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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Bingo. It’s not PAM’s coach’s job to make Vidor more competitive. It’s the first half for crying out loud of the week before the playoffs. Anyone heard of game reps in football?
  2. Or work on 2 minute drill. Obviously you only get 2 chances at most per week to work on it in game situations. Realistically lucky if you get one. And you aren’t going to do it in a beat down in the 4th quarter. Hate that type of complaining. If you don’t like being down 40 in the second quarter and your opponent in a hurry up, play better defense. (Not intended for you obviously Soulja).
  3. Oh, and without their best player as well.
  4. This team has a chance to be REALLY good. They need to stop spotting people double digit leads to start games though. Kennedy gets a bad rap at times from the home fans IMO. Thought his defensive adjustments tonight were spot on. Got the Ags rolling and the Mountaineers never recovered. And this was almost the equivalent of beating a top 10 team without your starting QB. After seeing Kentucky tonight as well, feel even better about predicting A&M to win the SEC.
  5. Or maybe Don Don and his BFF Putin? Trump was very anti-Moore in the primaries and pro-Luther Strange. Or maybe the little green men are behind this? (no offense REB )
  6. Kind of like someone promising to build a $70B border wall and having someone else pay for it? I know, I know. It’s coming. And the worst part is, he knew it was BS when he said it. Gee, deflecting is fun!
  7. Retired now to the metroplex. But most of his time was in East Texas.
  8. 3) Benghazi - specifically the handling/aftermath 4) At the risk of sounding misogynistic, vindictiveness, much more so than her husband. I personally believe she has orchestrated the use of certain “governmental agencies” as payback/targeting opponents. You realize we can go on for days with these two??
  9. Out of likes but fantastic post. And FYI, I am the son of a SBC minister so I know well of what you speak.
  10. Most deal with honesty thereof (I know, so uncommon in Washington): 1) Whitewater 2) Email/server washing
  11. What deeds of Trump would you consider flawed or down right disgusting?
  12. I would say those points have been made on a regular and consistent basis on this board. In fact, I would say, with no reservation, that one of the two has been bashed much more frequently than the other. And it ain’t Trump. And I’m not criticizing those who have done so nor their convictions in so doing. Nor am I saying that much of it wasn’t well deserved...
  13. The former was a train wreck in Austin and widely considered to be Mack’s worst hire. The latter has been a miracle worker. But by all accounts, Manny was widely liked. Glad he has turned it around and found success in South Beach.
  14. The rest of the board does plenty of that. Even though the election was over a year ago. I provide a service to this board by making it fair and balanced. You know, like Fox News
  15. Here’s something a little more recent from another conservative writer. But don’t let facts get in the way of the narrative... [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  17. From an ultra conservative publication: [Hidden Content]
  18. What about the RINO in the White House?
  19. I think you are confusing exit polls with the pre-election polls. The exit polls told us the reverse and likely reasons why it happened.
  20. I don’t disagree and also didn’t find the results surprising. The exit poll numbers were the most revealing to me. But also don’t disagree with the “it’s too early to declare it a trend.”
  21. And there were multiple GOP candidates I would have been fine with, and even voted for one in the primaries. The thread title was more for effect than anything personal. In fact, I hope the President doesn’t set in motion an overreaction across the mean, which I fear he is capable of doing. Although I like to provide some “balance” to this board (including attempting to stir some of you up), I fully appreciate the importance of the GOP (and more importantly the conservatives) in terms of the fiscal future of this country. At least if they practice what they preach...
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