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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. Maybe they should
  2. Yes, like little girls sold into slavery.
  3. Thanks for being honest.
  4. But back in the day it was cool to have female gods, so using Patriarchy as to why God is not referred to as a women has some holes in it.
  5. I dont know? Define creeping and then look at what has happened to Europe in the past 20-30 years. Could be paranoia, but in Islamic theology the world is to be subdued to Sharia law.
  6. When people say that we need to do or think like people in Europe
  7. Whose Line is it Anyway
  8. They had that one for Obama voters to
  9. J V McGee is a good teacher and is gifted by God. Remember he has been dead for 30 years and what he says still preaches.
  10. Amber Lamps. You'd be leaking too, if you were sitting next to her.": [Hidden Content]
  11. You do know that Comey has investigated the Clintons twice, for serious crimes? [Hidden Content]
  12. Poland knows all about crazy people trying to take over thier country. The Nazi's and then Soviet Russia. So they know that evil men wish to do harm. Polands Geography is tough on them also. Poland has no natural defenses being that the country is as flat as Kansas, but unlike Kansas they are sandwiched between to historically strong countries. Those being Germany and Russia.
  13. I was only 8, 30 years ago so I will take your word. Lol we are definitely living in a post-Christian nation. Not saying errbody was saved back in the day and there was plenty of sin back then,but culturally our nation has abondon the Christian worldview of absolute truths for post-modernism. The book of Jude , has maybe 21 verses, is all about apostasy, and false teachers and what Jude saw as a small storm on the horizon is a full blown hurricane and tsunami all wrapped in one today. Here is our boy JV McGee teaching on it. If you are more of a reader. [Hidden Content]
  14. It seems to me that the Muslims are have no thier way with that English backside
  15. I think she was born this way
  16. That can be thier goal, but God has this book and in the end His followers win
  17. [Hidden Content] On Wednesday, Russell Vought, President Trump’s nominee to be deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, was viciously attacked by Sen. Bernie Sanders over his Christian faith. Bernie wants government to be our god, and he wants to be an imam for his religouse beliefs. Socialism leads to government as God because socialist believe that government is the one who grants rights, and any one who goes against them is a heretic and enemy of the state. Christianity teaches private property rights, being rewarded for the work you do. Both those beliefs are heratical to a socialist and of course the left hates Trump too. Not because he is a Christian ( I hope he repents just like I prayed for Obama to repent) but because he creates wealth and that to is a sin because a socialist believes that wealth is fixed and can not be created. So here we see Bernie getting so mad because Russel Vought is not only a Christian, but is also like Trump believes wealth is created and will be in involved with money. So Voight is in Bernies eyes a symbol of evil and Bernie being a Imam in the socialist religion must attack.
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