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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. C’mon Bert. You’re better than that - sometimes my BS is better disguised than that. Sometimes
  2. May be my absolute biggest pet peeve buddy. I’m convinced these drivers have taken years off my life because it sets me off every time. And I’m convinced they’re the biggest cause of traffic. I wish cops would write more tickets for these numbskulls as they do for speeding. One thing I will give Vidor, they don’t hesitate to issue citations for that and have posted a sign to enable them to do so. On a related note, I have noticed that anyone driving slower than me is an “idiot,” while anyone driving faster than me is a “maniac”. It’s funny how that works...
  3. I say vote the pedophile in. There will be less chance for harassment claims since the ones working on the Hill are likely too old for this sicko’s taste. Plus, it will be fun watching the cannabalism among the Pubies.
  4. Checked off moved for athletic purposes. Correct. All of these bother me and this is one where the UiL and more particularly the DEC shows itself to be as incompetent as the NCAA. Chorizo is right - it was a genuine move that had been planned for awhile. As mamba likes to say, let them play! One thing I will say, however, is that Nederland is notorious for voting against any transfers. On the other hand, the BISD schools and Memorial tend to side with voting for the kids. My understanding is the vote was unanimous in this case. Given the facts of this case, along with some previous cases I am privy to, the cynic in me can’t help but wonder if there was some payback involved. In any event, hate it for the kid. HS is too short for kids to get caught up in grown ups BS.
  5. This guy is hands down the best CFB analyst in the biz. Absolutely smacks the committee. Klatt is the anti-Herbstreit. In other words, he’s smart. [Hidden Content]
  6. OF was the smallest 4A school in the state. 4A by 6 students last time. They will likely move back up when the younger classes (which are bigger) make it to HS but great for the school right now.
  7. Hefner finishes with 22. Terron Brown had 26 & 11 for the Mustangs.
  8. To be clear, I recorded the game. Got home an hour ago, turned it on and saw Walton. Turned to my wife and dropped an expletive. Will have to watch without sound. He’s that bad.
  9. He is without question unlistenable (made up word?). I can’t do it and can’t believe he gets paid to slobber nonsense into a microphone.
  10. I think he is supremely talented. His handles and vision are elite. But sadly, the clown show may well prevent him from being what he could have been.
  11. He’s good, but a long way from the NBA imo
  12. I love Cowherd. Primarily because he’s one who isn’t afraid to point out some things that are obvious to those not in the Southeast but oblivious to the hordes of Finebaum listeners. And he covers football and basketball and the other sports only when he has to. Fits my interests better than most. That being said, he can be a bit of a clown and way off on some things.
  13. A bit of both. Offense has been patient but they move pretty well on defense. EC had 53 on OF (46 in regulation) and then put up 83 in the nightcap against WOS. OF has done a good job of dictating the pace against more athletic teams.
  14. OF 43 KV 28 F Catt 18p, 4r Lathrop 8p, 4r Williams 6p, 4r Deutsch 5r, 6s Worthy 6p
  15. Man, Cowherd was blasting him today. Said Lonzo isn’t even Lakers’ best rookie, and they’ve now instituted a ban on Lavar in certain parts of the Staples Center. Said he’s trying to be the Kardashian’s without the Kardashian’s best of the best agents, lawyers, etc. Said loud isn’t good unless your loud is back up with extreme intelligence (I.e., Mark Cuban). I have to say, it’s early but Danny Ainge looks like a genius. Anyone rather have the clown show over Jayson Tatum now? I can almost promise you Mitch Kupchak wouldn’t. Gotta believe Red Auerbach is smiling somewhere.
  16. Ayton could be drafted 2 overall but I think 3 or 4 is more likely. I still say Bagley-Porter 1-2 and Doncic could go anywhere from 1-5. Depending on the Slovenian, Ayton and Bamba round out the top 5. Nevertheless Ayton can flat out play.
  17. That’s why you actually watching the games gives a little more perspective than looking at scores. Could have score 70-80 like in other games but gave the bench plenty of playing time and worked on some things. I don’t think another team in that district beats WOS by 30-40. In fact, I probably lay points with the Mustangs against some of the teams who will make the playoffs in that district. If you’re going to go by scores, that’s the one that should pop.
  18. Gelo was not a one and done player to begin with. Even without the shoplifting, etc., he needed college to be able to significantly improve his game. Won’t be drafted imo. Some G league team may actually want the side show to sell tickets. If not, his best shot was the basketball crazy Asian countries. However.....well, we know the rub there. Kid’s options are getting more limited by the day.
  19. And we haven’t started the raid yet... [Hidden Content]
  20. I think silsbee could get a good enough test in the YMBL. Honestly, other than the Wagner game, were the other games in SA a significant bump over who they’d play in Beaumont?
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