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Everything posted by spede

  1. On 10/13/2016 at 9:51 PM, TexasPanther2012 said: "Thanks for clarifying. So I should just expect 60 ish to 0 not 80 ish to 0?" Tx Panther, the only thing you should expect is to be 8-1 going into the last district game and come out of it 8-2 with a 3rd place finish. One game at a time buddy. Good luck
  2. Man you guys are hilarious....maybe you should take up real fishing because your bait is not working on here....did you even watch the show last night.....those guys showed all the respect to the defending state champs, as they should. Find bulletin board material somewhere else. Good luck to both teams
  3. haha....this is comical....so how do you come up with that score...78-3?  was that your next model car buick?  that's ridiculous.  numba8 i can assure you hj is not overlooking anyone, but please do so for hj....going to be a fun year in 21-3A...say it again craxus.
  4. thanks dust....i think this thread is pretty comical.....i don't think anyone bothers bedelmon
  5. Dust, you just trying to stir the pot?....Fran, i'm starting to think you're infatuated with bedelmon and have a man crush on him or something....it's to the point you bring nothing to the table but bad things to say about hj....what gives?
  6. this is the best hj thread i have read....chicken nuggets and kool aid....that's hilarious.
  7. AAW, the Gene Isabell 643 speaks of is Sr....he was principal at hj hs when Gene Jr. played basketball and graduated from there. He is also correct of the baseball field located on the school grounds....i believe back in the 80's they brought in some fill dirt to put on the base paths to level the ground....it was full of pebble rock....great to play on!
  8. all i have to say is.....i totally agree!
  9. SFA had some really good athletes come through there....don't forget Kenny Ford, Graylin Johnson....some guy played linebacker for them with Ford, i believe he went on to play ball in Ok...may Ok St....don't remember his name.  SFA ranked #4 that year....had really good team....beat HJ in the last two minutes of the game....HJ went 8-2  that year but didn't make playoffs.  There have been some really good football players come through HJ as well.  AAW thanks for remembering some of those guys at hj. 
  10. funny how so many of you were "upset" with the coaching change at HJ and placed the blame on "lack of talent"....the real deal is that each team in the district chocked a "W" beside the HJ game on the schedule each year and now with the right coach in here things will not be that easy.  I'm not going to sit here and say who we'll beat and who we won't.....i just want to see HJ be competitive week in and week out.  It's time to earn the respect of the opponent across the field from you.....be able to shake the hand of the opposing team after the game and know there is a true respect between the players from the war that just took place on the field. 
  11. thanks bedelmon
  12. I still have not seen anything official....can someone confirm or deny that this is finally over?
  13. I don't have a problem with Dubois or any other candidate.....just curious if that is official?
  14. Do you know it was Dubois as fact?
  15. Where/when do they to plan to post the announcement?
  16. I think this thread has gone far enough....it is neither entertaining nor funny.  Calling "bedelmon" out just to attack someone personally shouldn't be what this is about.  Talk about the upcoming game in 2013, it doesn't really matter what happened this past year.....new players (and in HJ's case, new coach as well) on both teams should be interesting.  Bedelmon is not the only one in the community who thinks HJ will be better, but he is on here supporting his beliefs.  AAW, you always refer to the talent pool Silsbee pulls in year in, year out.....i seem to recall Silsbee had a pretty good stretch of some bad seasons right before they moved down to 3A.....a friend of mine had a kid that played all 4 years of HS on one of those teams....they were bad......exactly what changed all of that for you guys?  coaching change? change of philosophy? renowned focus to get the program back on track?  idk.....zeek, I see you made it back on the forum....after being called out a few weeks ago I guess you were just waiting to see how long it would take for anyone to support bedelmon....figured you would bandwagon the "no talent" train once again....as i stated before, you wouldn't know if there was talent there or not as you have no idea what you're looking for.  To be honest, I don't care if HJ has all the talent those guys may have right now, but i am looking forward to them being competitive.  One last note, the turnovers you guys keep referring to, doesn't matter the quantity as much as what point during the game they happened and location of field position they gave up.  I'm sure Silsbee didn't just walk over and hand the ball to an HJ player so they could downplay a 21 pt win on turnovers.  Fran, congrats to your kid playing at the next level...i personally think that is awesome.....its nice when the hard work pays off....i turned that opportunity down when i had the chance and often times wish i would not have. 
  17. I'm not sure who is on the list but I believe there is at least 1 coach currently on staff that could get the job done and also someone who lives in the district but didn't go to school here.  He was here under Fischer and currently employed elsewhere.  I know there are a bunch of good coaches in the area.....i agree with Hitman.....just get one who wants to turn this program around and walks the walk, not just talk the talk. 
  18. Hitman is correct.....without an AD title at this level, a coach that proves himself will move on as soon as he is offered that title elsewhere, unless of course it's someone who as a genuine interest in the HJ football program long term, which means they probably went to school here.....as stated on a few other threads, that may not be the way to go at this point.....Lazeek, dude, you are a hard core Fact machine....and that's a fact, Jack!
  19. Just lightening the mood....on a serious note, I'm looking forward to this year already....can't say as i've done that in a few years....I'm very proud of these kids from HJ just as you guys are of your teams....all of this talk about who or what the problem was/is.....it's just time to strap it up and play ball.....one of the posts I read was asking if hj had as many kids move on to the next level and play as our district counterparts, well no they have not, but part of that has been by choice of the kid, deciding not to play at the next level and just attend school....at the same time, with our record the way it's been, they didn't have much confidence going forward.  Oh well, out with the old, in with the new....turn the page and start a new chapter....good luck again HJ...I'll be there rooting you boys on.
  20. 5 games into the season and Lazeek is our offense and defensive line (at least that's what he said we needed), scat right still doesn't know his left from right, two cents came in for one play and left like TuPac, went to emergency QB Fran because somebody put the name "Tarkington" on the back of his shirt and somebody in the stands was "beware of aggies"....can the season get any worse?......laugh fellas, it's only February!  Good luck HJ....with this crowd we're going to need it.
  21. Undiscovered....I think we surpassed that argument a while back.....we're actually half way through the 2013 season already!
  22. Fran, there are plenty that share his passion....no look, i understand the passion you speak of...yes there is a lot of passion and we are very proud of our b-ball program but those on the outside looking in seem to think that it's only for b-ball....our other district members would love to keep it that way and chock that "W" every Friday night in the fall against us. We are looking forward to turning that around.
  23. fellas, fellas.....now we're throwing money around.....Fran, of course anyone involved in the football program wants it to be successful...that question really needs to be directed to upper administration as we will see in the near future.  Hey, or maybe we just ask Lazeek....he seems to represent that side very well.  Just a friendly jab zeek, don't get bent out of shape.  To answer your question Fran, there are a lot of people who want to see the football program be more successful and are willing to support it in any fashion.
  24. Sorry, your corrective comments are somewhat demeaning, but that's my perception.  Let's quit talking about Martel....he has a new job....good for him...whatever the reason.  This sport is as much mental as it is physical....yes i do believe a new coach can win at hj....of course the population out there believes hj doesn't have the athletes.....what in the world would give them any reason to think they did?....we haven't fielded a competitive team in 7 years except for the last one and it was sub par at best.....but your are at hj and so it shows what you know about what it takes to field a team in this sport and if you don't think we have the athletes then you need to stay on the basketball thread.  Unless you are a coach in the program and involved with the scheme then you know no more than what is being told to you....just like the rest of us....no matter how close the kin.  Take information with a grain of salt and know how to weed through the crap. Of course parents in the stands are a little upset....it got worse for each of the last seven years....and if you've ever played the game, then you know it takes a sense of pride each time you step on the field and we've been missing that.
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