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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. His first year of organized basketball was year before last at a private school in Maryland. I don’t think it’s appropriate to divulge a lot of information here but I will say he is one of several African students I’ve seen who came over here on a bill of goods. The school that brought him over thwarted every attempt to allow in school anywhere last year. Fortunately for Val (and his new family) he was able to find a home and has been since adopted and is extremely happy. As important as his growth on the floor, he just finished his second consecutive six weeks on the honor roll. He’s a great kid with a bright future.
  2. From one of my friend’s Facebook page: ”Satan worshippers crack me up. Why would you worship a deity that literally lost a fiddle contest to some random hillbilly from Georgia?”
  3. V Catt 16p,12r,5b,3s C Choate 7p,7a,5s C Gonzales 8p,9r B Bergeron 12p,3r T Greenwood 6p T Waggoner 3p,7r,4a C Bryant 8p C Prejean 9p
  4. OF 56 BH 16 End 3 Starters were done for good with 5 mins left in 3rd
  5. Or her. He isn’t worried about a damn protective order either. I would have some contingency protection if I were her. Wife killers start out as wife beaters.
  6. By the way, that statement from Courtney Smith, wow. Go read the details of Nicole Brown Simpson’s complaints and reports prior to her death. Eerily similar which is suprising since it’s the M.O. of most abusers of women. Control, possess, contol. But I’m sure Mack was a big supporter/excuser of the Juice as well..
  7. He’s obsessed. And apparently not very bright. Lethal combination. Either that or he’s cool with abusing women...hard to say...
  8. Yeah, I’m sure Texas is looking for a way to get out of their contract with him.
  9. Oh I don’t know, text messages where one spouse admits to strangling the other spouse tends to qualify as evidence of spousal abuse. But you and Zach seem to be holding onto the idea there is no proof...hmmm
  10. Apparently he received some “confirmation” that Herman was speaking to Brett McMurphy. What set him off initially is that apparently Herman’s wife (and thus Tom) gave Mrs. Smith money to help her with her divorce expenses.
  11. I will say that Texas is an “at will” employment state so anyone “could” be fired for this. The only thing that’s an impermissible firing is one that violates a protected class. Adulterers are not one of those. I merely state that when I have seen an affair become an issue, it’s been between coworkers. I don’t recall any getting fired though. I too have seen pastors fired for getting caught with their proverbial pants down. Obviously it becomes more relevant to the job in those instances.
  12. I forgot I need the “men of the cloth” exception for some who have discernment issues. I might also add here that if the affair is with a farm animal, it might also then be a fireable offense, as well as a criminal offense in this state. If I can think of anything else to make my stroke less broad, I will let you guys know.
  13. Assuming it’s not with a coworker, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one, save with a member of the clergy. And I’ve seen plenty among coworkers where only a reprimand was issued. And i assume you are inquiring about the second part of the highlighted portion. It’s obviously not illegal if both parties meet the age of consent. Although it is illegal in other countries. And heck, it might still be on the books of some backwoods state, like an sec state or West Virginia.
  14. It’s either that or he’s mentally retarded. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt by assuming the former. As for proof, it’s funny you mention that since it’s a concept you struggle with. For instance, a guy beats his wife, pictures are released, texts of him admitting it are released, but you get confused and say there is no proof he’s a wife beater because you fall in a rabbit hole because of one particular night when he violated a no contact order BUT didn’t beat her THAT night. In the end, you have a complete scumbag who is bitter and trying to equate adultery (if true) with domestic violence. 99 percent of those on twitter see it for what it is. 1 percent are aroused and show themselves to be, although not equally pathetic, pathetic nonetheless. And by pathetic, I include dumb in this particular definition of the word. And here’s something else that might shock you: Although I do not condone extramarital affairs, they aren’t illegal nor are they fireaable offenses. I think you might be as shocked by the number of coaches who have had similar transgressions, as well as their identities.
  15. The one lasting thing to come out of a poor, pathetic excuse of man’s alcohol/drug-induced tirage (other than giving a few gomers semis). That little phrase is going to sell 100k shirts and be a hashtag for years and years to come. So thanks for that Zach! We’d have never known if you weren’t so self-aware you don’t mind posting when you are owned (or more likely don’t know you were). And thanks to TH. That was fonzie-level stuff.
  16. You unintentionally almost solved this apparently complicated riddle in the first paragraph. NOW go back and reread the first post of mine that you quoted. THEN reread your first paragraph here. I THINK you can solve it from there.
  17. (Flagged for most accurate post of the day.)
  18. Rational aggy response: [Hidden Content] Irrational, still obsessed, mentally-challenged aggy response: see In This Thread (but they’ve moved on folks )
  19. Yes. Yes you did. And with each passing post, I am seeing more and more Blinn. And I see you weren’t “playing” dumb. Soooo, let me spell it out for you. There are small children involved. Mom has consistently claimed Dad is unstable. Dad has Twitter. As for Tom suing Zach, that’s a super dumb idea (even if it’s all made up) for a multitude of reasons, all of which would obviously take an eternity to explain to some.
  20. Sweet Jesus. You really can’t be as slow as you play on the internet. I know aggy has gone open enrollment now but there were “some” standards when you went there. I would spell it out for you...
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