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Posts posted by NDNWarrior

  1. 17 hours ago, Proud Dawg said:

    With all the nice comments I am beginning to question this whole rivalry thing. I really do believe that some people in the district thought big Ned would be down this year. As time went on and people started to realize what was happening, then the talk slowed down. It is easier to say I told you so then to eat some crow. Nederland will win out and be district champs

    Lol....NOT! But, it is good for you to "dream!"

  2. 26 minutes ago, Rez Ipsa said:

    I never said the point averages in past games were going to determine who wins in the next game. You're right -- In the end, the only thing that matters is who wins the game. Until then, it doesn't hurt to look at different stats showing the different teams' strengths and weaknesses, particularly when it was a Nederland fan that brought it up. A Nederland fan said, "Look how many points we are scoring" (paraphrased) as evidence of how many points Nederland will put up against Vidor, and I offered some perspective as to why the data is skewed and areas where Vidor may not be as weak as their record looks. So, to the extent that the past performance is indicative of future performance, that "crap" does matter, and it may end up mattering so much that Nederland loses this week. Nederland is not invincible. Vidor has been close to HUGE wins this season. They just might pull one off this week. I certainly hope they do. 


    The game is being played in Vidor, correct? So...there will be no "watering down" of the field, as happens when Nederland plays at home, correct?  I still think Vidor will be the spoiler in this game and come away with the WIN in a squeaker!

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