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    NDNWarrior reacted to FishingNDN in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    Hate to see area kids lose....bright side is Pak will be MIA and no one has to read his ignorant comments anymore lol
  2. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to biaplayer in PN-G vs College Station   
    too much RJ we need more team effort lol
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    NDNWarrior reacted to RoschonsBigBro in PN-G vs College Station   
    Hughes time to shine.  Versatility increases value and offers
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    NDNWarrior reacted to FrodoNDN in PN-G vs College Station   
    I am sure they have a plan, but can it be implemented....I hope so. If we got to go back and forth again, I hope we have the ball last...
  5. Like
    NDNWarrior got a reaction from songone in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    #heartbreaking! So MUCH talent on the Titan team.....AWESOME young men....several of whom I taught when I worked in PAISD. 
  6. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to prepballfan in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    Congrats Titans on making the sweet 16. Tough loss but the kids played their butts off
  7. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to jagdad in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    SMH, Great season Titans, hell of a game, hated it ended this way.
  8. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to dBerrySports in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    FINAL: Temple 33, Port Arthur Memorial 29
    Man, that hurts. Great season for the Titans but a gut wrenching way to end the season
  9. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to dme1111 in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    No shame in that loss.  Kids did all they could.  
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    NDNWarrior reacted to NDNation in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    Did anybody's screen go black?
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    NDNWarrior got a reaction from badndn in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    Good Luck, Titans! Bring home the “W” !
  12. Like
    NDNWarrior got a reaction from Alpha Wolf in Temple 33 Port Arthur Memorial 29/FINAL   
    Good Luck, Titans! Bring home the “W” !
  13. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to FrodoNDN in PN-G vs College Station   
    Anything is possible, I believe that we can win!!! Let's go Indians!!
  14. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to png9mon in PN-G vs College Station   
    Total effort=Total victory! 
    WHO ARE WE? PNG!!!
  15. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to RoschonsBigBro in PN-G vs College Station   
    I think it's just that no one believes all that much in the Defense. CS is very beatable if you can get them off the field, but so is any offense. Our problem is doing just that. If there was ever a ga me for the defense to show up a d prove ppl wrong it would be this one. We'll see
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    NDNWarrior reacted to robanadana in PN-G vs College Station   
    Will be a good football game however it's gonna take a huge dose of Roschon for PNG to win this. Is he up for the task? I will be at this derby in full Pirate support of the purple Indians attire.
  17. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to ace2335 in PN-G vs College Station   
    Big Ned and PNG provided me a true Jaguar fan the opportunity to see my first high school football of the year. Headed back to Cali now on the plane. Wish I could stay in Humble to catch PNG but back to work I go. Hopefully I can meet you guys in Arlington. Good luck to all teams in the golden t. Will be keeping up with you guys that I can on texanlive.com. 
  18. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to songone in PN-G vs College Station   
    4 yards a play will be plenty. Shorten the game.
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    NDNWarrior reacted to png9mon in PN-G vs College Station   
    Agree!  Short quick runs, passes, get 1st downs & eat clock.  Keep our defense rested & ready to go. Shug & friends must play relaxed, mistake free football.
  20. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to Half Indian/Wildcat in PN-G vs College Station   
    Not sure what we can change other than personal on Def that is gonna make us any better. Let's face it we are extremely small on our front 7 compared to most schools left in the playoffs at this point we have very little team speed on Def as compaired to our Off so that creates issues and teams that spread us out and has a athletic QB gives us fits. I agree we ask alot of our corners at times to have to cover for 4 or more seconds because the opponents QB has all day to throw and that will get you beat. Not sure what Templin can do to offset so much adversity that we face each week. Blitzes that don't work give up big plays no pressure on the QB asking our CB and safeties to cover for 4 or more seconds doesn't work either . Glad I'm not a defensive coach in this game your damned if you do and damned if you don't. All we can ask is what our kids  give us week in and week out 110 % effort and let the chips fall where they may. Clock management has to get better those are issues that can win a game like this . Not calling dead ball timeouts needs to be reevaluated as well losing to many time outs when the clock is stopped. And if we have the lead late in a game not snapping the ball with 15 or more seconds on the clock shortening the game to limit opportunities as well. Gonna be a great game no doubt . Go Indians 
  21. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to Stattrax in PN-G vs College Station   
    My concern has nothing to do with the offense. R.J. has proved, even with a condensed play book (Nederland Game), we can move the ball. No scheme can stop that. My words where about the defense. Go back and watch us sit back in coverage last year against College Station. The Q.B. had a field day in every aspect. IMO, now granted I do not have a teaching degree, is play fast, and aggressive. If we do that, i am sure we will give up a few big plays, but might not give up enough to get beat. So scheme well on the defensive side of the ball, B.F.s words, not mine, P.N.G. has the best D.C. in the state. So if that holds true, we should be able to figure the SCHEME out and slow these guys down. To B.F.s credit, he is usually ahead of the curve on the offensive side, with exception of the Nederland game. So once again, if we can force 4 punts during this game, I like our chances. But so far, against Crosby and Texas City, we have not seen a TOTAL of 4 punts. So that is my only worry. I like the fact we are the underdog, as well as the fact we are coming off a subpar performance. I think we will be prepared and ready to steal this thing. 
  22. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to Half Indian/Wildcat in PN-G vs College Station   
    I see a troubling trend starting in PNG OFF. Yes RIGGS and SHUG are our best weapons we need to get back to being more like the Patriots in the NFL spread the ball around to all positions making the Def have to balance their game plan instead of being able to double team Riggs and keying on SHUG on every play. Let's face it when Lane and Hebert are in the game and Lane is at running back it's a QB run every time to SHUG.  Have to add new wrinkles off some of these sets or I'm afraid at the level of competition we are playing at now we are gonna struggle. Need to throw to the HB 4 to 5 times a game and the RB out of the backfield to make the Defense account for these positions . If they did it would free up plays for Riggs and Cameron and the other receivers. As far as our Def we had the best effort we have had in any game this past week . Honestly kids were hitting and wrapping up when we got there to make tackles. Unfortunately if we have a chance to win it's gonna more than likely be in a shootout . Defense give the OFF a chance make a couple of stops or create a turnover and I love our chances this week. Go Indians !!!!!@
  23. Like
    NDNWarrior reacted to BMTSoulja1 in The rematches...   
    From last year.  PN-G vs. College Station, Silsbee Vs. Carthage, and PA Memorial Vs. Temple.  Let's go and get different results and send those guys home packing!
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    NDNWarrior reacted to RoschonsBigBro in PN-G vs College Station   
    Well it's rematch time yall. Can't spot em 14 with two muffed punts in the red zone. Every one has to play their best
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    NDNWarrior reacted to LCMAlumtiger32 in Port Neches-Groves 24 Texas City 17/FINAL   
    I think PNG could throw on Gtown.
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