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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. There’s no logic to it. I’m saying that many of those who have a problem with HF’s recent successes are “do as I say, not as I do” folks. Everyone that knows me on here knows I am a “let them play guy.” Education is a parental decision and if it ain’t my kid, ain’t my business.
  2. I’m not going to engage in calling out schools like some have done on this site. Let’s just say that “go west, young man” takes on new meaning for some of Beaumont’s hoopers over the years. And by west, that includes southwest, northwest, heck even north. There are plenty that have benefited.
  3. Blood bath. Unless D’ville’s coach’s son flies in from Lubbock and suits up. Then it might be semi-competitive.
  4. Because some think only their school should benefit from transfers.
  5. TxHoops


    Now we’re just getting silly.
  6. No I get what @AggiesAreWeis saying and how he feels. He obviously feels other candidates are worthy of his vote. I’m sure he is far from the only one who cannot, in good conscience, cast a vote for either one of those two buffoons. And I’m not about to try and judge someone else’s conscience.
  7. We talk every four years about how bad our choices are and then the next election it’s as bad or worse. Tonight, for as long as I could stomach it, was an embarrassment for America. We read comment after comment, post after post, of people refusing to watch pro sports they’ve watched their entire lives, and criticizing those who continue to watch. Yet some of the same people have no problem watching (and even condoning), people making a mockery of our highest offices by their behavior. Call me crazy but I expect a little more from those interviewing to run our country than I do from the defensive tackle of the Colts or the middle inning reliever of the Marlins. We looked like a nation led by Neanderthals tonight and I don’t care who you think “won” the debate, I can tell you who lost. America. And best I can tell, the biggest qualification to be the “leader of the free world” is to be an old white dude who acts like a 2 year old. That’s come to be what we respect and admire. Lord help us all.
  8. TxHoops


    Much better. That’s a dot I can get behind.
  9. There is a constable in every precinct, in every county in the state. It’s an elected position that is also essential. They serve as the law enforcement arm of each precinct’s justice of the peace. JP’s in effect serve as small claims court, which are vital to people who seek justice in situations where a lawyer is not cost effective or needed. One example of a constable’s job is serving and carrying out evictions. In short, you aren’t going to be able to do away with a position that has existed in this state for almost 200 years because one asked you to wear a mask. 😂
  10. Imagine giving Jumbo (who was on the hot seat) $75M when you could have hired the guy who owned you for over a decade for half that...
  11. bad beat for el prez. I feel his pain.
  12. Amazing how that worm has turned.
  13. Any win in Lubbock I will take. Thanks to the obsessed (but no we’ve moved on) Aggy fan club for the assist. Done with football for the day. Have a good night fellas.
  14. That was the right call.
  15. 😂🤣😂🤣 /thread - failure
  16. Would give you two more jocks to sniff though...
  17. Thank you to the obsessed Aggy for the reverse jinx! What a putz! 😂😂
  18. Nice series there. O-line looking strong 🙄
  19. Mississippi Aggy looking strong. I think Leach is going to really cause some tears in the hillbilly league. Just imagine Gus Malzahn but can actually really coach.
  20. You said a mouthful.
  21. What inning is the Arkansas-Georgia game in?
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