you are flying in to Houston or driving through Lake Charles.  With that said, I will go back and offer some additional local options, specifically those offered up in many of the responses to my initial post. Thanks again for the feedback.  Also, I encourage all of you to do a fan review on the site so visiting fans have other opinions to review as well.
  3. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was recently in town for a review of Provost Umphrey.  Check it out here: [Hidden Content] Let me know if you think it's a fair review or not.  Also, you can help visiting fans out by posting your own fan review at this link.
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