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Boneyard Boys

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Everything posted by Boneyard Boys

  1. Mistake there for Vidor after 4th and 8 when you line up in regular formation for a pitch back punt and the ball is snapped but the other team calls timeout. Why come out of the TO and do it again? You aren’t fooling anybody, they saw what you were going to do, come out in regular punt formation. The last regular punt was excellent, this quick punt was a straight up in the air shank job.
  2. Pirates aren’t wrapping up and tackling. Hurting them bad, allowed a long TD run. That no call for the safety was big, turned it into a 99 yard touchdown drive.
  3. Safety??? Should have been a safety… they said he got the ball out of the end zone? Idk about that.
  4. Looks like the Pirates couldn’t do anything on offense, almost fumbled it away and punted after a 3 and out. Good news is they executed a perfect punt, downed at the 1.
  5. Wish I was there… watching on Txn live is hard. Looked like Vidor stopped them twice, gave them a free first down with a roughing call. CH got lucky not to turn it over and their QB is overthrowing his open receivers but the Pirates came through and blocked the punt.
  6. He was lucky lol, he has 2 wins but I believe I recall a triple overtime game and another close matchup.
  7. I hope we have a good updater going to this game, I won’t be able to make it. On call at work and can’t get that far out of pocket. I’ll be watching on Txn live and checking the boards for commentary. Go Pirates! 🏴‍☠️
  8. Palestine is the matchup I was hoping for but they beat CH for the 3 seed correct?
  9. That is true but it also looked like nobody on their defense could get off a block or make an open field tackle. Mabank must not have a very good record, they don’t tackle and they don’t block. We’d probably be better off judging CH against a better team.
  10. Couple that style of offense with a strong defensive performance and I feel good about our chances. The only thing that worries me a bit is their big play ability but we have played many teams like that this season. We just have to wear them down and be within striking distance at the end. I’d prefer one of those dominating performances the Pirates have shown at times this year.
  11. Sheesh, Mabank has no defense. Like literally, none… whatsoever.
  12. Lindale then possibly El Campo… that’s a tough row to hoe for Lumberton. Probably the worst draw in Region 3, it will be impressive if they pull the first round upset. If they go and deeper than that, it’ll be amazing.
  13. They look at point differential when there’s 3 teams tied, that’s when it matters how much you won by or lost by to your common opponents. Doesn’t really work with just 2 teams since you have that head to head result but it’s just to determine seeding. We had a 3 way share of the district title a few years ago but I can’t remember what seed we ended up getting or what our point differential was.
  14. That’s not good, bad time of the year for that. I hear Vidor suffered one to a key two way player as well, hard fought battle of a ballgame for sure.
  15. That’s awesome, good music too. That RB 32 had some wheels, love watching Vidor sling that ball around lol. Man those gold helmets were sweet.
  16. When we played them in the playoffs last year they had a big D1 RB who was a load and a tall D1 DE that they would bring in at WR to throw him the jump ball. I believe those guys are gone but they still have their QB who is really good and a couple of nice receivers from last years team. Their offense was a multiple set, balanced attack. Cowboys better wake up in hurry…
  17. 2nd might not be a bad thing, thinking I might rather play Palestine than Tyler Chapel Hill in the first round of the playoffs.
  18. Yea I can point right to it lol our only loss of the season. Hurt me right in the heart and knocked us out of our snazzy new top 10 ranking. Jk though I hope y’all give the Etex champ a hell of a game, beat Kilgore.
  19. Was that back in the Rick Colbert days or farther back than that? He was lightning fast and a great athlete but not necessarily a good QB for that type of offense.
  20. Oh you were yelling at them to blitz huh? I’m pretty sure you were seated near me lol.
  21. Yea it wasn’t your normal Pirate home crowd but I’m sure the wind got taken out of their sails by halftime. Their loss, missed a classic comeback and awesome post game celebration.
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