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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. 1 hour ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I think it’s time for the Mustang Faithful to realize that the past is gone forever and isn’t coming back.  You can’t simply hire an old assistant who has struggled elsewhere and expect a return to greatness… that ship has sailed. 

    A decent coach will get y’all some wins, but unless you land another HOF level guy (and none of the former assistants y’all are yelling for are even winners, much less HOF level guys), you’ll be above average most years and that’s about it. 

    Personally, I’d like to give a big shout out to all of the people who signed the petition to run CT out of town. Y’all got what you ordered… eat it up. 



    Been saying that for years.  Literally had two Hall of Fame Coaches back to back.  Most schools never have one, much less two.  Much less two in a row.  To say they are spoiled is an understatement.  

  2. 1 hour ago, BBfan061 said:

    Does Orangefield have the personnel to run something else? A lot of times the slot t is tailored to fit your program. I think people are being a little harsh over a 19-7 loss to a good Woodville team who most likely are the favorites to win their district. You might wanna consider what you graduated and lost from last years team when looking at expectations for this years….

    No.  Absolutely not. When you are often “out-athleted,” seems like a pretty good system.   Someone mentioned running backs, they also lost a senior QB last year (in addition to Dischler) whose football IQ probably surpassed his talent (and he was very talented as well).  Just as importantly, they also replaced most of the big fellas.  That’s another advantage to the Slot T for OF.  They often have some pretty good size up front. 

  3. On 9/3/2023 at 2:53 PM, BEARCPA said:

    I think this is where I’m at lol

    Sounds about right to me too.  But wouldn’t be surprised with a larger margin of victory either.  Any BC win would have to be considered a pretty big upset, even with the 2-0 start.  But kudos to Coach Landry and the Cardinals for drowning out the noise and putting down their heads and going to work.

  4. 4 hours ago, oldschool2 said:

    There isn't a person here that doesn't feel bad for the kids or the situation.  It's definitely a very uncommon thing that their school enrollment has gone the opposite direction of the norm.. especially at such a quick rate.  I'm really wondering what's going on over there to cause it...

    Anyway.  Unfortunately.. I don't think it's something that they'll ever live down.  The poster that you're referring to, (the one that only shows up when they beat literally anybody).. has ruined it for the school.  The four horsemen thing will never die.

    Good bits never do.  And that is a SETX Sports hall of fame bit.

  5. 7 hours ago, DonTheCon2024 said:

    2nd time in a month or so that Mitch has a stroke while answering Q&A..

    Is it time to enact age maximums, the same way we require age minimums? I think it’s time. 70 and 80 year olds, including Biden and Trump, have obvious and severe mental issues and are a threat to this country.

    Last time this topic was posted - I did recall all the 80 year old dinosaurs here being vehemently against it (they are the smart 80 year olds, duh, and not like the rest) while the relatively younger crowd agreed with me.


    @Reagan @LumRaiderFan - what do y’all think? Should we ban your classmates from running for office?

    We have age limits on district judges in this state.  You can’t run again once you turn 75.  So I guess you could be in office until you are 78 and 365 days.  I think we all agree the presidency is a little more important.  I think not being able to run once you turn 70 (for president and congress/senate) makes sense.  Just my personal opinion.  Same for scotus (retire them at 70).   

  6. 9 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    That guy is a complete joke.

    Funny thing is Jared blew up last summer playing with Silsbee at the TABC in Duncanville.  But that guy will tell it differently to anyone who will listen.  As if people can’t look at the offers and see when they started to roll in.  He’s such a moron he got his team kicked off the pay to play division of the under Armour circuit (UA Rise - basically told we don’t want your money) because he verbally assaulted Paul Biancardi in Dallas because one of his kids wasn’t ranked in the top 100.  That same kid couldn’t find the floor at TCU and transferred down to Tulsa (which was his level to begin with) after one season. 

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