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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. If I did “hear,” I don’t think I would label those as “accusations.” I know, pesky legal terminology and all when you are arguing with someone out of their element.
  2. Did you also know that she was Scalia’s recommendation for the Sotomayor appointment? Apparently he wasn’t aware of your “widely known” rumblings.
  3. He is but you are entitled to your opinion based upon whatever you base your opinions and label it a “fact.”
  4. I think she’s done an admirable job. Not sure she’s a hall of fame choice. But she was appointed on merit imo. Funny you mention her because ironically, Scalia was lobbying for her addition to the Court for appointments even before she was nominated. He was a huge fan of her work.
  5. You obviously don’t but how would you? You’re not a legal scholar any more than a scientist. You do an admirable job playing both on the internet though. And I’m not basing my opinions on other’s opinions of Scalia’s opinion. I’m basing it on what was told to me by someone who actually worked for Thomas, and overheard statements by the man himself on multiple occasions. To be clear, I have no doubt this person thinks much more highly of Thomas than Scalia did, which isn’t to say they think highly of him as a justice. And again, lest someone think it is sour grapes on this person’s part, they ended up taking a high level appointment in the George W. Bush White House.
  6. Look on the “bright” side, he gives you guys a great argument about affirmative action gone wrong. Because there is no doubt his nomination had to do with virtually nothing else but the fact that he was an African-American who was “conservative.” And I doubt very seriously you would find a single justice who served with both who would put him in the same league as the man he replaced. And without question Scalia wouldn’t.
  7. All of that is true and not surprising given Scalia’s nature. What is apparently surprising to some is how he thought about Thomas as a judge. As I’ve heard from multiple sources in the know, including one who spent considerable time in the halls of the SCOTUS, he thought Thomas was basically worthless and wasn’t shy about making off-the-record-type comments about it. I am comfortable enough with my sources to regard this as fact as to Scalia’s opinion on the matter. I disageed many times with some of Scalia’s opinions but I have the highest respect for him. He would be on any SCOTUS “hall of fame” type list. He would be in the GOAT justice discussion with strong arguments for. You can be highly certain he didn’t think that way but I’m telling you would be mistaken. Whether you believe that is obviously your prerogative.
  8. Not at all. Just saying the whole “ruined his life” rhetoric is a bit strong.
  9. No, on the contrary, Scalia and I would have precisely the same opinion. Scalia wouldn’t say it publicly of course. But it wasn’t a big secret either apparently. Obviously Scalia would have a much more learnéd opinion than me. We just happened to share this one.
  10. If so, his son is a beast. Big fan of that kid.
  11. It’s about a 36% raise in salary from what he was making with a lot more financial benefits obviously. Not saying money was a problem but I think stating they “ruined this man’s life” is a bit of an overstatement.
  12. You and the late, great Antonin Scalia would disagree with this assessment. But I’m sure yours is probably more learned But I don’t disagree he has had some well-written and well-reasoned opinions attributed to him. As stated, I know one person well who wrote several of those opinions and I wouldn’t expect anything less of her.
  13. Put another way, Kavanaugh will end up being judged by how well he does his job. Clarence Thomas has not become a joke among his colleagues not because of Anita Hill, but because he’s been a lousy justice. That is not just my opinion; that’s also an opinion shared among some conservative icons who have served with distinction on the court. And I don’t speak from supposition. One of my law school classmates who was in my section (and a pretty good friend as far as law school classmates go) clerked for Thomas. And lest you think she was a liberal with an axe to grind, she has gone on to serve with distinction and in pretty high level positions within the GOP in Washington. By most accounts, including hers, Thomas is a nice enough fellow. He just happens to suck at his job and has been paid handsomely for such suckiness.
  14. I was speaking of Thomas. We have no idea how good or bad Kavanaugh will be. He was interesting choice regardless. He will get $250k per year (with annual raises) for the rest of his life from a job he can basically not be fired. In fact, he can be quite horrible at his job and still be paid the same regardless. I’m sure there are a lot of folks in this country who would like their lives similarly ruined. The next news story has replacedhim and he will be an afterthought to most. I’m still not sure what happened that night and neither is anyone else that wasn’t involved. I disliked the way it was handled and still think going back to high school is ridiculous. His performance before the committee was a much bigger cause for alarm; he was less than impressive as a jurist. But then again, I’ve never been on national television accused of such things so it’s tough to imagine how you would “perform” under similar circumstances.
  15. Yeah you do. Will make for interesting halftime conversation at our next basketball game.
  16. It may be literally impossible to choose a justice worse for the left than Clarence Thomas. But he’s so bad, it really would be big time for everyone, mainly the court. He’s the Kwame Brown/Ryan Leaf of the judiciary. But you never know with Trump. Is Kavanaugh’s buddy Tobin available?
  17. He getting tired of oral arguments interrupting his naps? I’m surprised he’s not wearing a CPAP machine in the courtroom yet.
  18. Rick’s last episode was last Sunday.
  19. Again, Colorado does not have the first gay governor. But I think you are onto something with the party affiliation angle.
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