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Everything posted by BigPurpleMan32

  1. sorry about that i misread your post..i thought you were honestly complaining about the lack of WOS stuff in the BE. The thing I am complaining about is that its almost like the BE tries NOT to report on any good news that is happening at WB. The only way WB can seem to make the front page is if something horrible happens there, or they lose to one of the other Beaumont schools.
  2. not sure what is wrong with you...but i was referring to the lack of BEAUMONT'S main school in the BEAUMONT paper...not the lack of WEST ORANGE stark in BEAUMONT'S paper???
  3. so the second part of my post got deleted mysteriously...it basically said Am I wrong in letting this anger me?
  4. AT LEAST from wb Christian Michaels - RB Blake Chavis - DE David Falgout - DB
  5. The West Brook Bruins go undefeated and win the championship in one of the toughest 5A districts in the state...and are not mentioned until page 6 in the Beaumont Enterprise
  6. EXACTLY! it helps even the playing field and gives less talented teams a chance it will phase out once someone figures it out. It's like a new pitcher in the MLBs...he's great for a while, but before long people will figure out how to hit it and the next big pitcher will emerge
  7. as far as the depth goes...it will come- just give it some time before the 2005 season...playing football at WB was not the "cool" thing to do. I remember having 23 players on our JV squad just so we could have enough guys on varsity to fill up that second bus! Now that Brook is winning, more and more guys will want to come out and play. Katy, for example...has had successful teams for the past 6 or 7 years now. They now carry 95 or so on varsity, but back before they were considered a "decent program", I'm sure they had the same problems filling helmets that WB did. Depth will come- just be patient and give Stump a few more years to work his magic...the Bruins are back
  8. haha thats not recruiting! he went to wb because he liked the coach and the offense he runs! he lives in the wb district AND saved a ton of money...therefore there is nothing fishy there had he stayed at kelly...i seriously doubt he would be spending time in a huddle with darren mcfadden right now either wuit hatin on a kid for making the all-around best choice he could
  9. when was the last time kelly played a UIL team that wasn't 2 or 3a?
  10. overall player of the week...DAVID FALGOUT...WB i would give stats...but i just dont know them...He pretty much never left the field though, acting as QB, Safety, and deep snapper, and you just dont see that much in 5A football
  11. i know they cant compare to some of these guys...but I remember back when WB was horrible..they still had two of the hardest hitting linebackers I have ever seen. Hunter Hamm and Albert Sells back in 02 and 03...those guys were fun to watch
  12. i didnt see any games last week...BUT from what i have heard it should be a close one. Im callin WB by a td, simply because i feel like a lot of their problems had to do with the weather. I also know that the O-Line now knows what it feels like to play on Friday nights, so hopefully they will calm down a bit. WB-24 Central Medical Magnet School-17
  13. maybe she knows her stuff??? may not be appropriate..but TITLE 9 TITLE 9 TITLE 9
  14. we have been through this on soooo many threads!!! 13th in 4a does NOT compare to 19th in 5a get it into your heads!
  15. haha you mean you guys didnt like it in 2005 when WB always went for it on 4th and 35 backed up on their own side of the field?
  16. AND my final post... the beaumont bowl means absolutely nothing anymore. WB needs harder games to prepare them for their 5A season. No offense little guys..but i've been there and the worst defenses in our district made Mack Randall and winston Sylvester (ozen and central's studs a few year ago) seem slow and soft. But thats besides the point. The Bmt Bowl used to mean something...but when WB started winning again with Stump...all we heard of around the locker room and town for that matter was "the Soul Bowl"...something about how WB dont count and how the real battle is between ozen and central. (maybe its because WB isnt a "magnet" school...i dont know). ANYWAYS BISD does need to let WV schedule some of their own games...because the beaumont games really serve no purpose except forcing wb to play at Cardinal Stadium and make BISD lots of money on concessions, etc.
  17. these 9 should stand up williams and michaels...but they better hope 10 and 11 get there fast enough to take them down
  18. haha just leave him alone lonestar...the title of the thread had something positive about aTm in it, so you know he couldn't resist
  19. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  20. thanks guys for taking care of that...I didnt have time to look up the exact numbers ;D
  21. rumor has it, aTm is having to build a new building on campus to house the HUGE number of Big XII Championship Trophies won this year. and no dennis, Texas did not win it for aTm by beating nebraska
  22. Jay Bruce is having a pretty solid season so far as well... [Hidden Content]
  23. anyone who has ever played knows HIPS ARE ESSENTIAL. They are where all explosion comes from, and they help you stay low and gain all kinds of leverage. we always did hurdle work, powerclean, snatch, and lows box squats for our hips...and i think the strength i gained from these exercises made all the difference
  24. ty cobb if you realize that football is supreme...then why dont you change your name to johnny unitas and get on the football board? until then...let the softball people talk softball and you go play in the nursery with you friends
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