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Boneyard Boys

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Everything posted by Boneyard Boys

  1. Wilhelm with 31 carries he was the workhorse tonight and did most of the damage up the middle late in the game. Gall did most of the damage on the edges, didn’t see him on Varsity last year but I like his potential. Sepulvado did a little bit of everything but I wish someone could post his long TD run on here, the juke move he put on a hapless defender was something to see. 3 backs with 135+ yards and 2 TDs each is pretty awesome. Simmons our new QB is a little guy but he runs the offense well, nice ball fakes. He runs tough and has touch on his passes. Solid player, well rounded, just what we need at QB.
  2. Is this Bellaire Episcopal team going to be a pushover?
  3. 51-48 final The Pirates win. 1 and 0 on the season
  4. Vidor covers the punt with 0.00000s on the clock Thank you football Gods I deserved that one after I talked all that smack last year and we were cursed.
  5. Kidding of course here we go Vidor lines up in regular formation and does a pitch back punt that is headed for the sideline but it somehow bounces and stays inbounds.
  6. And the refs stop the the game for a lightning delay both teams go into the locker room
  7. So they might have 5 seconds if they fair catch this thing just execute a clean punt
  8. 7.8 seconds to victory hopefully nothing crazy happens here
  9. 4th down clock running and we gotta punt to them please football Jesus don’t make me eat crow on the first game of the season. I already talked my smack...
  10. Final timeout Silsbee 57.6 can we kneel it out or do they get a play? maybe we have celebrated too soon my friends...
  11. I agree 3rd or 4th down and 1 you got to run it once there.
  12. Victory formation Silsbee using timeouts 1:01 they have 1 TO left
  13. Haha upset city wish we could have played you boys last year. what a comeback have a nice night and a safe trip home
  14. Quick pass left WR slips down 4th and 1 1:09
  15. 1:30 left deep ball 1 on 1 with a corner hits him in the hands but falls incomplete almost ended it there
  16. Playing off in coverage and here come the short passes. 1st down pass to the 31
  17. Deep kick returned to the 20 make em earn it 80 yards or we win
  18. Silsbee will get the last shot can we stop their WRs surely now they will play soft with a guy or two over the top.
  19. Going for 2 Outside pitch he’s in Vidor up 3 51-48 2:09 left
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