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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. V Catt 18p,10r,7b,5a C Prejean 8p,5r,4a L Risinger 6p,6r T Waggoner 4p,7r,3a C Bryant 8p C Choate 2p C Gonzales 2p
  2. Well coached, disciplined. Not big or athletic. To be honest, if we keep our feet on their throats, should have won by 20 to 30 pts. No idea how they translate to 1A basketball though because that may have been the first 1A team I’ve ever seen.
  3. OF 11 Moulton 9 End 1. OF jumped out 7-0 and got a little premature clearing bench.
  4. Yep. Shadow Creek would win that tournament.
  5. Next up Orangefield vs 1A #8 Moulton
  6. Uncle Soulja gotta tell him not to jump
  7. For my guy @BMTSoulja1 [Hidden Content]
  8. V Catt 24p,5r C Prejean 9p,3r,8s C Gonzales 4p,7r T Waggoner 6p,6a C Choate 4p,4a,4s H Puckett 5p C Bryant 5p L Risinger 4p,3r E Lozano 3p B Bergeron 4p K Dubose 2p
  9. “Little” brother. He’s a junior who is an outstanding lineman in football.
  10. OF 30 Conroe Grand Oaks 10 H
  11. OF 13 Conroe Grand Oaks 5 End 1
  12. Cypress Springs 81 La Porte 37 F
  13. Morton Ranch 112 La Porte 49 F
  14. HJ 78 Calallen 28 F HJ 65 Ingleside 40 F
  15. For those that don’t know, the “Double Eagle guys” cashed out for $2.8b last year.
  16. Was talking about that tonight. He was top 100, almost top 50 in the country by some services. And they still weren’t very good.
  17. Go ahead and change your handle to Nostradamus...
  18. Heard Dev dropped a 40 piece...
  19. Big win for the Lady Cards in collieville. Isn’t this the sport aggy is supposedly good at?
  20. Shadow Creek beat Wilmer Hutchins 57-46 today. Not a bad showing given SC is one of the better Houston teams.
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