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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Bet he wishes it had gone beyond flirting now.
  2. Ahhhh like Leach at Tech. I get that but when you have a successful coach, people are going to make runs at him, whether it’s other schools or the NFL. They all play word games about whether they actually talk to anyone (ie, their agents do so they technically don’t).
  3. I take it Westbury was a scratch replaced with Sharpstown?
  4. I will say this, I watched the Showtime “season with” on the Seminoles. He did seem like somewhat of a clown (and they don’t try to make them appear that way). But still seems like a good coach.
  5. No, they definitely want him gone. There is no debate about that. I’m just having trouble understanding the why. This season aside, I would think they would be happy with him.
  6. That’s him. Had him for a couple of weeks in junior high. Kid was in like a size 16 or 17 shoe in 8th grade. Haven’t seen him in a year or so but had crazy potential.
  7. I would be happy to take a test measuring diagnostic or logic skills and put up as much money as you can afford on the results. I’ve done it many times in the past and you might be the 2 percent of the population that can best me there but I would bet an obscene amount of money that you’re not. As far as saying the term is “new,” you said it was brought about by TDS. I wasn’t aware that TDS wasn’t new, but forgive me for making simple implications. As for condescension, don’t go there. I’ve watched you and others do it time and again to folks you believe are your intellectual inferiors. But another sterling display of whataboutism. You’ve just about reached Stalin/Trump levels with it.
  8. Okay, assuming you know what it is (and I assume you do since you can google a definition of the complex), I find it rather silly to find a bunch of quotes that would lend credence to the idea that Trump has such a complex. Virtually any time he opens his mouth, he tells you how great he is. Do you actually believe he doesn’t have a vastly overinflated opinion of himself and his abilities? If so, you aren’t nearly as smart as I believe you to be (and I do believe you to be, my ball busting this morning aside) or are wayyy more naive than I believe you to be (which I again don’t think that’s the case, but I suppose I could be convinced otherwise there). As to my experience with psychiatry, I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist or any kind of mental health professional. I do deal with those issues routinely, and have had the great fortune of working with one of the best forensic psychiatrists in the world for the past 20 years. I engage his services frequently and he is simply one of the best. And he’s right here in Beaumont, TX, although he’s known across the country and the world for his talents. Anything I know, I’ve learned from him and from picking the brain of my nephew who is a psychology professor in Oklahoma. The fact that I’m not licensed or trained in that field also means I’m not bound by the Goldwater rule and I’m simply offering an untrained opinion. And I don’t pretend it to be more than that. But if you really want me to provide you with evidence of statements by the President that could certainly be argued exhibit the extreme narcissism that is symptomatic of this complex, I will be happy to copy and paste videos that you can spend the next several hours watching. Oh, and my apologies for any offense Eng, although I don’t think any was taken. I really was just having some fun during timeouts at some basketball games this morning. Peace and love - Hoops
  9. I will give you credit tf. You didn’t break the story obviously, but you broke it to me. I didn’t think it would happen because most of the time coaches don’t transition down. And he’s won a natty and played for another in the past 5 years. What I don’t get is why FSU wanted him gone. Is there something behind the scenes? Anyway, to me that is a big time hire by the Ags and maybe the “splashiest” hire they’ve made in my lifetime. How he does we shall see. Edit: on further reflection, I would say equally splashy with Jackie Sherrill from Pitt.
  10. I was wondering where their post was (Dwight?). They certainly look the part. You could tell they need a few to get their feet under them. I’m sure they will be fine. And as we’ve discussed on other threads. Big disadvantage when you’re playing your first games and your opponent has a few weeks and games under its belt.
  11. I take it back. Poor Bert is lost again. Sorry but I am trying to watch basketball with my buddy REB. I tried to spoon feed you enough so you could educate yourself on a tactic that was borne of the Cold War and not some new “little word” that, gasp, you are glaringly unfamiliar with. But again, I must say, despite your unfamiliarity with its history, you are quite apt to use the tactic regularly. Like in the quoted post - whataboutism duly noted
  12. You are a master-de-bater. No one from the left can touch your infallible tactics and logic. And to for someone who claims he isn’t defending Trump, you sure spend a lot of time on this board, well, defending Trump. But as for the time honored rear end patting among the Pubies on this board, and their “errr please provide examples, etc” - I first seriously have to ask if you know what a God complex is. Because based on your incredulity, it serious seems like you don’t. It’s hard to get to B when someone is lost at A.
  13. Bingo I will say Legacy has some athletes and just looked super rusty. Like they just finished playing football. Which they did. As you well know, that isn’t an easy or overnight transition. And OF really dictated the pace the entire game.
  14. Now I need to enjoy this basketball game with REB rather than tending the sheeple...
  15. Yeah you got me. Do you need another glass of kool aid or no? Because there has obviously been no psychoanalysis of the President since his decision to run for office. And heaven knows he hasn’t blubbered or blustered anything out of his humongous yapper that would substantiate that diagnosis. Yeah, you’re right. Just something I came up with. Again, one more sip buddy
  16. It was actually “pestilence” brought about by the Soviet Union (and being imo led by one the Ruskies admirers and his lackies/cronies). But that’s a history lesson for another day...
  17. Could have been much more high scoring. OF experimenting with a Pete Carrill type offense. After a double OT game on Tuesday, I was happy not to be entertained.
  18. I listen to him and I’m not an idiot. That’s my assessment. Pretty much how I’ve judged people my whole life. And you are correct about Trump Derangement Syndrome being an affliction. Where you get lost is that those so afflicts are his staunchest supporters.
  19. I think it’s safe to say he wouldn’t know a law if it hit him over the head. Now Alabama football and paranormal activity, he’s your guy. Some would do well to concede certain points but whataboutism noted.
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