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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. ^ Exhibit A to supplement my video. Guy has almost 2k posts and another 10k+ as “Smitty” and he still doesn’t know how to correctly use the quote button!
  2. Man he was phenomenal in that role. What a great, classic scene. Isn’t YouTube great where you can just pull these things up and watch?
  3. Unfortunately not. Can we interest you guys in John Mackovic, Greg Davis or, better yet, Tim Beck??
  4. Sorry for posting a WSJ story. I forget how you doofus’s prefer the Daily Caller and other “real journalism” publications/sites. Carry on with the kool aid party, I’m just a passin’ through...
  5. They are just better and deeper imo. Kountze has a good team. EC has the ability to be great. And of course it doesn’t hurt having the GOAT in the sideline.
  6. About what I expected. These two might split but I wouldn’t bet on it.
  7. One other classy moment from Silsbee tonight. In the 3rd quarter, Devon McCain tipped the ball out of a Bobcat ballhandler’s hand and it went backcourt, with orangefield getting the ball back. Ref incorrectly calls back court. Devon tells ref he tipped it. Refs confer and Devon walks over and tells them again he tipped it. Regardless, sometimes refs are intent on making a horrible call. But for those of you questioning McCain’s character, I thought that showed a lot.
  8. Silsbee 89 OF 41 F Could have been much, much worse. Joe Sigler is a class act.
  9. I miss watching and listening. Man calls the games seemlessly, keeps complete stats, all on his own. I am lobbying for him to replace Dave South. I can barely walk and chew bubble gum.
  10. He’s something all right [Hidden Content] Sorry to post a link to a rag such as the Journal. Also, in before Smitty/Reagan’s link denying from www.locksteppers.com....
  11. Trying to decide if this is better suited for this thread or Smitty’s, errr Reagan’s other thread where he is wayyyyy out of his element...
  12. I thought it would be fun to post your all time favorite cinematic moments. For me, it’s impossible to choose between two, both ending scenes from two of my favorite films. Both give me the goosebumps each and every time I watch. Both are about three and a half minutes long. And together they make up the best 7 minutes of film I’ve encountered. They are offered below for your viewing pleasure: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  13. #lockerroomtalk #lockerroomracism #koolaidforall
  14. Why does that number say Harris County Jail when I call it??
  15. I do know what you mean! I also wouldn’t want to divulge conversations not meant for public consumption but as you well know, Hooks certainly has a way with words. The challenge that day was not to bust out laughing. I’m sure I looked like I was freezing from all the shaking!
  16. Local story that ran tonight on HBO. Not sure if it’s a political story but fits here better than elsewhere. Don’t care which side of the aisle you’re on, there’s still a lot of people hurting in this area. My prayers are with them for their families’ recoveries. [Hidden Content]
  17. Roschon is perfect for Herman’s offense. My guess is whoever gets the nod next year will be a placeholder. I predict he will start sooner rather than later once he gets on campus. And honestly, there hasn’t been this much anticipation for a QB commit at Texas since that guy who won the last national championship.
  18. [Hidden Content] walmart not responding to this. Doesn’t fit the narrative... For the record, that’s not a comment on the tax cut. I have a strong aversion against Walmart in general but am very happy for those employees who got raises.
  19. One of my most enjoyable HS football game spectator experiences came after a Hurricane (Rita, I think) when WOS and BC were playing a pretty big district game on a Saturday. Beasley and ETIII were both playing for the Mustangs and Johnny Dishon was doing everything for the Cards. Anyway, the press box had been jacked up by the Hurricane so some of the WOS assistant coaches were up in a corner of the visitors' bleachers, pretty distant from the visiting fans. I was sitting with a buddy (who has been tight with that staff) right in front of them and they were communicating by walkie talkie. I won't repeat anything specific but the exchanges between Dan Ray and Crouch on play calling/selection were worth about 10 times the price of admission I paid that day. Hooks was as funny as they come on the sideline.
  20. Your sister on the '03 Final Four team?
  21. I really hope not because Shaka can coach. Hopefully the team responds and makes a run this year. The conference is as deep as the SEC thinks it is in football. In other words, ridiculously deep. The worst team is Kansas State and they aren't bad at all. But I'm afraid you're right. He needs to make a turn in the next year or so. I think he believes that as well if you saw him at the end of the game last night.
  22. Amen. No kid should ever have to go through this. Prayers for him and his family.
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