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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Please stop bringing facts and logic into an otherwise extraordinarily dumb conversation.
  2. Tom, in his second year, is playing in a bigger bowl game than aggy has played in the last 20 years. And no one at Texas is satisfied with it. Yet clueless aggy is telling him what he needs to do. Talk about the blind leading the hawkeyed.
  3. There wouldn’t be aggy jokes if there weren’t aggys. Aggy is so thirsty for any form of success they are now hanging banners for early signing periods. Someone dig up threads from Sumblin’s era where we heard the same stuff. Then, like now, the only “results” are them running around, beating their chests, with Bama’s jocks on their heads. Enjoy the Poulain Weed Eater Bowl powered by Summer’s Eve.
  4. Yeah ND is not the ND of the 20th century. Hard for my kids to comprehend how big that brand was when we were growing up, heck even when my dad was growing up.
  5. Yes. Assuming the Tigers don’t mess around. Should be 40+
  6. Buna and OF could play a couple of gems this year. I think those two are very close.
  7. Very true. And the whole team played well. Nederland, other than Hefner, looked very flat that night. There was one other player on the team, don’t know his name, who I would say played at or above average. And let’s not forget McMorris was still playing football who is a pretty key piece for the Bulldogs. Add some “favorable” officiating and it was a perfect storm. I was chastised that night for not giving BC enough credit. And to be sure, they played very well and deserved that win. But if anyone thinks if those two teams played 100 times and Nederland’s wins don’t start with a 9 in that hypothetical, they are fooling themselves.
  8. LSU was having a good year until that loss at the end. I feel their pain - we did lose to Kansas recently.
  9. But for the record, we do agree on a lot of things on this topic @Lukethadrifter and your posts in this forum are appreciated.
  10. I was merely trying not to burst your bubble during the holidays. Just like I wouldn’t burst any illusion with a child re Santa, I was trying to let you believe in the “loyalty” you’re convinced of. Both exist in the same realm. The only thing those guys care about is money, and aggy was merely a tool to crack into a state full of it. It is equally laughable in apparently your understanding of the situation with Texas and the PAC 12, Big 1G etc. Texas is still the biggest brand in CFB; in merchandising they lead by a mile. When the NCAA finally falls (and it will eventually), you will see exactly what the perceived loyalty is worth.
  11. It also seemed like the 3rd quarter OF controlled the paint. Blocks/rebounds leading to points on the other end. I think it got down to 5 at one point but EC always answered when it got down to a 2 possession game.
  12. East Chambers was impressive. They will be even more so when David heals up. I don’t think they missed a FT until the 4th Quarter either.
  13. Don’t disagree about Strong. I think the U would be a perfect fit for Charlie.
  14. Giggles at bulletin board material. More giggles at the aggy jock sniffing in the comments. Probably the best part of the article.
  15. I think the BH-Nederland games have the potential to be classics.
  16. I haven’t seen BH since early this year but am familiar with the team. I’ve seen Memorial a few times. BH does have a senior laden team which could make up for the talent disparity. I think Memorial wins by double digits but I’ve been wrong plenty, especially dealing with HS kids. I just think, to answer your original question, the Ned-Vidor game has the chance to be a good one.
  17. Two teams match up better imo. Barbers Hill hasn’t played a team as good as Memorial yet. Two of their losses were to teams I would think the Titans would be comfortable favorites over (2nd Baptist and Nimitz). I don’t know anything about the 3rd team they lost to. Memorial has a massive advantage inside and, to be honest, their guard play is decidedly better. Could be wrong but those are my thoughts. But there’s a reason you play the games and the Eagles could surprise me.
  18. Nederland - Vidor will be more competitive than BH-PAM I would think.
  19. Ahhh, makes sense. I was trying to figure out who that was. I haven’t seen them play since before their football season was over.
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