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  1. I have heard from Brittany DeRouens dad(bridge city) and believe it or not they are one of the few in Bridge city without water damage! Just passing on some good news, think that little town needs it right now!
  2. HF lost the press box, not sure on our lights...but i think they are ok.
  3. After being involved in MANY conversations yesterday about pitching coaches, who is now coaching in the Golden Triangle area? Dave Huber moved, so I know that leaves Trout and Chuck Theriot..If there are others out there, could you please post their names, and contact info. Lots of parents left scrambling when Huber moved.....Oh, the tournament was great, thanks to all Crush folks who worked so hard for a great Sunday in the Park....
  5. just curious, can we bring coolers in to the parks? figuring a big fat no for ford park, but did not know about college street...
  6. Keep posting about any others going on in the area, i am sure there are plenty of girls looking to spend their summer at the ball park...
  7. Didnt think that would last as long as it did. Best to all our athletes in the area as regular softball winds down, and playoffs wind up!!
  9. Mangan has brought a lot back, was sitting outside waiting on kids after pep rally and out walks ALL of the varsity, looking just like those coaches on the sidelines! Kids look great, all have monogrammed shirts, khakis and matching ties. Mon-Fri those football boys have to have shirts tucked in and belts on, if nothing else, he is giving those boys self respect! GLAD TO SEE IT!!!
  10. You had to ask what day Rita hit??? I thought we all had that memorized, you know, like anniversary dates, kids birthdays, etc.! :)
  11. I totally agree. My daughter has been on teams, although still in league ball back then, where we have had to FORFEIT, or play short, because some girls left in the middle of a tournament to play basketball. Same problem where they have left basketball to play softball. Parents tried to be fair and miss games equally between sports, but that is still not fair to the girls that play on either team!
  12. Highest of respect to the HF coaches and staff. Bringing a bus full of boys to the funeral today, for those who could not get rides. Proud to say I am a HF parent, and alumni!!! Prayers and support to Nan and Matthew... :'(
  13. I know the girls athletic dept is THRILLED! He seems to be interested in more than just football!!! :) Seems as though he has a LOT of softball experience!!! ;D
  14. Keep in mind, HF was without their starting quarterback for a lot of last season, due to his concussion from WOS.
  15. It is always interesting to me how everyone sees something different in these circumstances. The one thing that I think EVERYONE at this game would agree with, the umps made several crappy calls that night. :o
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