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Everything posted by workbootz

  1. I saw Mallett selling cars at Gillman Acura on 45.
  2. Luck 13 TDs 12 INTs and Hoyer 13 TDs 3 INTs, I'd say Hoyer has the upper hand.
  3. By your assessment it was best for him, has he found another job yet. He can go sell used cars with Josh Gordon, that's the only check he'll be getting.
  4. Left the facility because he lost his starting spot. They need to start a team with a bunch of whining ass players. QB Mallett, RB Joseph etc...
  5. that's it the Texans missing some of that hood mentality. We don't have a woman beater, a thief, or a mama slapper. C'mon Rick Smith it's time to get with the program.
  6. Negative attention really let's see Hardy, Joseph, Dez do I need to go any further.
  7. The only team I see taking Mallett is Cleveland, other than that his career is over. Now that Foster is done for the season, I say make a trade to Arizona for Andre Ellington, or at least give Ray Rice another chance.
  8. I've once said our defense is pathetic from the line backers to the secondary. If JJ is getting double/trippled teamed somebody else has to step up. To me Mack should've been the #1 pick that year. Instead of addressing the position issues, they pick an injury prone at #1. Instead of waiting for a QB to fall in your lap how about trading up to get one. I hope Savage is available after the bye week, he can't be any worse than what we have.
  9. As weak as this division is they still have a chance to win it. They better off bringing in Young, Tebow, or Leinart. It's time to ship some of this garbage out.
  10. Goff would be a good pick, but I think Detroit gonna snag him first. Every coach that came under Belicheck (sp) has failed.
  11. Man I picked Dallas in a 20 point spread. I just knew that was a gimme.
  12. And with the #1 pick in the 2016 draft the Texans select _______? The defense is pathetic.
  13. Buddy your Arkansas guy is waste management, please pay him off. And to address the QB issue we took a corner with the #16 pick really, in the second round they drafted a WR whose not playing because he's lazy. There's a lot of QBs out there that's better than what we have. Heck Carr not looking bad over there in Oakland. I think the whole front office needs to go. Another 2-14 season
  14. Don't know from who...I've always said he was a bad draft pick at #1. If they didn't want a QB at #1 pick, they should've drafted Mack. The two positions we was hurting at they didn't address neither one.
  15. Well you got Jones right but switch Dez and Beckham around
  16. well pay him off again and get him out of Houston and bring Hoyer, Blue, Grimes, and Polk with him. There's no way in hell a QB should have more rushing yards than the rb committee we have.
  17. Mallet is inaccurate, he must be one of those Arkansas guys. Between the rbs and qbs all them jokers garbage. Sure hope 80% of our offense comes back soon.
  18. O'Brien needs to get it together this not college football, where you play 2 qbs in a game, and now you don't know who's starting next week. I hope Foster is back soon cause our backfield is not getting it done.
  19. Not a cowboys fan but the Giants deserve to lose that game. They should've ran it on 3rd and 4th and make Dallas go 99 yards, with less than a minute to play. Since they didn't want the rb to score. Coughlin must've hung out with Hancock the night before.
  20. If that happens Strong and staff needs to pack up and leave soon as the clock strike zero. Going with UT by 17.
  21. My bad, let me rephrase that for you. What has he "WON" for y'all lately.
  22. Struck a nerve I see, y'all top offensive player has moved on, what makes you think that the thief and stay hurt McFadden is any better. You keep saying we don't have a QB, what has Romo done for y'all lately.
  23. A typical cowboys answer, you can remember the non catch but not the interference call that robbed the Lions.
  24. yep Dez screwed y'all over, next time he'll think before he tries to be the hero. We have faith that one of these guys will lead us to the promise land...bet that
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