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  1. Fly ball to outfield, player makes diving attempt. The field umpire watching the play gives the safe signal indicating he did not catch the ball. It looks as if the player made the catch, can this play be appealed to the other umpire? Can the other umpire declare the ball caught and the batter out or not?
  2. Any info on Vidor Tournament coming up this week.
  3. Do you know if Hufman won that scrimage Huffman may have something about that ;D How did Huffman do against CE King. Did not go but heard that our outfield needs some work. Heard that the hitting is pretty strong and pitching is a no brainier. Coach D Will have them ready and is the best Coach in our district in my opinion. I seriously doubt that Huffman will see any of your teams bc they should win this district. If they do they get a bye right? In the event they do match up with you guys they should compete with some success. They did pretty well over the last two years in four-a and moving down don't see anyone in your district that hang with them except BC. Huffman has three capbale pitchers Deberry, Henk and Hashagen that can flat bring it. Just my opinion. Explain to me how Huffman drops in classification. I thought Huffman was in a growing area. If you tell me its because the added a new high school in the area, my next question is, did that in turn not cause you to lose any of your returning players to the new school as well?
  4. I believe Vidor scrimmages Jasper next Tuesday (2/10) in Vidor around 4:00
  5. Based on what I saw last year and the lack of depth, I just don't see them making a run for the 3 spot stacked up against BC, OF, HF. I definitely see the program heading in the right direction, good coaching staff. Improvement over last year, I feel will indicate a successful season for WOS, not necessarily making the playoffs.
  6. I expect Carthage, Jasper, and Hudson (not necessarily in that order) to be the three to make it out of this good district.
  7. Does anyone know what time the Kingwood Park and Tarkington game is at on Saturday in Splendora?
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