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Posts posted by NDNWarrior

  1. I love the rivalry...the BEST in Texas as far as I'm concerned! But what I love more, is watching the FINEST young men in TEXAS, on both teams, play with all their  HEARTS to our entertainment one time each year during MCM.  I graduated from Newton, so purple runs deep in my veins, and my first taste of a PNG game, when I heard the war drums, I was hooked. When my son was the Indian Spirit for PNG, he dated the girl who was BIG NED for Nederland. Those kids showed nothing but respect for each other, did several stints together, she in her BIG NED costume, my son in full headdress and regalia.  I say all this for a reason, I know it's all fun leading up to MCM, however, let's don't lose sight of these fine young people from Nederland and Port Neches-Groves, go out and entertain us on that special Friday night in Southeast Texas. Many of these kids read these posts. It's okay to disagree, but not become disagreeable with personal insults and attacks. Best of luck to Nederland. Best of luck to PNG. Again, I feel these are two of the BEST teams in the state of Texas!

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