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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Man some sure have a hard time concealing their hate for a certain coach on this board. Even leaks over into other threads. At least he’s not paying rent for that space he occupies in your dome, I guess. Back to the actual thread, great win for BC. They are a solid club and I predict a playoff team. Have virtually everyone back, and have the best overall player in the OC (although I haven’t seen the new kid from WOS yet).
  2. Some on here will never acknowledge or give proper credit to him. It’s okay. With basketball guys, they only have to see his teams play a time or two to “get it.” If you don’t get it, it’s kind of like the guy at the poker table who can’t figure out who the sucker is. If you can’t find the sucker, it’s probably because it’s you...
  3. Ok. His winningest team* *but nowhere “near his best team”*. Lol
  4. One could argue (correctly) that he got bounced from the playoffs (with his best team to date) by an inferior team with a coach some on here truly love to hate. He does a nice job. I would tap the brakes on superlatives above that.
  5. Silsbee had a transcendent player at the 4A level. Like an all decade or better type player. Put some athletes around that and you should make the regional tournament
  6. Silsbee could pull random kids out of the hall more athletic than Huffman.
  7. I agree. But wouldn’t be surprised if they split with HF again. Hope they both beat the brakes off Huffman.
  8. No doubt. If HJ and HF hadn’t moved, it would be several schools fighting for the last playoff spot (after HJ, HF and Silsbee). Silsbee still wins this one imo. Very possibly going undefeated in district.
  9. Terrence Arceneaux locally. But BU has some others that are really good too. Love Yates’ and Porshia’s games too. But Arceneaux is special, special. Hightower is a good team to watch in Houston. Griggs is something else.
  10. Lol I felt the same way. My son sent me the video and I was thinking, man this is the worst I’ve seen him. He looks rusty as hell. And then bam.
  11. Man he is something else. The team he plays for “Sizzle” is named for Terrell Suggs. Suggs nephew Jalen played with Chet up until this year and is now a freshman at Gonzaga. But as good as Jalen is, Chet was the man. Saw him go a 4 game stretch in Atlanta summer before last where he missed like a total of 4 shots over 4 games (and he shoots from everywhere). And he blocks everything around the basket. Kid is special for sure.
  12. You were going to drive to see Yates and LCM play? Pull the schedule for that night and I will pick something more competitive for you to watch in the Houston area.
  13. One of the worst parts of last summer’s cancellations was missing Chet’s last year of summer basketball. Have watched him progress from a lanky, awkward Freshman, to a lanky, awesome future #1 pick (most likely). Tried to bet someone last spring who wasn’t convinced of Chet’s skills that he would be an NBA all star inside this decade. Would still make this bet, even money, with anyone. Kid can flat out play and, maybe my favorite part of his game, is a flat out dog on the floor.
  14. UiL with the clown show decision worthy of the ncaa. Hope every school but HJ and Liberty gets their brakes beat off. Really disappointed in Huffman. The other schools in that district aren’t good at basketball to begin with and are screwing a kid to hopefully get an opportunity to get their behinds kicked in bi-district. Petty and deplorable, but okay. Huffman comes off as butthurt for having their 30 win team bounced from the playoffs last year by a team with half the talent and twice the coach. Here’s wishing you more of the same Falcons.
  15. [Hidden Content] ok, so Wisconsin is a same day registration voting state. So we really don’t know how many registered voters they have yet. Presumably more than the 3.6+million on November 1.
  16. It’s not true. Someone tweeted it earlier today and it went viral - the whole, it’s on the internet so it must be true. [Hidden Content] However, if my math is correct, which still puts it at like 87 percent of registered voters voted in that state. While not impossible like the fake news gone viral, seems quite improbable to be polite.
  17. Arceneaux is a supremely talented player. And seems to me like Yates has that leadership gene. Porshia is a dog as well. I think they are going to be very, very good.
  18. Me too but I suspect Hightower might go unchallenged period. Griggs is different and then you add the transfers....
  19. Based on talent, no one should be able to give them a close game. They have multiple high major kids on that team. But when dealing with 15-18 yo kids, anything is possible.
  20. It won’t for the most part. I think next summer will be in full effect, including the circuits. Going to be rough sledding for the HS seniors with all the “free years” being given out. It was even announced last week that juco won’t burn a year this year. So, for instance, with a kid near and dear to my heart, he will get to play a year of high level juco and still have 4 years of D1 eligibility since he was a qualifier. Even those finishing their second year will come out with 3 years of eligibility left instead of 2. Kind of rough for the 2021s.
  21. If you are drooling with a finger knuckle deep in your nose, it will help sell the part.
  22. Couple of things. Good for HJ and Liberty. And shame on the other 4. Like i said, based on the facts of this case (as now verified by the young man’s father), the action taken by the DEC is reprehensible. I’ve seen it in the past too often. Men who say they got in a profession for the kids prove the opposite. Or at best prove they only got into it for “some” kids. Once residency is proven, that should be the end of the story. But it’s not because decisions are made “for athletic purposes.” Except not by the kid or his family, but by the school administrators who voted against him. That’s right. They, in effect, blackball a kid for their OWN school’s athletic purposes. Well done hypocrites. Well done.
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