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Everything posted by figureitout

  1. hey 643 i dont know if you have heard of tournament games summer ball and other games. i played against all the hj boys since i graduated in 99 i figure i made that ok. i played with moye as well on some summer league teams along with spivey and carney.
  2. while playing in district 224A, i faced floyd, sullivan, fletcher, stutes, cooksey, mitchell, bucholz, tate, moye, girdley. the best of those guys is a coin flip between sullivan and floyd. the other guys were pretty good but couldnt touch those two.
  3. i played college baseball in the outfield for 4 years at a nationally ranked NAIA school. our centerfielder and right fielder were 2 of the slower guys on the team. but they got great jumps and could catch anything. speed is definetely a plus but john kruk played the outfield so did pete incavalia. even some of the best centerfielders today arent that fast, ie jim edmonds, aaron rowand...etc. so it doesnt matter all that much but is always a plus. but you can run like the wind and take bad angles and not get good jumps and be terrible out there.
  4. to back up my griff and stephenson pick as best coaching staff. how many players do you see under best returning of or best returning p etc, etc? none. and yet they will be favorite to win the district again and make the playoffs. that is coaching.
  5. two names say it all griff and stephenson
  6. i thought i saw the word GENIUS. WOW. doesnt know how to throw up the stop sign or keep waving his hand. GENIUS.
  7. congrats leggett. well deserved buddy. good fishing up there. did anyone else know that SMU had baseball? that must have forgot to inform C-USA
  8. if a good job is turning down some of these names mentioned then so be it. schools that have great talent in baseball let it go to waste just because the main focus is football. whenever they may not be very good in football.
  9. yeah it is a great situation however they dont want a baseball guy there to develop that talent. seems to be a problem in this area. great players and great coaches with good resumes who cant get jobs due to the fact that football is what everyone focuses on. what a shame!!! i thought an ADs job was to make the whole athletic program successful.
  10. it appears the leak came from central. a team that does not make the playoffs so they may not know or care of the common courtesy. some people do not care about the well being of other teams. a lack of success may cause that. just an idea.
  11. i just said im not taking anything away from them. i think it is great what they accomplished. you just dont see that often is all im trying to say.
  12. i dont disagree that congrats are in order. it is just strange to see that many from one team be first team all district. im not downing any of those players at all. i just found it shocking that the that many were first team. CONGRATS TO ALL!!!
  13. there is no way that is true. the whole team is wb come on now. all but 2 that is a joke, they may have been good but no one is that good.
  14. does anyone know who threw for nederland?
  15. where is mustangblue when you need him on this topic?
  16. rumor has it game is rained out and being played tomorrow
  17. its not like this is 1999 or something when png lcm and nederland were all in the top 10. both teams are pretty young and dont deserve to be ranked yet. give them a good run in the playoffs and maybe.
  18. once again there are many great players who play different positions in college than they do in high school. no one in 224A saves more runs than jake rowell. is there a stat for that? no i dont think so. you catching gurus who keep dogging this great young man need to come watch him play. oh yeah you do when your team plays and he may have an off night that one time. so all of a sudden he is not a good catcher. no one has talked bad about massey except for me i believe and i regret that but everytime jakes name comes up everyone dogs him. what is that all about? anyone have a problem with him can nut up and bring it because no one does a better job of leading and catching this young staff. that is what determines a good catcher. the average major leaguerer only throws out 20 - 30% maybe lower .now that should explain something to you experts on who is the best catcher.
  19. lets see the ball bounces 5 feet to the left of the catcher im pretty sure that is a wild pitch not a passed ball. its apparent that some of you have never played the game of baseball at a very competitive level ie college, professional. anyone who knows the game knows that most bases are stolen off of the pitcher not the catcher. go ask someone if you dont know that they will agree. also your Dayton guy was 0-2 with a walk against LCM and didnt come up clutch in any situation. maybe you should have seen the nederland game to see the pitches that are supposed past balls. also jake rowell is a great leader on and off the field. unless you can count the massey guy as head cheerleader of the dayton bench then i didnt see him do anything special. he didnt throw anyone out either during the dayton game. so you guys need to stop ragging on a great young man and great ballplayer. there have been many of great players go to the next level as catchers or pitchers or outfielders that ended up being great at another position. that is also a remark of someone who doesnt know this game very well. just for tcsbalumni softball does not count as playing at the next level. 2 different sports that look alike dont make you an expert on the one you didnt play.
  20. i never dogged the dayton coach i think you should proofread what i said. didnt know i was talking to an english professor. you dogged the LCM baseball program and school. i never did either to the dayton program. i think you have a good program and i said that but do not dog LCMs program. you make it seem like i bashed your program or something which i never did. so professor setxfan should i requote that or will get it right this time? you have a good program and so does LCM, which may or may not be great at other sports than baseball. being good at sports doesnt make you a great program. if the kids grow to be successful in life and are good people who represent a community well and are not punks then that is a good program. IM NOT DOGGING ANY SCHOOL THAT IS JUST MY DEFINITION OF A GOOD PROGRAM. DAYTON HAS A GREAT ATHLETIC PROGRAM FROM WHAT I HEAR.
  21. SETXfan you dont have a clue. coach hooks as built a good program in everything besides football and track? ok their baseball team is horrible, basketball not the same as it was, not so sure about the golf program. am i missing something? im not dogging the dayton program it seems to be pretty good but when you dog one of the best baseball coaches to ever come around this area that is a different story. we werent talking football, basketball, soccer, etc... we are talking baseball.
  22. I wasnt going to get involved in this discussion but this guy just took it to far. hey if they want to throw the kid that much let them who cares he isnt my kid or he isnt your kid so let them do what they want. everyone has a "philosophy" of baseball, he is doing the best for his team to win isnt that the point? anyways if you are saying Griff doesnt know how to build a successful program setexfan then you should be booted off this place. by saying leave it up to the people who know what they are doing, that is what you are refering to. all he is has done is built one of the most respected programs in the STATE and you want to dog it by referring to a one act play. WHAT A JOKE? no one envys DAYTON thats not even what the post is about. so figure it out.
  23. well i can tell you dont know much about baseball. everyone in the bigs can throw 90, then why are others better. just as i figured you dont know. you just dont get it
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