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Tyler Dixson

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    Tyler Dixson reacted to td in Bridge City vs WOS   
    We all know.
  2. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Bingo.   And while this is certainly not the place to do so, I hope EVERYONE finds out exactly who the culprit(s) is/are.  After all, everyone knows who the young man is who this was directed toward, and he didn't do a darn thing to deserve any of it...
  3. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to 78Stang in Bridge City vs WOS   
    I will respect your request not to identify the young man and or men. Yes they might have already been disciplined and had things taken away but, put yourself in the shoes of the young man who was the target of this stupidity. He did not deserve this nor does any other person. So please don't ask for sympathy and forget this ever happened. Parents wake up and quit raising your children to hate.
  4. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Scatright in Bridge City vs WOS   
    I understand that kids make mistakes, but this is bigger than that. Whichever player/players are responsible should be removed from the BC football team and never allowed to play again. Furthermore, they should be driven by Coach Dubois to make a formal, in person, apology to the player that was portrayed in the meme. No one will ever be able to remove the amount of shame and hurt that was brought against the young man by the meme that was tweeted, and it should cost those responsible their opportunity to be a part of the Bridge City Football program. I cannot imagine that they can continue on with students like that in their organization. I am all for second chances, but sometimes hard life lessons need to be taught and this is one of those times. Things like this have cost people their lives. These kids need to learn that having that type of hate in your heart can cost you a lot more than football.
  5. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to RoschonsBigBro in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Ain't nothing good about bigotry. 
  6. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Daytonfan9210 in As of end of Week-2 what are your thoughts on 21-5A & 22-5A districts?   
    Crosby. Enough said. Lol. 
  7. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Coach85 in Kelly onside kick going viral   
    That kicker will go D1. He's HEAD AND SHOULDERS above the rest.
  8. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from ReconMarine1980 in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Reminds me of a certain team a few years ago that because Dubios was there coach they can now compete with WOS. 
  9. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Crosby vs Barbers Hill   
    It depends on whether or not this is played on the best field in the state of Texas or not..... 
    I think this will be closer than a lot of people think. Although if Crosby can score on the first few possessions it might get ugly. 
  10. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity in PNG @ LUMBERTON   
    Smh. Lotta kissing of arse as far as trash talk. Lol
    Png by 30+ on the road. The "kid" isnt a kid anymore, I dont think Fairchief has even opened up the playbook yet for him. 
  11. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from WOS99 in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Reminds me of a certain team a few years ago that because Dubios was there coach they can now compete with WOS. 
  12. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to dj in Bridge City vs WOS   
    If u know football a slot -the offense want go far. Someone is unblocked every play. If anyone of u truly loves football take a peak at wat this Mandel king,morrious Joseph, t.brown are doing to other teams.
  13. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Good point.  And that other team was considerably better and I don't think WOS was as good.  BC is going to steadily improve and will give the Mustangs a game relatively soon.  I just don't think it's this year.  
  14. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from TxHoops in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Reminds me of a certain team a few years ago that because Dubios was there coach they can now compete with WOS. 
  15. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from LCMAlumtiger32 in Bridge City vs WOS   
    Reminds me of a certain team a few years ago that because Dubios was there coach they can now compete with WOS. 
  16. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to WOSgrad in Beckville 77 West Sabine 67/FINAL   
    I didn't know that West Sabine and Beckville were playing 6 man this year?
  17. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Morris_era in West Orange-Stark 45 Little Cypress-Mauriceville 0/FINAL   
    Jarron Morris returns punt 52 yards to 2 yard line. 
    I formation. Jack Dallas sneaks it up the middle. Touchdown WOS. 
  18. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Kaepernick and the anthem   
    My parents did a great job raising me but I was pulled over once on high school for being quote "looking like I couldn't afford this BMW" the cop verbal abused me and then told me he'd use authorized force if me and black friend didn't get out of the car. To which we obliged. He then proceeded to pat us down and interrogate us on whether or not we had "illegal narcotics or marijuana on us". The point being is how you are raised can't always save you from being put into un favorable situations. 
  19. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Kaepernick and the anthem   
    My parents did a great job raising me but I was pulled over once on high school for being quote "looking like I couldn't afford this BMW" the cop verbal abused me and then told me he'd use authorized force if me and black friend didn't get out of the car. To which we obliged. He then proceeded to pat us down and interrogate us on whether or not we had "illegal narcotics or marijuana on us". The point being is how you are raised can't always save you from being put into un favorable situations. 
  20. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Kaepernick and the anthem   
    So it is now okay on this board to make huge false generalizations about a whole religion and say that Muslims hate Americans? 
  21. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TradenupBH in Saturday morning headlines 9/2/2016   
    Barbers Hill scalps Indians on the best field in Texas. Superintendent seen shooting the finger to Santa Fe sidelines. Lol
  22. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to griff in Adrian Pererson uses statement by wos HC Thompson as fuel.   
    Trufan, you are full of bitterness. It sounds like you have an ax to grind. Are you a former player would couldn't make it in his program or someone who just doesn't like WO-S? It's one of the two. 
    He was only at Palestine ONE season. I said nothing about his record there. You did. Not every situation is a good one. Just know this...I know Cornel Thompson personally. I know what he dealt with up there in Palestine. You don't. The program is not committed to do what a PROVEN WINNER (Thompson) knows would make Palestine a winner, as well. You might be willing to have a pushover coach in your community, but Thompson will not subject himself to that. 
    WO-S did not become an overnight success. NO, not anyone can win there. We saw what happened in the three years when Thompson left. Our off season weight program became non-existent, the defense got weaker, and WO-S missed the playoffs. He was Dan Hooks right hand man. A coach like Thompson is not a dime a dozen. 
    Lighten up, Frances. 
  23. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Uncle Pig in Looks like some folks in Mont Belvieu need to learn manners   
    If Hardin and Lumberton can turf their stadium, anyone can...so why not do it? What about turfing your field doesn't make sense?
  24. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in West Orange-Stark 42 Nederland 0/FINAL   
    Yep.  And wait until week 5.  Some Tigers been writing checks with their mouths for months.  We will see if they get cashed...
  25. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to CoogGuy in how dose your JV look   
    And Crosby fans are delusional.
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