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Peppermint Patty

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Everything posted by Peppermint Patty

  1. Kansas is too good to be on the tamu schedule.
  2. So it is agreed that UTAM is somewhat better than Notrh Texas.
  3. I wonder how much that kids parents sold their tickets for? Florida Scrong!
  4. What happens if the SEC champ has 2 losses and BYU goes undefeated? Who gets the playoff spot?
  5. Just saw those events transpire on ABC. He obviously does not understand what an ass he really is. Jumbo looked like me when I deal with my 12! year old.
  6. Hey! Lane Kiffen. Don't get in the elevator.
  7. SMU driving- argument invalidated. FG. You could not even shutout the worst offense in football.
  8. SMU should sue June Jones for malpractice.
  9. SMU is awful. Those offensive numbers are just that- offensive. Awesome shot of the Methodist dude double rodding the aggie faithful. Stay classy.
  10. [Hidden Content] He was just being trendy.
  11. So we should not get upset when a police officer shoots his family? 95% of these players do the right things. I do not have a problem with eliminating that other 5% if they can't.
  12. He's going to the National Felons League next year.
  13. Just keep playing crappy teams. Sack totals per game: SC 1 LU. 2 RU. 2.5 (That kid from Rice was awful, no matter how big he was. If he could play, he would not be at Rice.)
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