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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Why would I be offended? Just posting some interesting data that if you look beyond the mere election results, proves interesting but not surprising.
  2. Or LSU getting a coach UT wants. It doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s that THEY believe it. Only in the SEC baby!
  3. In Texas it’s against the law to not report certain felonies and it’s against the law to not report abuse. Neither would apply to a victim though. It is also against the law to make a false report.
  4. We may not always agree but I couldn’t agree more here
  5. On a related matter, some states, including our own, have removed the statute of limitations on these types of offenses. So in this state, Judge Moore could be charged with this offense 40 years after it allegedly occurred. I believe most prosecutors wouldn’t go near such a case with a 10 foot pole but one could if they so chose, thanks to the infinite wisdom (and I say this with every bit of sarcasm I can muster) of our representatives in Austin.
  6. I am with everyone (I think) on this board in condemning such conduct. And you make an excellent point - the accusations are basically pedophilia, which many think is incurable, and even the most optimistic believe it takes extensive therapy. I think we all believe victims should come forward and perpetrators punished. But after 4 decades, how can anyone defend themself other than to say i didn’t do it. And I am guessing there is no video/audio out there of Judge Moore bragging about groping teenage girls.
  7. Northam actually gained ground in the upper middle class to wealthy, educated white voters who have become somewhat of a “swing vote” group in today’s politics while losing ground in the non-college graduate, white voting block. More indication that this election cycle may have followed the Trump Train. [Hidden Content]
  8. In other news, the Tweeter in Chief has declared these election results didn’t actually happen but rather were merely “fake news.” More on this story to come...
  9. Been out of football with an injury. Not sure of his expected return.
  10. They were released on bail but will interesting to say the least from here. Let’s jist say you’re much better off shoplifting in the US. Both are looking at serious jail time in China. Kid is driving a Ferrari and he does this. Beyond stupidity.
  11. They will be very tough. EC will have the coaching advantage as usual though. And next year they will be the team returning everyone, again. They would be a year ahead of schedule if they make it this year but wouldn’t surprise me.
  12. Who was it who predicted Herman to LSU when his agent was obviously using the little tigers as bait? Before they settled and hired Coach Mushmouth? Jimbo ain’t leaving a blue blood program to go to a second tier program unless he’s forced out....
  13. It may not be this year but Sutherland will make another trip to state with this EC group.
  14. Trump has the same chance of being innocent (although he might has as many, if not more accusers) as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby. And Cosby has hung one jury after all. One difference might be that they weren’t caught on camera bragging about sexually assaulting women. But yes, someone could have been paying these women to accuse Trump over the course of a few decades. That is possible I suppose. And it may have been a coincidence that he bragged about doing that of which he has been accused. I clearly never said if more than a couple accuse, it makes anyone guilty. I do believe in logic and the laws of probability in general. The statistics would say a small percentage of women who are assaulted actually come out. But I have found very little logic used in those who believe the opposite. And a heavy dose of denial. Again, it is not news nor a debate I particularly care to have regarding Trump and his treatment of women. It’s not new, nor a shock to those who have known him apparently. What does shock me are those who are intent in burying their heads in varying places in his defense. I guess it is an attempt to make themselves feel better in their support of him? You won’t see me doing the same with Bill Clinton, at least on this subject.
  15. Most are confidential and aren’t disclosable to the public. I know one of the harassment cases was dropped after trump settled a case with the accuser’s boyfriend. I believe another is still pending.
  16. I was kind of surprised he got out on bail. I read where simple shoplifting in China carries penalties of 3-10 years in jail. Yikes. What a couple of numbskulls though.
  17. More from “Stupid Watergate” [Hidden Content]
  18. The Trump Card: [Hidden Content]
  19. This kid is the real deal. Last year’s draft was loaded and I think he would have been the top pick (without the Philly trade). This year, I can’t imagine him going before Bagley, Porter or Ayton. Some legit perennial all stars at the top of this one. Williams from A&M may drop about 10 spots (from where he would have gone if he’d come out) just due to depth. But I think he too will be a solid pro.
  20. AAW is no joke with this. Been watching his picks for a few years now. What I like is he tells before hand what games he takes. Beware of those who tell you after the games how much they won. Unlike me who could always tell you exactly what I lost :/
  21. Team first called cruises floating Walmart’s while you were gone. And that they were for “low lifes trying to live the high life!” It may just be that he’s upset they don’t take camel bucks or Copenhagen lids. Tough to say...
  22. Brown and Bridges are both very good players. This kid has a lot of game and size though.
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