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Tyler Dixson

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  1. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Drango1 in Silsbee 76 Little Cypress-Mauriceville 31/Final   
    Sigler keeps scratching people he will have to get Tim Donaghy out of jail to call his games!
  2. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to L-Train11 in Silsbee 76 Little Cypress-Mauriceville 31/Final   
    I'm not sure if you would call that "spirited" 
    just my opinion though 
  3. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to BADSANTA in Silsbee 76 Little Cypress-Mauriceville 31/Final   
    Newton must control his mouth! It really hurts his team at times. Could happen in a game where it is close and they lose because of his techs. That has to be at least 5 on the season. 
  4. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Beaumont Central 53 Beaumont Ozen 51/Final   
    After watching tonight though, both of these teams have a long way to go if they want to make it out of the region. 
  5. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Beaumont Central 53 Beaumont Ozen 51/Final   
    He was off the whole night but came up huge in the clutch.  The penetrate and dish on the possession before the 3 was a thing of beauty as well.  
  6. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Beaumont Central 53 Beaumont Ozen 51/Final   
    Central was off tonight but got it done, 53-51.  Can't understand why someone doesn't know basketball on this forum
    And in before OF's barrage of excuses...
  7. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Central vs. Ozen   
    The kiss of death has spoken.  Congratulations Jag fans...
  8. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Aces_Full in Bridge City 50 Little Cypress-Mauriceville 47/Final   
    So first you thought he had about 30 pts, and now you are saying he had 19?  KOGT is correct.  Katon with 17 pts, and Simmons with 16 pts for LCM.  Both played very well.  
  9. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in The Comeaux Alley Oop & dunk and Tech vs. Nederland   
    Especially for how quickly it was called after the dunk happened. The way it was being explained you would've thought he was running down the whole court doing it. 
  10. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from TxHoops in The Comeaux Alley Oop & dunk and Tech vs. Nederland   
    Especially for how quickly it was called after the dunk happened. The way it was being explained you would've thought he was running down the whole court doing it. 
  11. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Cougar14.2 in TOM WESTERBERG HIRED AS NEW BARBERS HILL AD/HC!   
    Those are just 5 star kids but you go off of that list you put up, over half of those guys made it to the NFL. Pretty accurate projections looking at 18 year olds. Your 5 star guys that usually flame out are qbs because there's really no metric to measure them coming out of high school. The people that rank these guys miss sometimes but if you look at this year's NFL draft half of the first round were four and five stars, the other half were three stars which is the most common ranking. The only 2 star drafted in the first round was Breshad Perriman who happened to be 6-2/212 and ran 4.24 at his pro day. Texas has 51 four star prospects in the '16 class, using your theory at least 45 of these kids will flame out in college which I just don't see being the case. Instead you'll probably get at least 10 of these kids make it to the NFL.
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    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in The Comeaux Alley Oop & dunk and Tech vs. Nederland   
    I'm certainly not a fan of trash talking or any of the extra-curricular stuff.  But that seriously looked like much ado about nothing....
  13. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to BLUEDOVE3 in Central vs Nederland   
    Whew, I was getting worried about the Jag fan base. Thought yall had transferred to another school or something
    I think Nederland got more balls after the Ozen lost and feel like they can run with anybody, well maybe except Big Sandy.
  14. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Mamba in Beaumont Ozen 60 Nederland 55/Final   
    Trash talk is part of the game.. If you have a problem with what the kid did then YOU have a problem when some of these oher players including some Nederland players that run down the court with 3's in the air,above the eye 3's ,flying airplane like Jason Terry  etc etc when they hit shots... Personally i have no problem with any of it ..but thats just me 
  15. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to Mamba in Beaumont Ozen 60 Nederland 55/Final   
    Yea its is the rule but the way sports is going their taking emotion out of the game everyone will be robots on the court
  16. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to TxHoops in Kobe Bryant goes off on AAU basketball   
    I care a lot more about what Big Shot Rob has to say than the Blackhole Mamba for sure. 
    Point taken on the second paragraph.  Although I'm not sure there is a better program for kids even that age, in terms of learning and playing the game.  There is a reason you had 3 freshman step against a top 5 ranked 5A team earlier this season without flinching.  And it ain't Little Dribblers  
  17. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from BlackShirts5 in Tony Brown   
    Facts officer was found to be the agrressor. Someone said something about it starts in the home. Well both of Tony's parents are coaches. One the head coach of Ozen girls basketball and she is a very disciplined coach and a great person if you ask anyone. As for his dad? He had a stroke when Tony was in high school and wasn't able to talk for awhile. Wasn't even living at home for his junior season. He was Ozens defensive coordinator prior to that. Anyways this isn't a home thing. Other than this one incident and Saban nagging on Tony in games and at practice, btw he led Bama in special teams tackles, what has he done wrong? He is still an EXCELLENT student and he plays/runs for Bama at the Highest Level of D1 competition. His teammates chose to send him based on the fact that they needed no distractions whether from Ridley, Ragland, or Brown. It is a winning culture at Bama and they weren't going to let anyone get in the way of distracting the team over a scuffle. Tony will be just fine at Bama. People loved to hate him even when he was in High school. Grow up. 
  18. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to WOSgrad in Tony Brown   
    Noah is an prime example of what learning from your mistakes can gain you and Tony will gain too if he learns from this mistake which is not near as bad as Noah's.
    And please don't be offended as this part of this post, but I must chastise you for not knowing the identity of the recruit that I was referring to earlier since it is the dead level intent of this site and for that matter, local media, to make sure that the transgression of every Ozen student and alumnus is highlighted to the point of eternal infamy.
  19. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to WOSgrad in NEW YEAR! NEW SERVER!!!!   
    Late Sunday evening, SETXsports will be transferring to a new and bigger server in order to better handle the traffic on the site.  We do not anticipate that the site will go down during this transfer or that any data will be lost.  However, if you do post during the time that the server transfer is occurring, that post may be lost.
    Now, there is always the possibility of glitches which may result in the site going down or that a post or 2 being lost that were made just before the transfer, so don't worry if that happens.  By Monday morning, SETXsports will be rocking and rolling on its new server!
    Happy New Year, SETX!
  20. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to WOSgrad in Tony Brown   
    No, ccs. It is definitely not Noah.  But ozensnotsofinest knows EXACTLY who that 5 star recruit was.  You could say he knows him VERY well.
    But then again, I am nothing but one of those no good low down, Ozen haters.
  21. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to ozensfinest in Tony Brown   
    Well Soulja it sure seems like, cause anytime it's an Ozen player in the news for something negative it's always a 10 page thread when players from other area schools get in trouble you don't hear a peep about it. Ask WOSGrad was he saying the same things about Trey Franks when he was suspended from OU? Better yet go check back and see if that thread was 10 pages long.....I got money on it wasn't! As far as what happened with Willie I'm not reaching at all I remember the FIRST time he got in trouble when we were seniors in high school the thread about him was 20 pages full of ridicule for a 18 year kid. Let me ask you this Soulja do you know Willie personally NO! Do you know anything about the type of household he grew up in? No, so don't be so quick to judge a kid that you know nothing about, he went through all that & now look? He's still getting paid to play the game he loves to play. 
  22. Like
    Tyler Dixson reacted to ozensfinest in Tony Brown   
    Never said it was ok but y'all on here acting like he committed some type of crime...fights with teammates in a college locker is VERY common and something that happens all the time. You guys are acting like Tony is consistently a behavior problem when in actuality this is his first time getting into trouble. The first incident it was found that the officer was indeed the agressor and not Tony. So let's not act like Tony has been a constant problem in the locker room. And let's stop comparing other kids to Tony and his situation two different kids from different places. DT & Tony come from two totally different backgrounds. Like I said it easy for you guys to criticize when you ain't never been a athlete at a high level like Alabama you don't know what Tony's going through mentally & emotionally...He's probably frustrated from not playing etc. Being a student athlete not as easy as a lot of you are on here making it seem but of course I don't expect y'all to understand cause none of you have been in his shoes.
  23. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Tony Brown   
    Great track program as well. 
  24. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from TeeCal85 in JAMES GAMBLE CLASSIC/POST UPDATES HERE!   
    Can you guys quit comparing them? John is a better scorer. Josh is a better distributer. They play the game completely different. They are two of the best players in the setx area. They play for the same team and neither of them care who you guys think is better. Let them play basketball and have this discussion at the end of the season. 
  25. Like
    Tyler Dixson got a reaction from show me love in JAMES GAMBLE CLASSIC/POST UPDATES HERE!   
    Can you guys quit comparing them? John is a better scorer. Josh is a better distributer. They play the game completely different. They are two of the best players in the setx area. They play for the same team and neither of them care who you guys think is better. Let them play basketball and have this discussion at the end of the season. 
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