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  1. no 1 will beat Deaver next year. he has already whooped every 1 like a red-headed step son in the middle of k-mart & plus he's practicing even more this year, so im pretty sure he'll be better & massacre every 1 again. there's no chance
  2. whoever tbs8590 is needs 2 stop cryin like a little tit-sack. if kelly was so good in tennis, why didn't they win or at least make it 2 the finals at state unlike the warren boys did. yall lost first round in TAPPS for christsake!! Carnley can take any 1 of yall & he already has, & he'll do it again. so stop crying & admit he's better than u.
  3. there is a lot of 2A teams that are coming back with alot of their starters. who will dominate this year in 2A?
  4. i hear u ramrod, i think that place is a joke. if they were so good they would have made it to the semis or the finals in state like the warren boys or deaver. & yeah, if that weiner kid from kelly was so good, why did he play in the jv singles tournaments?
  5. whoever tbs & aeropro are, yall sound like a bunch of kelly yall tlk so much crap on every1 & think yall are the stuff. yall have the worst coach there is, tony is nothing but a joke to the tennis program. the only players that did anything from yalls school lost first round in state. so if ur gonna start tlkn crap, back urself up.
  6. you accidently put college in your sentence instead of elementary. Buna has no 1 who is going to play college tennis.
  7. For all of yall Buna rednecks who are talkin crap on the Warren team, if yall think that yall are so good, wait till tomorrow at the district tourney. Word and Carnley is going to whip yall like a red headed step child. Warren will dominate the 2A district tourney!
  8. Tyler Word and Scott Carnley from Warren has a record of 14-1.
  9. I would agree that Deaver is the best tennis player here in south east texas. I have played him and he is good. I saw Minik play, he is good, but not better than Deaver.
  10. Tyler Word and Scott Carnley will win 2A state with no problem. They have been really great this year. I know how good they are because Tyler is my brother. How they are playing now they will win the gold.
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