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Everything posted by TammyEdelmon

  1. What..... y'all having a party at Farmer Fran's this evening???
  2. AWESOME POST.... My sentiments exactly Mr.Edelmon.  ;) Touche', ditto and a Big True That!!! ::)
  3. Dang Big E these moderators are sensitive. I think they like my2cents, Farmer Pam and several others must rank high in.... *Mod Edit*
  4. Well said Big Poppa. He luvs it when I call him BIG POPPA!!!!
  5. I know my family will win this contest. We are the best at everything we do!!!  :P
  6. My Hubby is a part of a topic again on setx???? :o Farmer Brown, my2cents and several others I do believe have the hots for my man. You know like when you were young and teased the girls you really have crushes on. Stay away from Big E cause he's all mine!!!  :-* :-* :-*
  7. The only place I'm going is to the playoffs to watch those mighty Hawks!!!  8)
  8. Yes they barely beat a team of No-Talent and had to use three of their pitchers to do it. Not to mention the goofball on the fence yelling cash crap as our pitcher was just about to pitch. Just wondering does he do this at all Silsbees games or just against HJ because he got nervous the Hawks were going to win???
  9. Can't wait for football and baseball season next school year. When the Hawks prove you haters wrong.... The only thing we'll hear are crickets on this forum!!! ;D
  10. Anyone remember all that Talent from Silsbee losing last year when HJ's FRESHMAN was on the mound????? Chose not to remember that one as well. :o
  11. Well FARVA you have one of three problems... 1. Your struggling in Math and don't know how to read a tape measure. 2. You jealous and have a bad case of little mans syndrome. 3. Time for a visit to TSO.
  12. BadSanta you need to start visiting FormerFan so he can teach you the art of "EATING CROW".  :D Your gonna need it after HJ's No-Talent puts it on ya this season! ;)
  13. Farmer's Tan... Time is not on your  side. Best hope you play The Hawks early in the season before report cards come out. Even the most talented, strong, fast, built athlete can't tackle that one!!! ;) ;) ;)
  14. I honestly feel HJ has a great chance to beat Silsbee as well as anyone else in our district this year. I'm a gambler so I gave HJ 17 points because of the No-Talent some people on this forum say we have. If these people truly believe  Silsbee is going to demolish HJ  then whats 17 points to them??? Its just a couple TD's and a FG.
  15. Hawks +17 against Silsbee...  Easy money $$$$$$
  16. Your correct usedtobe!!!! The Edelmon brothers along with many others. Amazingly your football savvy even though the only time you saw the field on Friday Nights you had a tuba in your hands...
  17. When a team of NON-Talented football players from HJ puts a BIG "W" on you this season under the lights ..... What does that say for your team????
  18. I'll have yu know Mr.Buddy my boys are talented in many areas. >:(  One being Crow Raising. They won 1st place at the SETexas Fair this moring. What you need to be worring about is helpng Farmer Fran on the ranch. His chickens aren't laying near enough of the eggs that are needed for Silsbees football teams protein drinks. :-\
  19. Usedtobe@EdelmonFan.... ;D So you thought we gave a rats butt about how you feel about us. Use the cry'n towel you bought for the HJ / Silsbee game next yeat to wipe your tears!
  20. Thanks Daddy I mean LOKI!!!  ;)
  21. Every night after I make my kids read setxsports..... I tell them how lucky they are to be an Edelmon. I tell them they are the best at sports, better looking than all their friends, sing like and angel, the smartest and funniest. Guess I'm not getting Mother of the year this year!!! Ha :'(
  22. Like Ive never been called a B before... Oh you got me good!!! :P *MOD EDIT* Watch that word!
  23. mytwocents can't we all just along??? I'm not feeling your luv ;)
  24. Dang I'm married to a SUPERSTAR!!!! Mr.Greenjeans I mean Farmer Fran.... If I were a gambling woman I'd bet the score next year would be.... HJ 24 - Silsbee 14
  25. So the only reason Hj won is because of injuries and track???? That's pathetic!!! HJ played a great game of baseball last night and I'll tell you a little secret.... HJ also has 2 of their best players injured Padgett and Cooley. Woodville may have a great team and had an off night last night. I really don't know. What I do know is the Hawks have had 6 straight victories and 5 of them were on run rules.
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