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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. East Chambers absolutely plays with class. Sutherland was matching his reserves with OF’s the last time we played. After a tied first quarter, EC ran away to win by 30+. I thought that game was well officiated as well. EC plays aggressive defense and the officials let the kids play, which I prefer, even when on the wrong side of the score. Looking at the differential between the 3rd quarter score and the final score, Todd had his foot off the gas. Those Bucs are just very, very good. So good they can blow out a very solid Buna team. I’m looking forward to next Tuesday. If it’s anything like the first meeting, could be another instant classic between the Cougars and the Bobcats.
  2. Orangefield 90 Anahuac 28 F Orangefield sets school record for wins in a season and moves to 25-7.
  3. OF 77 Anahuac 18 End 3 Starters were done 3 minutes into 3rd quarter.
  4. By the way, as LRF knows, he and I are very simpatico in our belief that most things should be decided by the individual states. This particular issue is one that i struggle with concerning leaving it to the states. For instance, marijuana is an easy one. The feds should have no skin in that game. But would we really be okay (as someone mentioned in this or another thread) if California announced tomorrow that they were decriminalizing pedophilia and making the state a safe haven for child molestons?
  5. I think you’re both saying the same thing too (in different ways). And you’re both mostly correct in what you’re saying. The SCOTUS is there to protect the Constitution. In the Constitution (i.e., the 10th Amendment), the issue of states’ rights is certainly a matter the Court would need to consider in many cases.
  6. My thoughts precisely. You and I also believe that a day of reckoning is coming, even if it’s not brought by the voters. To me, the hypocrisy is sickening, although admittedly less so than the recent legislation. We can only pray that recent events will backfire on those who champion immorality and actually force more than lip service from those who have been content to offer it, without any action. The Lord does move in mysterious ways. That’s the only solace I can find anyway
  7. There is a lot of truth in this article Republicans controlled the executive and legislative branches for a 6 year period at the beginning of this century and it was crickets about abortion except during election seasons. I suspect it is a minority in Washington that really care about this issue, except when it can further their own political career. And I really believe that goes to the very top. [Hidden Content]
  8. The good news for the GOP is that all you have to do is give the Dems some rope and they will start the self-hanging. I wonder if turning decent folks’ stomachs is a campaign strategy. Roe had become a non-issue with a lot of independent, swing voters. I can’t imagine, however, that these latest atrocities aren’t going to be pushing a lot of those folks to the right side of the aisle.
  9. The good news for pro-life folks is that it’s almost as if the pro-choicers are trying to give the SCOTUS a chance to flip Roe. That NY act especially seems like it’s destined to be challenged and heard.
  10. I wish I could. I am troubled as well. We might have differing views on immigration (probably do) but sounds like we are in agreement on the abortion issue.
  11. Wasn’t there either. Sounds like they cracked a bit under pressure. I’ve only seen them once but they played pretty sound and within themselves. Held the ball and were disciplined in sticking to a game plan of slowing the game down tremendously. Other than that, I have no baseline to judge, other than seeing their scores like everyone else. My point would be, basketball IQ comes a great deal from coaching, because you develop one by learning/studying the game. To praise a coach and say his players have very low basketball IQs is a bit contradictory, especially late in a season.
  12. [Hidden Content] Also reportedly the last time a petting zoo is allowed on campus in aggyland...
  13. Not sure you do. Admittedly, I’ve only seen Hardin play once but I wouldn’t insult them with that description. If anything, I would describe them as the opposite.
  14. After Hardin won the first meeting, I figured there would be a rubber match for a playoff spot (Warren would “hold serve” at home). Neither team should lose to anyone other than the top 3 teams (not that it can’t happen obviously). If they do play again, should be another good one. Warren at full force will have the best couple of kids on the floor but Hardin is very scrappy and plays really hard.
  15. The kid you are speaking of is easily one of their two best players imo (along with #2). His ability to defend and rebound the ball make them a different team with and without him. As you well know, there is a lot more to the game than scoring the basketball.
  16. Lose to a bad Georgia team by 10, beat Kansas by 10 three days later. Welcome to Texas basketball.
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