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Everything posted by BlueOwl

  1. Not surprised at the decision. The crowd was constantly interrupting and almost every person who spoke at the meeting tonight was attacking the board. Some even made it a racial issue saying board members are preaching segregation and bringing racism into the district. Probably why it was a 6-0 vote.
  2. Selling the naming rights makes the most sense IMO. I’m sure there are plenty of people in setx that would be willing to pay a pretty penny to get their name on that stadium. I’ve never heard of anyone complaining about having too much money, even if the district isn’t in dire need of it.
  3. Not a bad list. I really like Dillon Bryant from HJ. He will be key on both sides of the ball this season.
  4. I don’t expect much from HF this year
  5. BC needs to stay with the slot t in my opinion. I don’t remember them having much success using the spread. I just hope Deshazo gets the support from the community and they don’t run him off.
  6. I don’t expect Deshazo to make any huge changes in the offense or defense. I expect his coaching style to be a lot like his predecessor.
  7. This is anyone’s series. But I’m going with BC in 3 games
  8. They need a lot of stuff now after Harvey.
  9. Yeah I don’t think he took a 15-20k raise. HJ doesn’t have that kind of money right now. But I might be wrong.
  10. I know when Dubois was at HJ he had full support from the community and the players. Mostly everyone loved the guy. I can’t imagine him having problems with people at BC.
  11. I was unaware. Wouldn’t that make him one of the highest paid in the area then? I don’t think it’s that much....
  12. Doubt money had anything to do with it
  13. I hope he brings back the coaches that left to go to BC with him. That’s a solid staff.
  14. Big move for HJ. This is going to be good for them.
  15. Can’t argue this
  16. Yeah he played at HJ back in the day. So if he did end up getting the job I think he would be at HJ for a while. Unlike the last 2. That’s one positive about him.
  17. I didn’t know 10-29 since 2014 was successful. My mistake
  18. I’m not sure about Joubert. He seems like more of a basketball guy. His football record is less than impressive.
  19. I just hope they can hire someone good
  20. Hit the nail on the head
  21. They are having to rebuild the middle school from the rainy days in August and September. The school board tried to get the lights when they tried to pass the bond. Not really much more they can do.
  22. If the basketball program needed $200,000 I doubt they would get it. $200K is a lot of money. And the people who think that’s “pocket change” for the district are idiots.
  23. This is bad timing for the lights. A couple years ago they tried to make a push to get them with that bond. I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be now after all that flooding. They won’t be spending money on lights any time soon.
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