Buddy, (can I call you Buddy) when someone calls the parents of the football players pathetic, and that we have no talent to compete, and is pompous enough to state his opinion as FACT. That is bashing his community. We do have the talent to compete. I get tired of people who know nothing of our program stating we don't. I understand why they do it though. When you get your rear handed to you in almost every game it is easy to make that assumption. When you see the hard work, extra work these kids put in for football only to be mis-coached it is heart breaking. THAT IS A FACT! If the football coaches would talk to you, you would see the frustration they had. Then you have someone (Lazeek) who knows absolutely nothing about football to start stating his opinion as fact is laughable. All the inside scoop he is referring to are not football coaches. Football parents are very passionate about the sport. Farmer Fran does not bug me. He is a pot stirrer, but he is passionate about football and you have to respect that. If I wanted to know what club to use on the 9th hole at Idylwild with a 6mph crosswind, Lazeek would be the first one I would ask. When it comes to football questions, his name would not even be on my list.