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Tyler Dixson

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Everything posted by Tyler Dixson

  1. Hopefully that somewhere is UNC. I do think Vanderbilt is the better player though. His playmaking ability is second to none at the high school level. It's pretty much take your choice of what you want between the two.
  2. 67-61 Huffman over Buna in the championship game.
  3. Dunked on a kid first possession of the game. He probably dropped a triple double.
  4. 77-28 Alvin. Flagg with 36 after 3.
  5. 52-24 Alvin over Woodville at half. Flagg with 24 per my unofficial count.
  6. Alvin up 29-16. Savion Flagg with 18 at the end of 1.
  7. LCM won against Grace Prep 75-52 LA Christian beat BH
  8. 80-42 final Victory Prep over WOS.
  9. 65-34 headed to the 4th. Victory Prep up.
  10. 26-11 after 1 Victory Prep
  11. Vanderbilt is warming up!
  12. WinWin do you know if it will be the Varsity Victory Prep team there tomorrow. I seen something on twitter about them playing in another tournament.
  13. Hit some big threes. He scored from every part of the court. Behind the line, midrange , in the paint, and from the free throw line.
  14. Had to be close to 30. If I had to say 26. It was efficient too.
  15. #5 Jakobe Dill #21 Byron Arceneaux
  16. No it was close because Central can play good basketball. Has some killers on the squad.
  17. That's the little bro. Been seeing him grow since he was 11 years old. He played the best game tonight. JMO.
  18. Jakobe Dill playing like a grown man right now. Both teams playing hard. Silsbee with missed free throws and missed dunks.
  19. It is. Not sure how much more people they will be allowing in.
  20. That's cool. That's not the question I asked though. I asked where his offer was from not who had it because that was already established. Also I wouldn't brag about scoring 27 on this years version of Community Christians team. Or the past two for that matter. You'd have to go back to my senior year before we had a team capable of playing with some of the smaller public schools in the area. Sabine Pass played sloppy that game though it could have been a lot worse than it was.
  21. Where does he hold an offer from? Because when they playe Community I did not see a D1 player on the court. That's no disrespect because Sam and Jones are both good.
  22. He was second only to a top 100 player in the nation. I thought Bruce would be considered for DPOY. It's crazy
  23. Bruce Newton on second team? That's a joke right?
  24. I'm all for a SETX forum classic. Lol we should get someone on top of that!
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