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Lcm Bear 04 #77

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  1. Go to KOGT and go to local schools and when you click on OF hit the football link and it has all the past scores from the newspapers. I doubt they were JV scores maybe you are wrong
  2. actually looking at Orangefields football history of every game they have ever played on KOGT you did not play them once in the 90's but you did play them in 2002 and 2003 witch was a 12-0 loss in 02 and a 36-0 loss in 03 just helping with the facts. But I do agree that HD has some great athletes and some that Orangefield would love to have.
  3. Well seeing that you had 353 rushes to 162 passes last year with comes out to about a 70/30 run to pass I can promise you that the OC will not be running it at any higher then that percentage. Plus with the difference makers being outside and definitely not on the line I can for sure see it going to a 60/40 or even 50/50 run to pass ratio. Especially if Franks gets back at QB then a lot more pass plays will be called, so everybody will Drop into coverage and then he can (do what you love) run. all stats are off on chron.com
  4. Nobody and Nobody Great group of kids, might be one of the best teams but together in the past few years
  5. I'm not saying its going to be a long district season for Silsbee, but Its going to be a learning one. They sound like they are in the same predicament Orangefield was a couple years back.
  6. They need to have good showings later this week
  7. 17-6 now doesnt sound like errors its walks and big Hits
  8. 14-6 now OF have batted around last two innings
  9. Wow this is hilarious. First of all BH has not one player that can stop Casey or a team that can stop casey. Next the cougars as a whole are more talented then BH. Remember last year when a guy named Xavier Frank caught a five yard hitch route and turned it into a 65 yard touchdown by burning your whole secondary, and then he caught a 12 yard drag route and once again turned it into a 60 yard touchdown, well he is back once again and nobody in your secondary can run with him. BH has no talent right now just hard workers but that only gets you so far. Now their freshman are pretty salty and they might give Crosby a handful in the future. Crosby 42-BH 14. It could get real nasty if you let Merka start getting hot.
  10. guys we all love football but in places like Bridge City it doesnt matter if the school suffered damage or not it is the fact that 90% percent of the homes here are unlivable. The kids and their parents are not only trying to salvage what they can of their homes, but they are also trying to find places t live in the meantime. Yes football would be a great thing to get everybody back to normal, but in some places it will take longer then most
  11. Judging by the ridiculously low quality of the video, I would have to say it a fake. Still pretty cool though.
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