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Boneyard Boys

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Everything posted by Boneyard Boys

  1. All righty then... that’s what I’m talking about. I’ll take an order of boudin balls while we wait on our main course.
  2. My father told me about some wild stuff that went on in Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange back in the 60s. Vidor used to be crazy back then but this area has changed and there is no doubt about it. If you are going to stop playing teams in Texas towns based on their past then you better go play teams in Louisiana. Oh wait, that might not work out for you either. I wonder if there has ever been a racist event in their towns past? If there has ever been one incident in history then they better cancel the yearly intrasquad scrimmage...
  3. I’m sure almost every town would have the same issue if the truth be known but Vidor will probably have a bad name forever. I can’t tell you how many people have blamed us for one particular incident that my only reply to is that they made a movie about it, it’s called Jasper Texas.
  4. Vidor got more replies than MCM for once...
  5. Vidor got more replies than MCM for once...
  6. You probably aren’t... or you probably are. What I mean is I think your right, as you stated the admin probably made the call here. I bet the football team was ready to go at it but I bet she woke though.
  7. I could be laying too much at the feet of the coaches and players though. This could have very well been an upper administration decision that they had nothing to do with. Who knows them boys could have wanted to go?
  8. I got banned from Twitter for saying GFY too much to the wrong people. They didn’t understand that my acronym meant Good For You... Oh well their loss, all you guys love me here more.
  9. Oh you’re a mod, figured I must have said BS my bad. My president says it sorry.
  10. I thought it was kinda weird that someone posted the exact same thing on the board the other day and bam, here we have the story to match. Sometimes coincidences happen like that in life and then sometimes it’s all bull. The other school still has to give a reason for canceling on us for another team and anything short of COVID is a problem.
  11. Is he with FAKE NEWS now? Congratulations on your promotion to CNN Mr Steele... or would it be ESPN?
  12. Uh oh... I smell FAKE NEWS. Still BS scheduling a game with Vidor and canceling for someone else for any reason.
  13. I don’t know why they would schedule an away game all the way in Vidor then if they had flooding and damage. I hope the story is not true... but someone posted that they indeed found a closer game. The reasoning for canceling on Vidor should still be an issue if that were the reason.
  14. What do you guys expect them to say the truth? Well we agreed to and scheduled the Vidor game but then we found a closer game so we said screw Vidor they are a bunch of racists. I would like to know the demographics of their team, maybe they have legit reasons (albeit wrong but understandable) to be worried about coming to Vidor. Or maybe they are just looking down their noses and pointing the finger at people they know nothing about.
  15. I was about to say the same thing Vidor had some awesome rivalries and moments with Ozen and Central. Mathews supported those guys and they loved him. I have seen many a Beaumont player that graduated walking Vidors sideline and rooting for the Pirates.
  16. Kinda jerks my chain when we just had a game with Houston Episcopal where both teams kneeled at the center of Pirate field after the game for a big team prayer. The Pirates have always shown the utmost respect and sportsmanship for any team that wants to reciprocate. Under Mathews I have seen them kneel and pray with many teams after wins or losses and now we get this BS from a Christian school over the past when coach has seemingly been at Vidor forever.
  17. That would be something but Coach seems pretty upset about it so I’m sure he knows the true reasoning behind it. We have played many a Christian school but these guys are somehow holier than thou. Heck just last week we had a big group prayer at the center of Pirate field with the whole Houston Episcopal team and I thought that was pretty cool.
  18. I know the answer now... you are correct and you called it. Vidor just had their game canceled because of past reputation.
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