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Posts posted by NDNWarrior

  1. This year, on the MCM thread, it seems the personal attacks by BOTH PNG fans and Nederland fans has been a little too much.  I agree with GoDogs27, both Nederland and PNG teams have not reached the "elite" status because they DO have to prove something.  It's ok to jab here and there, but the personal attacks are lame.  PNG repsects Nederland and Nederland respects PNG when it comes right down to it.  These young men go out there in MCM and play their hearts out......we, the fans, are there to support them to the utmost of our ability, whether an Indian or a Bulldog. I will say this....as far as I'm concerned, MCM, however, IS the ELITE high school rivalry in Texas...its the best!  That, I will defend to the bitter end.

    Prayers for all the fans, players, bands, cheerleaders, drill teams, and everyone else involved that makes MidCounty Madness the success that it is.  See you at the game!
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