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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. 4th time on the all region team for Bush. Should be an absolute no brainer for his 4th All State team. There aren’t many kids, anywhere, who have achieved that.
  2. It’s gone up from 10k and change to over 13k in the US in the last few hours. That’s about 10 percent an hour for those mathematically challenged. Of those 176 have died and 108 have fully recovered. [Hidden Content]
  3. I have a solution. Accept it and buy gift certificates to local restaurants, and then do with them what you like (you could even donate to local “feed the hungry” type charities). Win-win. Besides, while declining may be noble (well, IS noble) in principle, I know good and well you’ve paid more than your fair share in taxes.
  4. So serious question - would you rather be like Coldspring and have gotten to finish your season, albeit a loss? Or would you rather have been in the 4A and other classifications shoes where you never got to play a game at state? Personally, I’d rather be in Coldspring and the other teams that lost on Thursday. It’s the unknown, what ifs that drive me crazy. At least the teams that lost finished tremendous seasons and got closure. But I realize that may be a minority opinion. Is it something I was pondering in my social distancing today.
  5. This is the point. We can’t even come close to valid numbers at this stage due to the minimal testing which has been done. There have likely been way more people who have had it than we even know. This is beyond the great hoax the amateur infectious disease “experts” were spouting even a few days ago. It’s also likely way less than the gloom and doomers were preaching. Like most things, the truth will likely be in the middle. As I was told last week by a couple of different friends who are in the field, some of us will get it, and almost everyone will know several people who contract it. And most will even know someone who didn’t survive it. But we will get past it. It just likely won’t be as soon as most hope.
  6. Whenever we get past this isn’t a big deal (which it could or could not be depending on where your bar is set), this is a really cool explanation of “flattening the curve.” Quarantines and event/school cancelations aren’t about trying to prevent the spread of the virus, it’s going to happen regardless. It’s about trying to slow the spread so our health care system can handle it (see Italy for what NOT to do). [Hidden Content]
  7. I enjoyed watching (and listening lol) to him coach as well. I heard early in this season that it was likely he would not be retained as coach. Not saying the decision was made then but it sounded like he needed to have something special happen to retain his job. Basketball and WOS is a peculiar thing.
  8. I don’t think there is any sense to be made of that.
  9. I don’t listen to Rogan religiously but he’s a pretty conservative podcast host who, according to one of my son’s, has one of the most popular podcasts out there. I do occasionally see a clip that I’m interested in and obviously this was one of them. .
  10. NCAA won’t lose any sleep canceling the season of the third most popular sport that the two most popular sports pay for.
  11. Maybe the best point I’ve read on this subject yet. And I’ve read wayyy too much.
  12. So this isn’t a thread about southeast Texas basketball officials?
  13. The best team I’ve seen here since the undefeated Perkins-led Ozen team was the state semi finalist Central team (2012?). Never convince me that if Toe doesn’t go down in the first quarter against Kimball, that team doesn’t win state.
  14. You would have to put the 88/89 Lincoln team on there imo (BJ Tyler). And obviously the Perk Ozen state title team would be near or at the top of the list.
  15. I sure hope these amateur infectious disease experts on the internet are correct.
  16. All uil events suspended effective March 16 until at least March 29.
  17. No he is not. Apparently the death threats were abundant after its release. And I’m like you - knowing what I do about some of the things that went on there, I thought Buzz went pretty easy on them.
  18. 👆 I don’t care if anyone agrees or disagrees with it, that was a well-written, well-reasoned post. They probably didn’t start it, but Odessa Permian certainly perfected the “recruiting process” during the Oil Boom in the 70s and 80s. Unlike Yates, the big selling point was financial remuneration. Dads got jobs, Moms got jobs. Families got homes. And an above average football program was turned into a powerhouse/dynasty. Bissinger wrote a fantastic book on the town, the program, and the issues of race that still plagued the area at the end of the 80s. Why he didn’t delve more into that aspect of Mojo I guess only he can answer. Because it was certainly there and no secret in West Texas and elsewhere. But no one said Boo about it Yates didn’t invent that wheel (or HF or EC or whomever else you want to bring up about HS “move ins”). They are merely operating under rules that have probably been skirted since the UiL came into existence.
  19. This is absolutely the truth. I might be wrong but I would think given the style and type of game Yates plays, they are best suited to pick up in a few weeks or a month and lose the least steps, so to speak.
  20. You’re right. You’d be shocked at how out of shape some of these kids are coming off a high school season. And I’m not close to kidding.
  21. Was arguing with one of my best friends when UT last had a basketball coaching search. He said they should hire Buzz, I wanted them to hire Shaka. There is no telling if and when I will ever live that down.
  22. Southland conference tournament is going to be family only (sort of, each player and coach gets so many tickets to their games only).
  23. Yates has the best roster in the state, regardless of classification. They should mow through the teams, even at State. But I’m not close to convinced they will.
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