I agree, maybe you need to change your screename. Your definetly not a "true Bobcat"!!! To me, that last sentence is a direct slap in the face to next years team and coaching staff. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about how good these girls the past four years have been. Maybe we should be talking about how good they "could" have been...instead of being happy with just getting to "regionals"...maybe a little extra work and your talking about "state tournament". I'm talking about, staying after practice to shoot, working out during the summer and just flat out wanting it!!! As good as the were, they could have been better. And before you say that they did want it, I know they did...I saw the way the looked and felt after losing the Diboll game, but it was to late then. They should have had that same want to during the summer and during the season. It was too late then...and I'm not saying anything about them not playing hard or practicing hard. I'm just saying they could have been better with more work and dedication from themselves. As far as you my friend, you sound like a bitter parent that is living your dreams through your kid. Junior high and Little Dribblers are you serious?