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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. That was a good effort against a decent team. Was impressed with the play in the second half and how they responded every time Butler makes a run. Wasn’t his best game but I’m impressed more and more with Osetkowski. Every team needs a guy like him. BUT from the frying pan into the fire. Time to see where we’re at today/tomorrow against the best in the country. Going to be a great sports day. Texas hoops followed by Tech/Texas. And will record the A&M/Pepperdine game so I can watch JJ Caldwell’s debut after the Horns/Red Raiders finish.
  2. I would like to nominate my lovely wife for sexual harassment czar of the US. All such claims go through her. First, for those that know me personally, you already know she has to be amazing for putting up with me over 20 years. But we had the best convo tonight on the subject. She continually amazes me with her very concise views on so many things. Anyway, here are some of HER observations/rules on the subject. They were too good not to share: 1. When did getting hit on become harassment? If a guy asks you out, flirts with you, even moves in for an unwanted kiss, it’s not harassment. You are being hit on. If you aren’t interested, tell him no thanks. If he persists, (here her language can be more “colorful”) call him a loser and tell him to piss off. 99 men out of a hundred will be too busy nursing a bruised ego to continue to “harass” you. 2. If someone is doing something in front of you that should only happen in the bathroom with the water running, that IS harassment. And someone should have explained to them that such activities were meant to be conducted alone, and without an audience, especially a “captive audience.” 3. If any conduct that MIGHT be otherwise considered harassment is conducted with a minor, you’re a pervert and should have your (*insert chocolate hostess cake with cream filling here*) cut off to spare future children from your perversion. 4. This one came up about George HW - if you are in your 90s, she’s going to assume you might not even know where you are, much less what you’re doing if you commit the heinous (heavy sarcasm from her here) offense of touching some lady’s bottom. In fact, her opinion is that if you have lasted until your 90s, you now have immunity to pat the occasional behind.** **Please note REB and Nash that although you’re both old, neither of you is that close to 90 and should behave yourselves accordingly. Anyway, these were some of her thoughts on the subject and I probably found them more amusing than most. But thought I would share an independent, left-leaning woman’s opinions on these matters that seem to occupy our daily news now. And I didn’t ask for permission to share, and she wouldn’t know this site from ESPN so for those that do know us, keep your yaps shut!
  3. As usual, Klatt proves he is the best, most well-reasoned analyst in CFB. Absolutely killed it with this breakdown of Mississippi St and their obvious overranking. If only they didn’t prove him right after the fact... [Hidden Content]
  4. I’ve seen Westlake’s big 3 several times, but never together (they played on 3 different summer teams). This was my first time seeing Westlake live and that was one of the main reasons we went. They played really well but Tompkins is one of those teams with a loaded roster that always looks a mess to me. They have trouble playing together. Cy Falls was easily the most impressive team again to me yesterday. I love watching Westlake but I have trouble seeing them compete with superior guard play. And Falls has enough in the middle with Weaver and the other kid (I can never remember his name) to keep Westlake in check. To put in perspective, Andrew Nguyen is maybe Falls’ 3rd best guard and would be a HUGE addition for the Chaps. He would be their best true guard easily. I think I may have said this earlier on here (but answering a question now), I wouldn’t be shocked if Westlake doesn’t get past Wagner (aren’t they same region?) because of Wagner’s guard play.
  5. He’s a junior. Not sure he translates to the level of basketball A&M plays. They have 3 PGs on the roster this year that are quite a bit better. To me, the junior Pg from Wagner looked much more like a high D1 guard. But Wheeler was impressive against that press. But to be honest, any strong Hs guard will.
  6. I enjoyed a football free thanksgiving. Some really good college games today.
  7. Consensus from everyone I talked to yesterday is that Atascocita is not good. Kobe or no Kobe. And not good is the polite version of what I heard. Anxious to hear silsbee fans’ evaluations after tomorrow.
  8. He is a great perimeter defender. And the hoops schollie isn’t a partial. But you’re right. Kid is an amazing triple jumper.
  9. Kerwin Roach is not very good. I like his defense and his vertical is insane but he needs to play with a “no dunk, no shot” rule. He kills us when he takes an attempt that requires any air under the ball... If we hang on and get the W here, I fear the Duke game tomorrow will be pretty ugly...
  10. I was thinking of Barnes last night watching Yates. He should have a lot of “finishing opportunities” at the backend of that Lion press.
  11. Windmill, 360, any way you want it. Looks like Dennis the Menace and jumps like Dennis Smith, Jr. When we went to NYC last spring, coaches wanted to take him to Rucker Park and take people’s money on different dunks he can do.
  12. Hefner scores but that is far from his best attribute. Offensively, his biggest strength is getting to the paint and finding the open man. I will say this - He might have the most hops of any kid in this district since Drew from Central. I would guess you’re going to love that part of his game.
  13. I had a guy wanting to give me Silsbee +20. Only reason I didn’t take it was I didn’t want to jinx the Tigers
  14. Funny side note: was talking to a mix of non-SETX folks at start of Silsbee game. Told them that I thought Silsbee had the perfect coach in Sigler was to handle to all the talent it’s blessed with. One responded, “I would guess so. Who is talking back to that man??? He scares me and I’m a grown a$& man!” Pretty funny
  15. Yes they did. But maybe only 4 total that will see significant minutes. Tough to match up with a battle-tested team playing its 18th game of the season in your first game with less than half of your players. A lot of folks thought Concordia would blow them out. Impressed but not surprised by Silsbee’s effort.
  16. Not him or that team. The kid I’m talking about was/is very talented and works as hard as anyone. But at least in HS, more times than not it looked like “me” over “team.” And he was dreadful in the second round loss I’m talking about. Central’s loss vs Silsbee’s win in the backend of that double header were a stark contrast. The first was way too much 1 on 5. The second was we’ll take our ten and play whoever you put in front of us.
  17. That’s who I was thinking. Will be a big time addition to an already really good team. Gives you a boost in so many areas. And every team needs one of those “dogs.” The “dogs” are my favorite pieces to the puzzle.
  18. I remember a former Jag Soulja was high on. Almost always led them in scoring. Saw him play many times and it was like fingernails on a chalk board for me. Would go stretches of the game without involving his teammates at all. If he got in trouble, they might get a pass and then he was calling for it back. That was one of the most talented teams I’ve seen in this area. And I was at the second round game where they were eliminated. More of the same... Give me the efficiency stat line over points any day of the week. Factors in all aspects of the game, positive and negative. Points are only one component. If you want to know who the real players are, there’s your formula.
  19. You know, you may be right. Even great coaches may just have a ceiling of average at A&M (Bear, Stallings, etc.). Maybe it’s just the smell, errr Spirit of Aggyland....
  20. [Hidden Content] I don’t know which of the two is more emotionally insecure. Please stop tweeting Lavar Ball. You are not a Kardashian. You are the President.
  21. No but silsbee plays Ozen and Central. As far as Silsbee and Memorial, tough for me to say without seeing Silsbee at full strength. But Memorial looked, very, very good. And they could actually pick up a football player or two.
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