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Posts posted by NDNWarrior

  1. 6 minutes ago, Uncle Pig said:

    I'm pulling hard for Newton, but their administration won't cough up the dough for those hardworking boys to get a charter bus and hotel. They'll have to sit on a yellow dog for 5 hours the day of the state championship game and be at a complete disadvantage to their opponent, who will have traveled to Arlington on a charter bus the day before the game and stay at a nice hotel. Not fair to the hardworking, super talented Newton Eagles.

    That’s unfortunate 

  2. 4 minutes ago, MackLewis said:

    Crying damn shame really!  I’d love to watch PNG on tv playing at Jerry World, with all the pageantry.  But they will never get there with the defense they play.  And that’s unfortunate with the offensive skill they have, led by a once in a generation QB talent.

    You wouldn’t think it would be so dang hard to have a decent defense, don’t even have to be elite, when you have a QB like Johnson, but just a decent defense.


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