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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. You’re right about that. If Tigee coached at Yates there would be more hardware in the Third Ward. Leaving recruiting out of it (which Yates does with the best of them), Wise isn’t exactly known for his Xs and Os. And in game adjustments...fuhgeddaboutit.
  2. The McClure kid will be the best player in the district by a ton though. That combined with Coach Mitchell gets them in (I would think anyway). And you’re right about Silsbee AND about this being the weakest I can remember this district being. The fun part will be it should have a lot of parity like this year. The other district will be fun to watch and much stronger.
  3. They didn’t have much choice after those tests were canceled for the spring.
  4. I like BC’s pg a lot. Lumberton returns the “other” offensive mvp, the one who just committed to Lamar. It will be Silsbee, Lumberton, and then the other 5 fighting for the other two spots. Good news is the other two teams who would have been locks (HJ and HF) are in another district.
  5. You’re talking about California. They own the market on crazy.
  6. I would vote for him against anyone. I think he could play really well among the fringe voters and his record is incredible. Just an amazing individual. I’m not sure he could make the jump now but I would love it if he could. Really hoped he would run Cornyn because I think he would have been a star in the senate. I will say that if any of you have access to HBO, VP Pence and Sen. Rubio (who I’ve always been a fan of as well) had back to back interviews in the most recent Axios episode and it’s worth watching. I thought both were very impressive.
  7. No doubt. And I think McNeese’s style fits him really well. I expect an immediate impact.
  8. This has long been the biggest honor you could receive locally because they always seem to get it right. Good job Jorge and Matt - this year was no exception.
  9. Let’s not forget to congratulate our coach of the year either [Hidden Content] Well deserved!
  10. We do have to draw the line somewhere but we have what are called “affirmative defenses” in all kinds of crimes. If you inserted one that involved being enrolled on the same campus, the arbitrariness of 36 months and 35 months/29 days would be resolved in many instances. Not saying it would solve every miscarriage of justice but it’s a start.
  11. You are to be commended for your taste in firearms and beverages, sir.
  12. It’s tough at that position to get one of the few draft spots available. Many kids do that and then go undrafted and head overseas. That money will be there when they graduate. Unless you are projected strongly in the first round, I personally believe you stay and keep working on that degree. It is so much easier to do when you’re young and simultaneously working on your game. The game ends for all of us at some point, and that’s when the value of that degree really kicks in. I think Jordyn will absolutely make money playing this game but the timing, as with many things in life, is crucial. To that end, congrats to Lamar’s TJ Atwood (Bmt Central) and VJ Homes. They were the two seniors on this year’s team and they both just earned their degrees.
  13. To be clear, the case I’m speaking of is completely different from the Jasper case. I know nothing about that one, other than what we’ve all read. The one I’m speaking of was a paramour relationship between two young people that was consensual. It was originally reported differently, but text messages between the alleged “victim” and her friends proved otherwise. Thus, it then fell under a statutory situation. Obviously when a case involves an true sexual assault, it should be a felony regardless of age. And I also agree that the penalty should be higher the younger a victim is.
  14. Case in ongoing. So yes, the information can be used. It’s rough when there is a law, like this one that has been complained of for years, that doesn’t allow much leewayonce a prosecutor chooses to indict. It has been argued, quite logically, that the law should provide a defense for consensual situations involving young people who attend the same high school. Two young men could perform the same act (with the same girl) who were born one day apart, one commits a felony, the other is in the clear. But that requires common sense and a bit of cojones by the legislature. As we all know, both are in short supply there. But the young man in this instance is well represented and the case is before an excellent judge.
  15. I understand your point. And that is based on the assumption I have limited knowledge.
  16. I am not placing the blame on police. I am quite sure of the detective’s feelings on the matter. But I also think a pretty strong inference can be drawn on a family reporting one instance of a “crime” and not the other.
  17. It is not disputed as to the father of the child she is carrying. The difference is the family didn’t report the crime and “file charges.” The young man against whom a complaint was filed happens to be African American. Her current “boyfriend” is of the same race and is actually older than the other young man who is charged.
  18. Who said my knowledge was limited?
  19. I know of a case right now, where a young man who is about 38 months older than the “victim” is charged with the sexual assault. Black guy, white girl, consensual relations. Same “victim” is also now pregnant with another guy’s child, said guy older than the one who has been charged with a felony. Baby daddy is not black and no charges have been filed on him - “victim” and he are still a couple and her family has never filed a complaint with law enforcement. Maybe that can clear it up for some of you how race can be a factor.
  20. The only school to have a first round pick in the most recent NFL, NBA and MLB drafts? Texas Tech University.
  21. I’ve listened to this guy since this thing started and he seems to know his stuff. A healthy mix between stay cautious and this isn’t the end of the world. Anyway, some of the medical advances being made seem to be promising and ahead of schedule.
  22. That’s the way I read it. Sarcasm and the like doesn’t always translate with the written word. I read it like someone who was watching the Jordan doc on ESPN saying - yeah that Michael Jordan was pretty decent. When you threw in the “short” reference, I got it.
  23. I am guessing he’s being facetious. Also congrats to 2A POY Jay Buckley from Shelbyville. Another kid in our coverage area who has had a “decent” career.
  24. 3 of the 5 2014 starters played a lot with their back to the basket. And Q was capable of doing it as well. He played above the rim even shooting jumpers so he’s a tough matchup for the 2014s. He’s also the best on ball defender which you need playing Bush. Problem is rim protection when you have a size mismatch. You have Clover who can block shots and the next best one you have is definitely Hefner. 2020 gets murdered in the paint. I don’t see it anywhere close to a 5/5 tie.
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